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P art 1

Lesson 1

Are we becoming computer freaks? Is it a craze (mania)? Is it addiction or future job?

A) Look at the titles & say what they mean & express you self to the titles


Remember: Computers are to serve us - not to replace

D) Speculate about What developments in technology do you think computers will bring in the future?

E) Sum up the ideas up mentioned in the discussion in writing

( Remember to include either «for» or «against» arguments. )

Type your speech using variant fonts , prints, & colours.

What do you use your computer for?

How much time do you spend on your computer ?

Why so much or so little?

What is your parents' attitude to the computer (you spend so much time on computer) (is your mother grumbling at your sitting at computer)

Do you support your computer yourself or do take to the repair's

What are your favourite games

How many kinds of computer games can you name ( Explain their differences) ( shoot'em-up, walk-through, role-playing games (RPG), intellectual games)

B) Render the article & express yourself on the problem raised in the article ( Discuss the lexical units that are necessary to transform the idea of the article

Read the following the words & presuppose their meaning

to get over

public health authorities

psychological (psychology)

to grow excited


keenness on computer games




he longs ( for smth.; to do smth.)

to tamper with the problem

to solve the problem

Read the article & to guess the meaning of these words

Когда жизнь – игра.

Как преодолеть зависимость от компьютера и выбраться из замкнутого круга

Несколько лет назад Всемирная организация здравоохранения зарегистрировала психическое заболевание — игроманию. Гомо людус (человек играющий) постоянно стремится ощутить чувство азарта. Так где граница между увлечением и болезненной зависимостью? Этот вопрос особенно беспокоит родителей, чьи дети пропадают у компьютера, сражаясь с виртуальными монстрами. Как любой недуг, игромания имеет несколько стадий. Пока еще не поздно.

Вначале возникает любопытство, затем без игры жизнь становится скучной и неинтересной, ну и, наконец, появляется полная зависимость. Игромания не щадит ни детей, ни взрослых. Известный британский психолог, исследующий природу явления, объясняет: зависимые люди используют компьютер для бегства от личных проблем. Многие его пациенты — подростки с низкой самооценкой и зрелые мужчины, пережившие в юности психологические травмы.

Чтобы избежать войны с собственным ребенком, попытайтесь понять, почему его так тянет к монитору. Возможно, ему не хватает общения, есть проблемы с одноклассниками и т.д. В особо тяжелых случаях на помощь придет психолог. Главное — не запускать проблему, закрывая глаза на происходящее, а вовремя решить ее.

  • Render the article

> What should be done to solve the problem of this severe addiction to computer games

A) Say what your attitude to computer is

B) Read what teenagers think about computers. How do they use them?

Martin (Melbourne, Australia):

I really enjoy writing programmes. It sounds difficult. But even an eight-year-old can write a simple programme. One of my programmes can play chess. It can beat my Mum. She's an excellent chess-player. I sometimes write games. "Scramble" is my latest word game - a bit like a crossword puzzle. You get points for each letter. Irs simple - but it works.

Patric (Dublin. Ireland):

Don 4 call it a craze. Ok, computer games are quite new & it is a cool activity. Now they are with us for ever. Kids are always going to play computer games.

I have a games computer, a Sega Magadrive. But now I usually play on my Mum's computer. It's a PC - "a personal computer". The games are more complicated and interesting.

Look at this one - Helicopter Attack. First you plan your attack. The plan is a very important part of the game. You choose your missiles and lots of other things. You can go over the desert, the forest or the sea. You have radar. And listen to the sound effects -just like a real helicopter!"

C) Give your own definitions to the following : computer games, computer programme, craze

> Can you call yourself a computer freak

> What do people like about computer games ( Get ideas in pairs)

> What do you like about computer games : strategy, reality , just the process, the idea of winning , sound effects & etc

> How long , on average, do you play computer game before you get bored with it

> Is Playing computer games expensive ( Do you prefer to buy games on her own or to be given games as presents

> How do we call teenagers who are crazy about computer games ( gamers)

D) Discuss the good & bad points of the computer games , them with the rest of the class, put a list of good & bad points on the board (imagine yourselves being parents what would you say to your children)

Good points

Great time spending( exciting) (educational)

You learn about computers

Reactions get faster

Useful skiu if you want to be a computer programmer

Important for you

Too much free time

Bad points

Lack of communications skills

Leads to problems with the health( bad for eyes)

Wasting time

Not doing home work

It is like a drug (you are addicted to it)

You need variety of the activities you are doing

The music is terrible

E) Parents often dislike computer games. Have a conversation with a friend:you are the parent& your friend is a computer game fun ( variant: Make up a speech The role of the computer in

your пте )

F) Write an essay to express your agreement of disagreement


" Playing a computer game is fun only when you win"

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