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Required Reading

O b l i g a t o r y :

1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – M., 1973, pp. 24-29, 199-235.

2. Ginzburg R.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. – M., 1979, pp. 51-64.

3. . Верба Л.Г. Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та української мов. – Нова книга,2003,с. 54-96

4. Ніколенко А.Г. Лексикологія англійської мови. – Нова книга, 2007.

O p t i o n a l:

1. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка: Учебник для студ. пед. ин-тов по спец. № 2103 «Иностр. яз.». – М.: Высшая школа, 1985, C. 9-34, 142-173.

2. Арбекова Т.И. Лексикология английского языка (Практический курс). М., 1977, С. 120-143.

2. Вердиева З.Н. Семантические поля в современном английском языке. М., 1986.

3. Вимоман В.Г. Английская синонимика. М., 1980.

4. Мостовий М.І. Лексикологія англійської мови. – Х., 1993, C. 114-130, 174-197.

5. Rayevskaya N.M. English Lexicology. Kyev, 1979, pp. 174-220.

Tasks and Exercises

1. Comment on archaisms. Arrange the following archaic words into lexical and grammatical archaisms.

Aught, belike, didst, dost, eke, ere, hast, hath, maiden, naught, quoth, shalt, steed, thee, thou, wert, woe.

2. Translate the following sentences. Pick out obsolete words and comment on them.

1. De Bracy blew his horn three times, and the archers who stood along the wall hastened to lower the dragbridge and admit them (W. Scott). 2. Locksley, for such was the name of this yeoman, readily took part in the archery contest and won the prize (W. Scott). 3. Their triumph was announced by the heralds, the trumpeters and shouts of the spectators (W. Scott). 4. Each touched with the reverse of his lance the shield of the antagonist whom he wished to oppose (W. Scott). 5. A narrow space between these galleries and the lists was occupied chiefly by the yeomanry and the burghers (W. Scott). 6. On the platform beyond the southern entrance were placed the five magnificent pavilions of the five knights who were the challengers (W. Scott). 7. At each of these gates stood two heralds, attended by six trumpets and a strong body of men-at-arms (W. Scott). 8. He looked like a strolling minstrel, for he carried a harp in his hand, which he played, while his sweet tenor voice sang a merry love-song (W. Scott).

2. Group the following neologisms as to the ways of their formation. Consult the dictionary and comment on their meaning. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

Agro-industrial, audio-lingual, backpacker, beach, wagon, biotelemetry, black bluster, black shirt, by-time, chauffeuse, ecocide, ecogeography, epoxy, ethnoscience, facepack, hairstylist, halfday, listen-in, microcopy, microcomputer, vitaminize, wonder, boy, work-fellow, to adultify, alffluenza, Amerenglish, to arm-twist, arrestee, to awfulize, to babynap, bezzle, can-do, co-ims, to disimprove, eyeprint, gimmie, gloomster, gofer, illiterature, JIT, kissy, mechatronics, picturesome, pol, to quietize, to reschedule, squaerial, suspenser, to unimpress, white-knuckle.

3. Make distinction between neologisms and occasional words. Pick out occasional words from the following sentences.

1. The theory is getting less and less defensible. 2. I can’t speak on TV, I’m camera shy. 3. They accused the Administration spokesman of trying to sloganize the country out of the economic decline. 4. There are many men in London who have no wish for the company of others. It is for the convenience of such people that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now contains the most unsociable and unclubbable men in town. 5. He was wived in Texas, and mother-in-lawed, and uncled, and aunted.

4. Classify the following words into root words, derivatives, compounds and compound derivatives.

Writer, disappointment, deaf-mute, boyishness, break, wonderful, tree, book, unknown, notebook, egg, go, handbook, re-write, high, bald-headed, cry, well-dressed, railroad, highly, black, effect, morphologically, superman, open-hearted, honey-mooner, blackness, chocolate, good, readable, student, root-word, effective, classification, toy, compare, theatre-goer, accordingly, unpleasant, bookworm, classroom, highlight, blackboard, high-priced.

5. Arrange the following words in hierarchical series, using tree diagrams:

furniture, desk, chair, bed;

lecture, speech, ovation, sermon;

relative, person, uncle;

carrots, vegetable, food;

automobile, vehicle, sports car, sedan.

6. Describe some of the differences of emotive meanings in the following sets of words:

mother / mom;

father / daddy;

policeman / pig;

hell / Gehenna.

7. Find cases of meaning equivalence in the following sentences.

1. He is still spry at eighty: very lively and nimble. 2. The space ship was the peak, the top, the absolute culmination of space-splitting speed. 3. “Why did you make a face?” “It’s that scent. I find it a bit too much. It’s – well – ” “Well! What is it?” “I fancy indecent is the word I’m groping for.” “It happens to be the most exclusive perfume on the market.” 4. On the surface he was exactly what she wanted in a son. Tall, fair, good-looking, athletic, but not a bore, conventional, but not a prig, with good taste, but not in any way ‘arty’. 5. Death alters everything. Death changes all. 6. I drifted back slowly into the pleasant void of sleep where there weren’t any aches or pains. 7. To queries she was always ‘not so great’ – an unspecified lack of health rather than any positive illness. 8. They were really furnished apartments, but the lady always referred to them as a flat. 9. A lapse of the ling. A slip of the tongue. 10. Dorchester is a delightfully peaceful place, nestling in stillnes and silence and drowsiness. 11. I did indeed propose a personal interview, my dear Master, but I ought to have begged, entreated, beseeched it. 12. I shrieked, Harris roared; George waved his hat, and yelled back.

8. Find antonyms for the words given below. Classify the words into affixal (derivational) and root (absolute) antonyms. Translate the antonyms into Ukrainian.

Alike, alive, big, black, clean, clever, darkness, to die, dry, enemy, evil, ti give, good, joy, to laugh, life, light, to love, narrow, old, to open, poor, quick, to reject, right, sad, slowly, strong, ugly, wet, wide, young.

Active, artless, attentive, careful, convenient, descend, disarrange, discord, downstairs, employed, fruitful, immature, impossible, misunderstand, order, outlet, painful, polite, pre-war, selfish, successful, underestimate, unknown, useless.

9. Express the contrary meaning by using antonyms. State whether they are absolute or derivational.

1. All the seats were occupied. 2. The room was lighted by the strong rays of the sun. 3. A lamp is a necessary thing in this room. 4. The little boy was outside the car. 5. He drew a crooked line. 6. The lesson seemed to be long and difficult. 7. On the tray there was a jug of cold water. 8. The coach was empty of passengers. 9. Around the garden ran a high wall. 10. The book looked dull. 11. They chose a cheap restaurant. 12. He was tall. 13. He opened the door. 14. He was sad again.

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