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7. Структура теста по формам тестовых заданий. Примеры инструкций к заданиям.

Общее число заданий в тесте равно - 80.

Предлагается следующая структура тестовых заданий:

Тестовое задание «Множественный выбор» - задание закрытого типа, в котором студенту предлагается выбрать верные утверждения из списка ответов.

Инструкция к заданиям. К каждому заданию этой части даны несколько возможных вариантов ответа, в которых имеется один правильный ответ. Отметьте правильный ответ маркером.

Тестовое задание «Короткий ответ» задание, в котором студент при ответе на вопрос вписывает слово или фразу. Этот тип заданий состоит из основы (текст) и поля для ввода ответа.

Инструкция к заданиям. Ответом на задания этой части может быть слово, словосочетание или дата. Впишите в поле для ответа печатными буквами Ваш ответ.

Тестовые задания

Write down the English equivalent for Russian:

  1. заключить договор ________________

  2. расторгнуть договор ________________

  3. для немедленной отгрузки ________________

  4. частичная отгрузка __________________

  5. срок отгрузки ________________

  6. при транспортировке ________________

  7. отгрузка по контракту ________________

  8. контракт с отгрузкой ________________

  9. контракт с включенной доставкой ________________

  10. стоимость транспортировки ________________

  11. поставки, подлежащие оплате наличными ________________

  12. перевозить товар ________________

  13. издержки ________________

  14. пеня ________________________________

  15. требовать /взимать штраф ________________

  16. удерживать пеню ________________

  17. иск о взыскании штрафа ________________

  18. иметь право на взыскание штрафа ________________

  19. штраф ________________

  20. налагать штраф ________________

  21. арбитражная комиссия ________________

  22. состав арбитража ________________

  23. решение арбитражного суда ________________

  24. арбитражный суд при торгово-промышленной палате ________________

  25. подавать на рассмотрение ________________

  26. подать заявку в арбитражный суд ________________

  27. судебный процесс ________________

  28. арбитр, судья ________________

  29. главный арбитр (супер арбитр) ________________

  30. спор, конфликт ________________

  31. спор по качеству ________________

  32. спорная сумма ________________

  33. предмет спора ________________

  34. в случае спора ________________

  35. споры и разногласия ________________

  36. разрешение, урегулирование спора ________________

  37. решение мирным путем ________________

  38. решение одного арбитра ________________

  39. решение арбитражного суда в целом ________________

  40. решение мирным путем ________________

  41. решение суда окончательное и обжалованию не подлежит _____________

  42. упаковочный лист ________________

  43. стоимость упаковки ________________

  44. контейнерная упаковка ________________

  45. надлежащая упаковка ________________

  46. повреждения упаковки ________________

  47. поврежденная упаковка ________________

Choose the right answer

  1. A document containing full particulars of goods shipped or for shipment

a) bill of lading b) letter of credit c) collection

  1. A letter issued by a bank entitling the bearer to draw funds up to a specified maximum from that bank or its agencies

a) letter of complaint b) letter of credit c) letter of intent

  1. The act of providing or something that is provided

a) supply b) delay c) tax

  1. The hearing and determination of a dispute, esp. an industrial dispute, by an impartial referee selected or agreed upon by the parties concerned

а) law b) court c) arbitration

  1. Not general or complete delivery of goods

a) shipment as per contract b) part shipment c) immediate shipment

  1. Total weight of an article inclusive of the weight of the container and packaging

a) weight b) net weight c) gross weight

  1. Duty on imports or exports

a) custom charge b) bank charge c) transport charge

  1. A certain amount of money exacted as a penalty

a) salary b) bonus c) fine

  1. A failure to act, esp. a failure to meet a financial obligation or to appear in a court of law at a time specified

a) default b) fulfilment c) execution

  1. To enter into an agreement with (a person, company, etc.) to deliver (goods or services) or to do (something) on mutually agreed and binding terms, often in writing

a) bill b) contract c) payment

  1. A section of a legal document such as a contract, will, or draft statute

a) point b) sentence c) clause

  1. Business obligations incurred but not discharged and entered as claims on the assets shown on the balance sheet

a) liabilities b) benefit c) profit

  1. Incidental money spent in the performance of a job, commission, etc., usually reimbursed by an employer or allowable against tax

a) penalty b) expenses c) fine

  1. Delivered on board ship or other carrier without charge to the buyer

a) FOB b) CAP c) CIF

  1. Goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle; freight

a) container b) cargo c) pack

  1. A formal document from the sovereign or state incorporating a city, bank, college, etc., and specifying its purposes and rights

a) contract b) charter c) bill

  1. A person (or an organization) who participates in such an activity as entering into a contract

a) member b) participant c) party

  1. To specify, to agree on often as a condition of an agreement

a) to stipulate b) to sign c) to conclude

  1. A document that certifies or guarantees, such as a receipt for goods stored in a warehouse, a licence, or a commission

a) a blank b) a charter c) a warrant

  1. Able to be broken easily

a) fragile b) elastic c) flexible

  1. A written acknowledgment by a receiver of money, goods, etc., that payment or delivery has been made

a) a commission b) a receipt c) a licence

  1. To prevent from possessing or enjoying; dispossess of the right

a) to retain the right to b) to sublet the right to c) to deprive of the right

  1. A compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government to raise revenue, levied on the income or property of persons or organizations, on the production costs or sales prices of goods and services, etc.

a) a tax b) expenses c) damages

  1. A person, company, etc., that enters into a subcontract, esp a firm that undertakes to complete part of another's contract

a) a contractor b) a subcontractor c) a licensor

  1. A person or firm that contracts to supply materials or labour, esp. for building a person or firm that contracts to supply materials or labour, esp. for building

a) a contractor b) a subcontractor c) a licensor

  1. Conditions of a payment

a) rules b) dates c) terms

  1. To repay or compensate (someone) for (money already spent, losses, damages, etc.)

a) to execute b) to invest c) to reimburse

  1. To lay out (money or capital in an enterprise, esp. by purchasing shares) with the expectation of profit to lay out (money or capital in an enterprise, esp. by purchasing shares) with the expectation of profit

a) to execute b) to invest c) to reimburse

  1. The fee allotted to an agent for services rendered

a) commission b) fine c) penalty

  1. The complete financial or material worth of a contract

a) price b) total value c) cost

  1. The name or other symbol used to identify the goods produced by a particular manufacturer or distributed by a particular dealer and to distinguish them from products associated with competing manufacturers or dealers. A trademark that has been officially registered and is therefore legally protected

a) tag b) label c) trademark

  1. A piece of paper, card, or other material attached to an object to identify it or give instructions or details concerning its ownership, use, nature, destination, etc.; tag

a) label b) trademark c) notification

  1. The act of notifying

a) notion b) notice c) notification

  1. Any wrapped or boxed object or group of objects

a) package b) container c) packing

  1. Some form of punishment, such as a fine or forfeit for not fulfilling a contract

a) tax b) penalty c) damages