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Text Clinical psychology as a future profession (www.Wikipedia.Com)

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

to establish – основывать

human service – социальное обеспечение

public welfare – общественное благосостояние

juvenile – подросток, юноша

abuse – злоупотребление

to enable – давать возможность

required – необходимый, обязательный

assessment – оценивание (качества, эффективности)

Clinical psychology as a future profession

Over the years VolSMU has become the centre providing higher medical education to the whole Volgograd Region. It has established a new faculty to train specialists within the field of human services including public welfare, rehabilitation, day care for children, medical care, juvenile and adult corrections, senior services, alcohol and drug abuse, employment and training service, education and so on. All these activities as well as many others may be related to clinical or mental health problems. Clinical Psychology is a developing profession in a changing environment that enables to treat them successfully. Any young men who have the motivation and ability to become a psychologist can enter the faculty of Clinical Psychology founded in 2004. The study program lasts for 5 years and is mostly aimed at giving students the knowledge and skills integral to their future profession as well as the ability to independently and critically analyze and solve problems. During the first 2 years students are taught theoretical subjects such as Philosophy, History, Medico-Social Basis of Health and others. Senior students must acquire the knowledge and skills essential for profession of a psychologist mastering such as Psychological functions and the Biological bases of Behavior, Psychological Assessment and treatment, Research Methods in Psychology, etc. Practical training and laboratory work are integral parts of the education from very beginning. The required level of knowledge is high. The assessment of a student’s knowledge is on individual basis. The students who have successfully completed the educational program are awarded a Diploma in Psychology. Psychologists work mainly within the health care field at schools and hospitals etc.

  1. Translate the words into Russian and say, if they have the same meaning:

faculty, specialists, rehabilitation, clinical psychology, motivation, integral, critically analyze, theoretical subjects, philosophy, history, diploma, hospital.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

готовить специалистов в области социального обеспечения, дневной стационар, исправительные учреждения для подростков, центр занятости, изменяющаяся окружающая среда, программа обучения направлена на обучение студентов, способность анализировать и решать проблемы, старшекурсники приобретают знания и навыки, получить диплом.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

the centre providing higher medical education, to train specialists within the field of human services, medical care, alcohol and drug abuse, a developing profession in a changing environment, to have the motivation and ability to become a psychologist, students are taught theoretical subjects, to acquire the knowledge and skills essential for profession.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What specialists are trained at the faculty of Clinical Psychology?

  2. When was the faculty of Clinical Psychology founded?

  3. How long does the study program last?

  4. What subjects do the students study?

  5. Where do clinical psychologists work?

  1. Retell the text.

3. Работа над грамматикой.

Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous (Murphy Unit 1, 3, 4, 6, 19, 23)

Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect (Murphy Unit 7 – 10, 13 – 16)

  1. Информативное чтение.

Великие медики

Text De Usu Partium

предтекстовые задания: ввести лексику for the sake of; abundance; to maintain, to go without, obstacle to, suffocation, astonishing value

послетекстовые задания: упр. 3-6, стр. 27-28

Text Avicenna

  1. предтекстовые задания: упр. 1-2, стр. 31

  2. послетекстовые задания: упр. 3-6, стр. 32-33

Text Jane Addams (www.wikipedia.com)

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

spinal curvature – искривление позвоночника

boarding school – школа-интернат

hull – корпус

uninspiring – неинтересный

vigor – сила, энергия

settlement house – колония, поселение

two-fold – двойной, парный

issue – проблема, дело

notoriety – дурная слава

regain – восстановление, возвращение

courtyard – внутренний двор