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9. What do you think will happen when the world runs out of metals? Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) to answer this question.


These tasks can help you to practice Past Simple Passive. Read grammar rules on p.170-173 and then do the exercises.

10. In the following sentences underline the verbs and decide if they are active or passive.

  1. Strain was defined as the amount of distortion (extension or compression) that takes place per unit of length.

  2. Stability is the ability to resist changes in shape and size over time.

  3. Force caused material to become stressed.

  4. Geothermal energy was produced below the earth's surface.

  5. The main sources of greenhouse gas emissions include fossil fuel generating by plants and transportation vehicles.

  6. Manufacturers chose plastic containers for many different reasons.

  7. Oil was formed in underground rocks millions of years ago.

11. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive, as in the example.

Example: Romans cremated Julius Caesar’s body 2,000 years ago.

Julius Caesar’s body was cremated 2,000 years ago.

  1. Primitive man found metals free in nature.

  2. They changed the shape of material by rolling.

  3. Someone warped this wooden thing.

  4. If someone mixed tin with copper the resulting substance would be harder.

  5. The Egyptians and Assyrians made some use of iron a number of centuries before our era.

  6. Scientists developed methods for separating iron from its ores in reasonably large quantities and at fairly low cost.

  7. They deformed cold plastic by bending.

12. Complete the following report of an accident which happened in a factory with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

On Friday morning at 9.25 a worker in the chemical plant (a) ….. ( to find) by female colleague. He (b) ….. (to lie) on the floor. His colleague (c) ….. (to check) that he (d)….. still ….. (to breathe) and then (e) ….. (to call) the emergency services. The injured man (f) ….. (to take) to hospital where he later (g) ….. (to recover). An investigation at the factory (h) ….. (to find) that a bottle containing a dangerous chemical liquid (i) ….. (to leave) open. Vapour from the liquid (j) ….. (to escape) into the air. While he had been working in the room he (k) ….. (to become) unwell. He (l) ….. (to become) drowsy and then (m) ….. (to fall) unconscious. Investigating officers are interviewing everyone who (n) ….. (to work) in the factory that morning.

Unit 13


      1. Work in pairs. Take turns to give examples of everyday use of numbers in our lives. Look at the pictures and say the time.

      1. How are numbers classified? Give examples of rational and irrational numbers.


      1. Read the text and find the expressions which mean:

  1. the totality of the rational and irrational numbers;

  2. a positional numeral system employing 10 as the base and requiring 10 different numerals, the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and a dot (decimal point);

  3. the positive and negative integers and fractions, and the number 0.

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