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The Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine

The State Administration of Communication


named after A.S.POPOV

Department of Communication Networks

Complex Assignment:

„Communication network”

On theme: „Synthesis and Analysis Elements of Telecommunication Networks”

Kutsenko Vladislav

Group TE – 3.01

variant 64

Odessa 2012


  1. Construct all forms of model representation of the original telecommunications network (graph, as well as discrete forms of representation of the graph), and lead them, providing the necessary comments.

  2. Synthesis of subscriber access network

  1. Construct a cable network subscriber access to which is provided at least cost to the linear structure. As the distance matrix to use a matrix of weights obtained when performing a task, considering the values ​​of the weights of the edges as the distance in kilometers. Missing values ​​of the elements of the matrix of weights should be considered as an infinitely large distances, ie impossibility of physical cabling between some pairs of points. The cost per kilometer of line structures in all areas of the same and equal to $ 10

  2. he synthetic network, which provides a minimum value of linear structures, to determine the point at which it is advisable to place the reference unit (OU), subscriber access network in terms of minimizing the total length of subscriber lines from the OC to all subscriber points (AP). For the synthetic networks to construct a matrix of distances between all the paths connecting points of the subscriber network, which should be used as input data for solving this problem.

  3. For organizations with a fixed subscriber radio access network to provide the choice location of the base station (BS), which provides steady radio at a relatively low-power radio transmitter.

  4. The explanatory note setting goals lead in the form of verbal and mathematical models, the results of their decisions, the appropriate version of the original data, and a discussion of how their decisions.

3. Synthesis of inter-node communication network

    1. dentify the contour of minimal length, combining the key points of the telecommunications network in the Ring Road.

    2. The solution and explanation to him to put in an explanatory note.

      1. Construction of block matrices

4.1. Build routing matrix for each node in the network, providing choice of the mainstream, and two workarounds in the preparation of the connecting paths from this node to all others.

For the main direction (the path of choice) should be used for the shortest distance path from node s (s = 1, ..., n) in the remainder of the network. For the roundabout (second and third ways of choice) - the shortest transit path for the maximum transit T0 = 2. If there are multiple paths of equal transit should be preferred path, the shortest in length.

To determine the paths of shortest length as the original matrix of the lengths of lines connecting the nodal points of the network, use the matrix of weights, and to find ways of minimal transit - the adjacency matrix.

4.2 The explanatory note to bring a general formulation of the problem (the verbal model), the results of solutions and corresponding explanations.

5. Evaluation of network bandwidth between a pair of points

5.1 Determine the bandwidth between a pair of points of the network, whose numbers correspond to the two last digits of your student card.

Determination of the minimum cross section it is advisable to perform on a computer, given the large number of sections viewed.

5.2 The explanatory note to bring the general formulation of the problem, the result of its decision and an explanation for it.

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