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Установите для обрамленного фрагмента текста отступ слева 10 см, справа 1 см, полуторный межстрочный интервал и курсивное начертание и заливку абзаца бирюзовым цветом.


Within the Excel object model there is a hierarchy of objects. It is important to understand how this hierarchy works because of the implications in referring to objects. In most organizations, there is a hierarchy of jobs, for example. In the armed forces, you have generals of varying grades at the top of the hierarchy, with four-star generals at the very top.

The structure then cascades down to colonels, majors, captains, and lieutenants. Orders are sent down from the top via the command structure. The Excel object model works in a very similar way.

Consider the Application object as the four-star general in charge; a structure that radiates out from the general. The Workbooks collection object could be considered a colonel, with the Worksheets collection object below it a major. Cell range objects would be the captain level.

The hierarchy is very important for issuing commands, and the order in which they are issued must go down the hierarchy. For example, a major cannot give an order to a general or a colonel. The major has to accept orders from generals and colonels, but the major can give orders to captains and lieutenants. In the same way, in the Excel object model, a Worksheet object does not have properties and methods (commands) that apply to the Workbook object or the Application object. You cannot use a Worksheet object and then issue a command to save the workbook.

Сделайте текст, помеченный курсивом, маркированным списком с символом маркера – красное сердечко.

Обрамите абзац, начинающийся со слов The Windows collection represents, двойной красной линией.

Main Properties, Methods, and Collections

These are the main properties, methods, and collections you will use within the Workbook object.

  • Activate

  • ActiveSheet

  • Close

  • HasPassword

  • PrintOut

  • PrintPreview

  • ReadOnly

This object represents all the windows within the Excel application. It is easy to confuse this with the Workbooks collection, but they are not always the same thing. You can open a new window by selecting Window | New Window from the Excel menu. This produces another window with a copy of the existing workbook within it. If you select Window from the Excel menu again, you will see that at the bottom of the menu bar there are now two windows, Book1:1 and Book1:2, but both are based on one workbook.

The Windows collection represents what you see when you select the Window option on the Excel menu, and many of this object's methods relate to the options on the Window menu, such as Split or Freeze Panes.

Добавьте в таблицу две пустых строки в конце и задайте для всей таблицы автоформат Цветной 3.

Operators perform mathematical functions, comparison functions, or logical operations between two numbers or numerical expressions within your program. A simple example of an operator is the plus (+) or minus (–) sign. You will have already come across many operators when using spreadsheet formulas.

Operators have orders of precedence that determine the order in which the calculations take place. Within individual categories (arithmetic, comparison, and logical), operators are evaluated in the order of precedence as shown in the following table from the top down:




Exponentiation (^)

Equality (=)


Negation (–)

Inequality (<>)


Multiplication and division (*, /)

Less than (<)


Integer division (\)

Greater than (>)


Modulo arithmetic (Mod)

Less than or equal to (<=)


Addition and subtraction (+, –)

Greater than or equal to (>=)


String concatenation (&)

Like / Is


These orders of precedence can be changed by using brackets within the formula, in the same way that you can in Excel formulas. The formulas within the innermost nested set of brackets will always be evaluated first.

Разбейте выделенный курсивом текст на три равных по ширине колонки с промежутком между ними 1 см и разделителем


Spreadsheet macro programming has changed enormously within the last 12 years, when we went from text-based macros to VBA. There was also a major change in Office 97, when macros went to VBA worksheet modules in a separate environment accessed via the Visual Basic Editor. It used to be fairly basic: code was entered onto a specially designated worksheet. Although the language was powerful in its own right, it was not a structured language and could certainly not be described as Object-Oriented. The number of commands was limited and a fair amount of ingenuity was required to do certain tasks. The main advantage of it was that it was easy to learn and understand; many programmers cut their teeth initially by writing spreadsheet macros.

However, it was also quite difficult to document and for other programmers to understand, since code could be placed anywhere on the macro spreadsheet, and blocks of code were only defined by a range name. This meant that code could be all over the place and following the flow of the program around the macro spreadsheet could become very complicated. Of course, professional developers could comment their code by using a cell to the right and could organize their code and its placement on the worksheet. However, it was still a complicated and unstructured process. If anyone other than the original author examined the code, it could take days to find out exactly how it worked and what it was doing. Commercial companies frequently found that when the author of a complicated macro left the company, that macro had to be rewritten from scratch because of the time involved in assessing what it was doing.

VBA is extremely different from the old macro language—if the older language is what you are used to, it will involve a total rethinking of how you write and structure your code. The concepts of Object Orientated Programming (OOP) are as different as chalk and cheese to the old macro language, but there is a huge advantage in terms of what you can achieve on a spreadsheet. With Object Orientated Programming you are dealing with the concept of objects. To use an example, the workbook you load is an object. The worksheet where you enter your data is another object. The command bar (menu) across the top is the printer and the screen. All have properties, events, and methods (discussed later in the book). You will start to see Object Oriented Programming in more detail when you reach (“The Excel Object Model”).

Копировать параметры форматирования с абзаца, начинающегося словами «Компания основана в…» на абзац, начинающийся словами «Участником совещания может стать…»

Компания Contoso, Ltd.

Компания основана в 1990 г., чтобы стать постоянным местом встречи профессиональных консультантов по связям с общественностью по всей стране, что позволило бы им организовывать встречи, обмениваться взглядами на общие проблемы бизнеса, влияющие на профессию, и обеспе-чить дальнейшее накопление практического опыта. Основательница компании Contoso, Ltd. Венди Вассе по сей день остается исполнительным директором и продолжает руководить компанией, обеспечивая высокое качество и уровень взаимодействия и оказывая неоценимые услуги всем сотрудникам.

Кждый второй вторник месяца у нас проходят совещания под названием CLnetworks. Формат совещаний CLnetworks подразумевает гибкую повестку дня, которая может включать официальное представление новых членов, краткий организационный обзор и и обмен профессиональным опытом. Встреча проводится квалифицированным специалистом. Для рядовых участников такие встречи – удачная возможность личного общения с приглашенными специалистами.

Участником совещания может стать каждый кто работает в области связей с общественностью. Участники делятся на две категории: полноправные и ассоциированные. Полноправные участники – это лица, у которых не менее 80 % годового дохода составляет оплата услуг и консультаций в области связей с общественностью. Остальные участники считаются ассоциирован-ными. Более подробные сведения вы може-те получить у любого сотрудника компании.

Установить для абзаца, начинающегося со слова «Note», следующие параметры: отступ слева 3 см, обрамление абзаца слева толстой синей сплошной линией, отстоящей на 10 пт от текста, заливку абзаца бледно-голубым цветом, шрифт – Arial, цвет шрифта – индиго.

OK, I'm Ready To Start Writing

Now that you know how to launch MS Word, you are now ready to start creating your document.

But how do you start creating a document?

To create a blank document, you can use the New button on the Standard toolbar or press Ctrl + N on the keyboard. You can also use the Task pane. Click File New. In the New Document task pane, under New, click Blank Document.

Note: If the task pane is not on your screen, it will be displayed when you click on the New command from the File menu.

Do It Yourself With Templates

Another way to create a document is by using a template. Templates are preformatted documents.

Instead of starting with a blank sheet of paper, Word creates each new document by copying a blueprint that contains text and graphics, lines and boxes, and fonts.

As you replace the template's text and graphics with your own words and pictures, your letter or report slowly takes shape a lot faster than if you have to do it all.

Нарисуйте прямоугольник вокруг заголовка «I Want To Have My Own Folder». Залейте его изумрудным цветом, цвет линий – желтый, толщина 3 пт. Отбросьте тень Стиль 6, установите размеры 1,5 на 10 см и поместите прямоугольник за текст.

I Want To Have My Own Folder

By default, when you save your file it will be stored in the My Documents folder; although you can change it by choosing another location (it can be another drive or folder) in the Save in box.

You may store your files in one folder to keep it organized. You can create your own folder where you can save your files. You can also name it any name that you want.

You can create your folder either in the Open or Save As dialog box.

To create your folder, follow these steps.

  1. Open any of the two dialog boxes, either the Open or Save As dialog box.

  2. If you want to put your new folder in other location aside from My Documents, just select the folder or drive in the Save In box or Look In box.

  3. Click the Create New Folder button.

  4. When the New Folder dialog box appears, type the name that you want for your folder then click OK.

  5. Your new folder will be the active folder in the Save In box or the Look In box.

Вставьте в документ первую картинку из ClipArt, найденную по ключевому слову «работа». Задайте для картинки обтекание текстом вокруг рамки, размер 50% от исходного и выравнивание по правому краю.

The Excel Developer

Excel developers can be divided into five general categories, based on their experience and knowledge of Excel and VBA. To varying degrees, this book has something to offer each of them, but with a focus on the more advanced topics. Putting yourself into one of these categories might help you decide whether this is the right book for you.

The basic Excel user probably doesn't think of himself as a developer at all. To basic users, Excel is no more than a tool to help them get on with their job. They start off using Excel worksheets as a handy place to store lists or perform simple repetitive calculations. As they discover more of Excel's functionality, their workbooks become more complex and start to include lots of worksheet functions, pivot tables and charts. There is little in this book for these people; although Chapter 4 Worksheet Design details the best practices to use when designing and laying out a worksheet for data entry, Chapter 14 Data Manipulation Techniques explains how to structure a worksheet and which functions and features to use to manipulate their lists, and Chapter 15 Advanced Charting Techniques, explains how to get the most from Excel's chart engine. The techniques suggested in these chapters should help the basic Excel user avoid some of the pitfalls often encountered as their experience and the complexity of their spreadsheets increases.

The Excel power user has a wide understanding of Excel's functionality, knows which tool or function is best to use in a given situation, creates complex spreadsheets for his own use and is often called on to help develop colleagues' spreadsheets or to identify why colleagues' spreadsheets do not work as intended. Occasionally power users include small snippets of VBA they found on the Internet or created using the macro recorder, but struggle to adapt the code to their needs. As a result, they produce code that is untidy, slow and hard to maintain. Although this book is not a VBA tutorial, the power user has much to gain from following the best practices we suggest for both worksheets and code modules. Most of the chapters in the book are relevant to power users who have an interest in improving their Excel and VBA development skills.

Вставьте гипрессылку на сайт www.intersales.com после слов «Visit us on the Web:» Текст ссылки - Corporate Site.

Вставьте объект WordArt с текстом Ждем Вас! Перед абзацем «Visit us on the Web:»


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The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein.

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Преобразуйте абзацы, начинающиеся с синего текста, в нумерованный арабскими цифрами список. Переместите абзац начинающийся со слова «Clarity» в конец списка.


The choice of where to put the code for an Excel application is rarely straightforward. In anything but the simplest of situations, it is a considered trade-off between numerous factors, including the following:

  1. Complexity How easy will the chosen architecture be to create?

  2. Development How easy will it be to modify the code, particularly in a team environment?

  3. Flexibility How easy is it to add new features?

  4. Reliability Can the results be relied upon? How easily can calculation errors be introduced into the application?

  5. Robustness How well will the application be able to handle application errors, invalid data, and so forth?

  6. Security How easy will it be to prevent unauthorized changes to the application?

  7. Deployment How easy will it be to distribute the application to the end user?

  8. Updates How easy will it be to update the application after it has been distributed and started to be used? One of the most fundamental tenets of application design is that the "program" elements of the application must be physically separate from the "data" it works on.

  9. Clarity How easy will it be for someone other than the author to understand the application?

Преобразовать текст, выделенный курсивом, в таблицу из двух столбцов. Применить к таблице формат Объемный 1, обтекание текстом Вокруг.

Entering Text

When you have a new blank document on your screen you can start creating your document. It can be a letter, a report, or a simple document. See the blinking vertical line on your screen? That's the insertion point. The insertion point tells you that you can start typing and when you type, text will appear on that location.

To enter text, you type as you would using a typewriter. But there are some keys in the keyboard that will help you enter text a lot easier.


What does it do?


Capitalizes a single letter

Caps Lock

all the letters to be typed will be in capital


Begins a new line or paragraph.


The cursor moves at a certain distance.


It is used with other.


Used in combination with other keys

Выполнить следующие действия с таблицей:

  1. Отсортировать таблицу по возрастанию значений в столбце Rate.

  2. Залить первую строку бледно зеленым цветом.

  3. Разместить слово Rate точно по центру ячейки (по вертикали и горизонтали)

  4. Применить к таблице автоформат «Цветной 3»

  5. Выровняйте таблицу по центру страницы (по горизонтали)






The full name of the workbook



The path the workbook was loaded from



The person who built the workbook



True or False, depending on whether the workbook has a password

Выровняйте текст, используя табуляцию:

  • Отметка 2 см, выравнивание по левому краю, без заполнителя

  • Отметка 8 см, выравнивание по центру, с Заполнителем 2

  • Отметка 13 см, выравнивание по разделителю, с заполнителем точками.

Марина директор 1200,1

Иван водитель 30,590

Александр ст.менеджер 340,4

Елена HR 8000,450

Марина директор 1200,1

Иван водитель 30,590

Александр ст.менеджер 340,4

Елена HR 8000,450

Марина директор 1200,1

Иван водитель 30,590

Александр ст.менеджер 340,4

Елена HR 8000,450

Вставьте новый абзац между абзацами, начинающимися со слов «You can add a breakpoint» и «Breakpoints can be toggled».

Добавьте во вставленный пустой абзац поле «Дата и время».

Вставьте знак параграфа перед единицей в заголовке.

§1. Breakpoints

You can add a breakpoint into your code so that your code will halt at that line. You can then use step commands to move through one line at a time and use instant watch to examine variables as the code steps through.

28.02.12 20:26

Breakpoints can be toggled on and off by using F9 or by selecting Debug | Toggle Breakpoint from the menu. They appear as a solid brown circle in the leftmost column of the code window.

If you run the preceding loop example and place a breakpoint on the Loop statement, you will see that every time you click the Run symbol or F5, it stops on the Loop statement.

Добавьте сноску внизу страницы к выделенному подчеркиванием слову. Нумерация – автоматическая, текст сноски – По материалам западной прессы.

Выделите заголовок красным цветом.

Увеличьте отступ слева для абзаца, начинающегося со слов Underneath this sits


The Excel object model is at the heart of using VBA in Excel. It distinguishes programming in Excel from programming in other VBA applications by providing additional commands to access the worksheets and workbooks and by providing all the functionality that the user would normally obtain from the menu structure of Excel. The object model in Microsoft Access, for example, contains commands and objects specifically relating to the database, giving the means to manipulate tables, queries, forms, and reports. In Excel, the whole application is oriented toward a structure of workbooks and spreadsheets, so the object model is written around this. Excel is a three-tier application: the client services tier, the object model, and the data services layer. The usual spreadsheet interface that you view is the client services tier and is the layer that normally communicates with the user.

Underneath this sits the Excel object model. Each time you do something on your spreadsheet, you are issuing commands through the Excel object model. For example, if you open a workbook, the underlying code behind File | Open uses the same functionality as the command Workbooks.Open to open your workbook and add it to the workbooks collection object. Similarly, if you have Calculation set to manual in the Options dialog and are using F9 to recalculate, the same functionality as the command Application.Calculate is used each time you do this. Using the Excel object model and a programming language such as Visual Basic, it's not difficult to develop your own Excel front end with exactly the same functionality as the Microsoft Excel front end. Every menu command and function key on the Microsoft Excel front end is represented within the Excel object model. This is not to say that these are the exact objects that Excel uses itself, but Microsoft has empowered you with all the objects and methods so you can do anything in code that can be done from the Excel menu, and as you will find out in the practical examples later on in this book, a whole lot more besides.

Strangely enough, if you decided to write your own front end, there would be relatively little code to write because all the functionality is contained in the object model. Below the Excel object model sits the data services layer, which holds the data in the spreadsheets and is modified by commands from the Excel object model.

The Excel object model contains a large number of objects—for example, Workbooks, Worksheets, Ranges, Charts, Pivot Tables, and Comments. These Excel objects are discrete entities that offer various pieces of data analysis functionality. Most important, they can be controlled from your code.

Вставьте пустой абзац перед заголовком Saving form data only.

В полученный пустой абзац вставьте код поля «Дата и время».

More about document protection

You can protect a document in several ways by using the Protect Document command on the Tools menu. In addition to protecting everything on a form but its fields, you can select the Forms option and then click the Sections button to protect only sections of the form. You can also protect a document from changes by other people but allow them to add comments by selecting the Comments option. You can allow changes to the document but tell Word to keep track of them by selecting the “Tracked changes” option. And you can assign a password of up to 15 characters that must be entered before Word will unprotect the document. (Note that passwords are case- sensitive).

28.02.12 20:32

Saving form data only

If you want to accumulate the items entered in multiple copies of a form in a database, you can save just the data by clickingOptions on the Tools menu, clicking the Save tab, selecting the “Save data only for forms” check box, and clicking OK. Then on the File menu, click SaveCopy As to have Word create a comma-delimited text file (a text-only file with each item enclosed in quotation marks and separated from adjacent items by commas) that is ready to be imported into a database.

Вставьте перед абзацем, начинающимся со слов Instead of creating, таблицу из файла Журнал.xls, как объект Лист Microsoft Excel без связи.

Personalizing the Text of a Form Letter

The basic premise behind a form letter is that the same text is sent to every recipient. However, with Word you can personalize the text by using conditional statements, which include or change information depending on whether the recipient meets certain conditions. In this procedure, you will explore the use of conditional statements by creating one that controls the printing of an additional sentence in your form letter based on the amount of the recipient’s contribution.

Instead of creating a new main document to demonstrate how to personalize form letters, let’s use the one you’ve already saved. After you have created a main document, you can open and edit it just like any other document. You can add tables, graphs, pictures, and various types of Word fields, including conditional statements. Follow these steps:

Добавьте в документ колонтитулы:

Верхний – дата слева, номер страницы по центру, время – справа.

Нижний – свое имя и фамилия по центру

28.02.12 18 20:37


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