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Examples of British Accent shown in the film

Some quintessentially British words/phrases:

  • Bloke for guy

  • Spot of bother — a little of problem

  • Bollocks! for shit! Darn!

  • Cheers (using cheers as a way to say Thank you)

  • Mate for man or dude or guy. G’day mate!

  • What do we reckon? meaning What’s on your mind?, or what do you think?

  • Loo for bathroom

  • Twat for asshole

  • Arse for ass

  • Ta for thank you

  • Centre and fibre instead of center and fiber

Some Phrasal Verbs (cut)

  • Cut across: To take a shortcut/shortway. Go across a place rather than around it to make the journey quicker.

Example: It'll be quicker if we CUT ACROSS the park.

  • Cut Down: 1. consume less; reduce expenditures (расходы денег/энергии/материалов)

Example: I'm trying to CUT DOWN the amount of coffee I drink during the day.

2. Reduce a vertical thing to ground level by cutting

Example: The logger (лесоруб) CUT the tree DOWN.

  • Cut out: 1. remove using scissors.

Example: She CUT OUT a picture in a magazine.

2. stop doing smth.

Example: I am going to CUT OUT eating between meals

To be cut out for: Be suitable, have the necessary qualities. To be born/made for smth./for doing smth.

Examples: She's not CUT OUT FOR this kind of work.

Some people just weren’t CUT OUT FOR the life on the road.

Cut it out: Stop your unfair or unreasonable behaviour

Example: Will you two idiots CUT IT OUT and keep quiet.

  • Cut in: 1. To interrupt (when smbd. speaking)

Example: We were having a conversation when he came up and CUT IN.

Mind if I cut in? (не возражаете, если я вмешаюсь?)

2. Drive in front of another vehicle without warning. To join traffic dangerously

Example: A car CUT IN and nearly caused an accident.

  • Cut off: 1. Disconnect Example: The telephone's been CUT OFF because we didn't pay the bill.

2. To remove part of smth. by cutting it. (Make no mistake — fingers, arms, legs etc get cut off, whereas tumors (опухоль) and other nasty things get cut out)

3. Isolate or make inaccessible. Stop supplying smth.

Examples: The electricity was CUT OFF. The heavy snow has blocked many roads and CUT OFF a number of villages.

  • Cut up: 1. Cut into smaller pieces

Example: After cutting the tree down, the logger CUT it UP into logs.

2. Drive into a neighbouring lane, directly in front of another vehicle. («Подрезать» на дороге)*

Example: I was just driving onto the motorway slip-road, when a red Mini CUT me UP and I had to brake suddenly to avoid an accident.

* Cut up in this meaning is used in UK (British English). Americans say — cut off (I got cut off; that driver cut me off; etc).

  • Cut back: Reduce. To reduce the amount of smth.

Example: The firm CUT BACK production because sales were sluggish (вялый, застойный).

How do we say things in future?

There are many ways to say things in future. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  1. Using present tense. When decision has been made, arranged or scheduled

  • I am holding an English meeting this evening (next day/tmrw./on Wednesday etc.). — Are you holding a meeting tonight? [more usual for personal arrangements]

  • The bus leaves at 7:30 in the morning (every day). — What time does the bus leave? [for official and scheduled things such as timetables]

  1. - I am going to split you into two groups. — Are you going to split us into two teams? [Indicates intention to implement already made decision]

Often the difference between «I am doing...» and «I am going to...» is very small so either form is acceptable.

Some more examples:

  • Are you working tomorrow?

  • This year I’m giving my dad a gift that he’ll really love. I’m giving him his jumper-cables back.

  • Alan Johnson is joining (is going to join/will join [all acceptable]) us for dinner. You know the novelist. — Yes, I’ve read some of his books. — I am sure you are going to (will) like him. His latest book is coming (going to come/comes) out at the end of this week. If you want, I’m sure he will give you a signed copy.


  1. To spill the beans — If you spill the beans, you reveal a secret or confess to something, you unintentionally reveal (disclose) a secret. Kind of give a secret away.

  2. Red herring (букв. «красная сельдь») — Something that draws attention away from the central issue. Smth. intended to divert (отводить) attention from the real problem; a misleading (вводящий в заблуждение) clue.

  3. To get a gist of smth. — To understand the general meaning of something. Means to understand something, but not to be an expert in it.

  4. Grease smb.’s palm — To make illegal payments to in exchange for favors (благосклонность) or influence. To secretly give someone money in order to persuade them to do something for you.

  5. Hair of a dog — An alcoholic beverage consumed as a hangover remedy. The phrase comes from the expression "hair of the dog that bit you", meaning that the best cure for what ails you is to have some more of it. In ancient times it was literally used to say that if a dog were to bite you, putting the dog's hair into the wound would heal it. "Like cures like". This hangover remedy is not recommended because a) it leads to a bad habit of drinking during the day and b)it doesn't really work very well. Still, this method works about as well as most other hangover remedies.

  6. To do smth. for living — To have a job (occupation or activity) that provides with essential means to live.

  7. To pull smb.’s leg — to tease (дразнить) someone, to deceive someone in a friendly (обманывать, сбивать с толку, (ну или просто разводить)) way.

  8. Smoking gun — Something that serves as indisputable evidence or proof, especially of a crime

  9. To upset smb.’s apple cart — To spoil (испортить) plans or arrangements. To cause trouble and upset people. (Расстраивать чьи-то планы).

  10. Mind your “P’s” and “Q’s” — To look after your business promptly with care and discretion (с осторожностью). To pay attention to the details.

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