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2.2. Exercises 2.doc
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190 Mixed combinations used in a connected passage peg chapter 38

Complete the passage, using suitable combinations.

We (1) ... ... early and had breakfast at 7.30. After breakfast my sister Alice (2) ..... (washed the dishes) while I got out the car. We (3) ..... (began our journey) at 8.30 and drove first to Mr Pitt's house to (4) ..... (collect) his son Tom who was coming with us. Tom had never met my niece Ann and I wasn't sure how the two children would (5) .. ... . But I needn't have worried, for it (6) ... ... (was revealed) that they had a lot of interests in common and seemed quite pleased with each other. Even my sister, who doesn't usually (7) ..... (like) small boys, (8) ..... (was attracted by/liked at first meeting) him from the first. She whispered to me that he had very good manners and had obviously been well (9) .. ... . Tom also pleased her very much by (10) ..... (indicating) various interesting buildings as we drove through the town. Ann, however, was not much impressed by this and clearly thought that Tom was just (11) ..... (displaying his knowledge).

Suddenly Alice said, 'Good heavens! I forgot to (12)... ...the iron. We'll have to go back or it will start a fire and (13) ..... (destroy by fire) the house.' I said, 'Let's try to (14)... ... (telephone) our neighbour, Mr Smith, first and see if he can get into the house and (15). . . . . . the iron.' 'But he won't be able to ^. . .. .. (enter), said Alice. The house is (17) .... .... .

'Then he'll have to (18) ..... (enter by force),' I said. 'Better to have a window broken than let the house (19) . . . . . in flames.'

So I (20)... ... (telephoned) Mr Smith, who said that he'd (21) ..... the matter. I (22) ..... (waited, holding the receiver) while he went to do this, and very soon I heard his voice saying, 'It's all right. I (23) ..... (entered) through a window you'd left open and (24) ..... the iron. No damage was done.'

I thanked him warmly and we (25) ..... (continued) with our journey, much relieved.

We stopped at 1.00, (26) . . . . . . of (left) the car and picnicked by the side of the road. Alice was just (27) ..... (offering to each of us) the sandwiches when a police car (28) ..... (stopped) beside us.

'You mustn't park here,' said the policeman. It's a clearway.' I explained that I was a foreigner, so he said, 'Well, I'll (29) . . . you . . . (overlook the offence) this time, but don't do it again. You mightn't (30) ... ... ... (escape unpunished) it another time.'

My sister was rather (31) ..... (annoyed) by this incident but I explained that these regulations were necessary and we must (32) ... ... ... (endure/bear patiently) them.

Tom was very impressed by the police car. He (33) ... ... ... (respects) all policemen and hopes to be one when he (34) ... ... (becomes an adult). He is already (35)... ... ... (anticipating with pleasure) driving round in a fast car (36)... ..... (seeking) lawbreakers.

Poor Tom likes fast cars and was rather (37) ..... (bored/disgusted) because so many cars (38) .. ... ... (drew level with) us and passed us. As we listened to the sound of their engines (39) ..... (diminishing) in the distance he said, 'Next time I go out with you I'll come on my bicycle. I'm sure I'll be able to (40). .. ... ... (remain abreast of) you, you go so slowly.'

However we did (41) ... ... (arrive at) Stratford in the end and went to the house of

a friend, who had promised to (42) .. . .. us... (give us accommodation) for the night. We tried to get seats for the Memorial Theatre but they were (43) ..... (all sold) so we spent the evening sitting by the fire and (44) ... ..... (discussing) our day.

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