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Section 2 Customs Documentation

Step 1

Word bank

  1. air waybill - авиагрузовая накладная, авиационный коносамент

  2. Bill of lading - коносамент, морская (трамспортная) накладная

  3. cargo processing - обработка груза

  4. cash flow - баланс оборотных средств

  5. certificate of origin - сертификат происхождения

6) сlear (clearance) - уплачивать пошлину; очищать (товары) от пошлин

таможенная очистка, растаможивание, уплата пошлин

  1. CMR form - транспортная накладная (Си-Эм-Ар-форма)

  2. commercial invoice - коммерческий инвойс, счет-фактура

  3. consignment (consigner, consignee) - партия отправленного или прибывшего товара, груз (грузоотправитель, грузополучатель)

10) deferment – отсрочка

  1. delay - задержка, приостановка; простой

  2. DHL mail - экспресс-почта

  3. in full – полностью

  4. mark and number of package - маркировка и нумерация груза

  5. packing list - упаковочный список

  6. release the goods - снять арест с товара; «выпустить», «растаможить» товар.

Task 1. Read the following words, mark the stress on each word: accompany, affect, captain, carrier, commerce, contact, control, delay, exporter, occur, processing, relevant, storage, vessel

Task 2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

a) cargo, carriage, certificate, clearing, compulsory, consignee, consignment, consignor, dimension, European, forwarder, freight, frequently, haulier, identify, invoice, issue, issue, origin, receipt, sign, signature, throughout, unique, weight

b) authority, cleared, consequence, deferment, demurrage, double, equipment, immediately, insurance, load, machinery, original, permit, punctual, reinforcement, required, seize, turnaround, unavoidable, warehouse

Task 3. Match up Customs documents and their descriptions: a commercial invoice, a packing list, the Bill of lading, the CMR, a customs declaration.

1) contains customs duties and taxes calculated and entered on the form,

2) contains the name of shipping line,

3) contains the marks and numbers of the packages, the price and terms of sales,

4) contains number and kind of package,

5) contains a statement about the origin of the goods,

6) contains all the relevant information about the load and the details of the trailer and the carrier,

7) contains the net and gross weight,

8) contains details of shipment,

9) contains the names, addresses and other information about the consignor and the consignee and a full description of the goods,

10) the full dimensions of the package.

Step 2

Text work

Task 4. Find out the difference between cargo-processing and passenger-processing. Try to find as many differences and similarities as possible.

Task 5.

A. Translate the Russian words in the following text into English. Use prompts after the text if it is necessary.

B. Check (and add if necessary) your answers for Task 10 with information from this text.


Usually when people think of таможня they think of пассажир processing. That is our public image. But most of the доход and the largest enforcement actions occur in груз processing.

Таможенники speak of "working cargo" as if it were a distinctly different работа from "clearing" пассажиры. They are alike, however, in that we are actually only interested in the things being imported, whether as багаж or as груз. They are alike also in that the admissibility or dutiability of items is the same: if an item is запрещен in багаж then it is запрещен in груз; if it is free in багаж then it is also free in груз. Nevertheless there are различия. The major различие is that the things imported in багаж accompany a пассажир, while all cargo is несопровождаемый. It is brought into the country by a carrier. Some of the exemptions in passenger processing also apply in cargo situations, but others do not. Detailed процедуры will vагу according to the обстоятельства, but the fundamental patterns of груз processing are identical in every ситуация.

Prompts: baggage; cargo; circumstances; Customs; Customs inspectors; differences; job; passenger; prohibited; revenue; situation; unaccompanied.

Task 6. Match up Russian and English equivalents. Make up your own sentences with them.

1) маркировка и нумерация груза

a) load

2) условия продажи

b) the marks and numbers of the package

3) нумерация и тип упаковки

c) gross weight

4) вес нетто

d) shipment

5) объём каждого упаковочного места

e) the full dimensions of each package

6) судоходная линия

f) terms of sale

7) груз (автотранспорте или в контейнере)

g) the net weight

8) груз (на любом транспортном средстве); партия товара

h) number and kind of package

9) вес брутто

i) shipping line

Task 7. Ask questions in English to which the following Russian sentences are the answers:

1. Одним из основных документов, используемых во внешнеэкономической деятельности при транспортных операциях, является коммерческий инвойс.

2. Он содержит все необходимые сведения об отрави­теле и получателе груза, а также данные о маркировке и нуме­рации груза, стоимости товара и условиях запродажи.

3. Упаковочный лист состоит из детального описания со­держимого поставки; нумерации и типа упаковки, веса нетто и брутто, всех параметров и суммарного объема каждого упако­вочного места.

4. Сертификат обычно ввыдается торговыми палатами.

Task 8. Translate into English:

1. Документация на экспорт не является сложной. Документы, требуемые как для импорта так для и экспорта, включают в себя коммерческий инвойс, упаковочный список, сертификат происхождения, транспортная накладная, коносамент и авиагрузовая накладная. Первые три формы заполняются грузоотправителем, остальные три формы должны быть заполнены перевозчиками.

2. Сертификат происхождения — это документ, удостове­ряющий, что данный импортируемый товар изготовлен в дан­ном месте. Этот сертификат позволяет таможенным органам определить, следует ли классифицировать товар согласно преференциальному тарифу. Выдается он обычно торговыми палатами.

Task 9. Fill in: carrier (2), consignee, exporter, haulier (2), sender (2), trailer.


The CMR is normally completed by the … and available for signature by the … when the goods are collected. The CMR will contain all the relevant information about the load and the de­tails of the … and the … . The first copy of the CMR remains with the …, the second accompanies the goods and the third is retained by the … . Upon the charge of the goods, the … will be asked to sign the CMR. There is space on the CMR for the … (or importer) to add any information which might assist the … .

Task 10. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs.

The bill of lading

The bill of lading (be) one of the oldest documents used in interna­tional trade. Bills of lading (use) to be issued either by shipping lines or by freight forwarders and also by the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA). All Bs/L (be) fairly similar in appearance, the only difference (be) the name of the shipping line stated at the top. Details of the shipment (appear) in the body of the document with the space for signatures' at the bottom. The reverse side is filled with the detailed description of the conditions of car­riage which (become) important when something (go) wrong.

Task 11. Open the brackets using active or passive forms of the verbs.


There (be) one more specific export/import document, which (introduce) in January 1988 and (replace) many of the existing cus­toms forms. It (call) the Single Administrative Document (SAD) that (act) as a customs declaration. The SAD (use) throughout the European Community and, apart from language differences, all mem­ber states of the EC (use) the same form. The SAD (be) an eight-part document which (accompany) the goods from door to door; some parts of this form (fill) by the exporter, some by the freight forwarder at the time of export and other parts — by the freight forwarder handling the import.

Task 12. Translate in written form (try not to use the dictionary).


Every mode of transport has its own specific document which remains the same irrespective of the method of transportation. For air transport it is the air waybill, referred to as the AWB, while for sea transport it is the bill of lading shortened frequently to the B/L. For international road freight, the consignment note completed by the haulier is the CMR note.

Task 13. Read and translate the text. Sum up all new information about bills of lading.

Three main functions of the Bill of lading

The B/L serves to fulfill three main functions. Its first function is to act as a receipt of goods as it will include full details of the number of packages at the description of the goods. The B/L is also the contract of carriage between the shipper and the shipping line. The bill is completed after the ship has left the port, as only then can the shipping line complete the parts of the bill regarding the name of the vessel and the sailing date. The third function of the B/L is as a document of title. This means that anyone who presents the B/L can take delivery of goods.

Task 14. Answer the following questions:

1. What modes of transportation do you know?

2. What are the specific documents for each mode of transpor­tation?

3. By whom are bills of lading issued?

4. What is the only difference in their appearance?

5. How should the bill of lading be filled?

6. What functions does the bill of lading fulfill?

7. By whom is the CMR completed?

8. What information does the CMR contain?

9. What document was introduced in 1988?

10. Where does SAD function?

11. Of how many pans does SAD consist?

12. By whom are the different parts of SAD filled in?

Step 3

Talking points

Task 15. Look through the text «The air waybill» and explain if the following statements are true, false or absent in the text.

1. The air waybill is used for goods which are brought by planes only.

2. The air company or air carrier must fill in the air waybill.

3. The air waybill is a document of title.

4. The bill of lading acts as a consignment note.

5. The goods are identified with the help of the number in the top right-hand corner of the air waybill.

6. The customer must give you the air waybill as soon as possible.

7. The waybill is as a consignment note and an accounting document.

The air waybill

The air waybill is used for all airfreight; it is completed either by the airline or the airfreight forwarder who will establish the document. Unlike the bill of lading, the air waybill is not a document of title; it acts as a consignment note. The number in the top right-hand corner is unique and is used to identify the goods at all stages of their journey as well as when they are collected by the consignee, so it is important to let your customer have the air waybill number as soon as possible. The waybill is also used as an accounting document with charges added as the goods move through various stages of their journey.

Task 16. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue:

a) between a customs officer and an exporter about special documentation required for export;

b) between two exporters about previous (or possible) difficulties with customs documentation.

Task 17. Work in a team (of 3-4 people). Imagine all possible errors in Customs documents and their consequences. Discuss them with other teams.

Task 18. Choose any role and be ready to act out as a Customs officer and a businessman. Discuss the following situation: a businessman is going to export or import some goods and needs an advice on necessary procedures (use any goods and foreign countries you like).

Step 4


Task 19. Using the internet find the information on the following topics. Prepare a presentation on the topic:

1) articles prohibited for import into the USA (UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand);

2) restrictions on import and export in the USA (UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).