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  1. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

  • МЭВМ была задумана С. А. Лебедевым и являлась моделью Большой Электронной Вычислительной Машины.

  • В процессе ее создания была проявлена очевидная целесообразность преобразования ее в маленький ком­пьютер.


н foreign





машины нового поколения

lilt* third yi'iicration of i Hinputers

  • С. А. Лебедеву было предложено стать директором Института Энергетики в Киеве.

  • С осени 1948 Лебедев руководил своей лабораторией по направлению создания МЭВМ.

  • С осени 1951 машина выполняла комплекс программ.

  1. Составьте свои предложения со следующими сло­восочетаниями:

  • a small computer

  • a model of a Big Electronic Computing Machine

  • a department of heat-and-power engineering

  • a computer science

  • automated devices

  • a practical creation

  • a complex program

  1. Найдите в тексте предложения с пассивным за­логом. Выпишите их в тетрадь. Определите форму пас­сивного залога.

  2. Составьте диалог о происхождении первой моде­ли компьютера, используя слова и выражения из уп­ражнения 10.

  3. Подготовьте доклады о последних моделях ком­пьютера.

TEXT № 8

  1. Активные слова





и computen- /ulion

niiii'hines of a new generation

третье поколение компьютеров


The great accumulated experience in creating computers, the profound comparison of our domestic achievements with the new examples of foreign computer technique prompted the scientists that it is possible to create the computing means of new generation meeting the world standards.

The computerization of national economy was considered as one of the most essential tasks.

The decision to create the United system of computers — the machines of new generation on integrals.

A decision concerning the third generation of computers (their structure and architecture) was to be made in the USSR in the late 60s.

iln Ministry of I lirironic Industry




But instead of making the decision based on the scientific grounds concerning the future of the United system of computers the Ministry of Electronic Industry issued the administrative order to copy the IBM-360 system.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  • Who proceeded from quite a favorable situation in the country?

  • What is a decision to create the United system of computers?

  • Who was the first to create the families of computers?

  1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык.

The main fault of the 70s or the years of "might-have-been hopes"

The great accumulated experience in creating computers, the profound comparison of our domestic achievements with new examples of a foreign computer technique prompted the scientists that it is possible to create computing. It means a new generation meeting the world standards. Many outstanding Ukrainian scientists of that time — Lebedev, Dorodnitsin, Glushkov and others had the same opinion. They proceeded from quite a favorable situation in the country. The computerization of national economy was considered as one of the most essential tasks. It was the decision to create the United system of computers — the machines of a new generation on integrals.

The USA were the first to create the families of computers. In 1963-64 the IBM Company worked out the IBM-360 system. It comprised the models with different capacities for which a wide range of software was created.

A decision concerning the third generation of computers (their structure and architecture) was to be made in the USSR in the late 60s. But instead of making the decision based on the scientific grounds concerning the future of the United system of computers the Ministry of Electronic Industry issued the administrative order to copy the IBM-360 system. The

Innders of the Ministry did not take into consideration the opinion of the leading scientists of the country.

Despite the fact that there were enough grounds for thinking the 70s would bring new big progresses, those years were the Mtep back due to the fault way dictated by the highest authorities I'rom above.

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