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I. The Teacher…………………………………………………………………..6

II. Teacher-Pupil Relationship…………………………………………………21

III. School and Schooling……………………………………………………...37

IV. Higher Education…………………………………………………………..88

Supplementary material………………………………………………………122



Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов 4-го курса отделения английского языка филологического факультета. Основной задачей студентов на данном этапе является качественное совершенствование навыков и умений практического владения иностранным языком в основных формах и функциональных сферах его актуализации.

Пособие состоит из 4-х частей и дополнительного материала для проектной работы, в которых представлены оригинальные тексты по теме «Образование», дающие возможность осуществлять работу над тематикой, предусмотренной программой, где ведущую роль играют общественно-политические и страноведческие темы.

Каждая часть включает тематическую лексику и систему лексических упражнений, а также ряд заданий на развитие устной речи студентов. Главным критерием отбора лексики для активного усвоения явилась частотность ее употребления в современном английском языке. Включение в словарь ряда слов и выражений, менее употребительных в языке, диктовалось задачами речевой коммуникации при обсуждении ряда тем. Лексические упражнения, предназначенные для активизации словарного запаса и предупреждения речевых ошибок при обсуждении, способствуют развитию чувства языка и языковой компетенции студентов.

Для дальнейшего совершенствования монологической речи предлагаются сообщения и доклады на общественно-политические и страноведческие темы, а также реферирование текстов с родного языка на иностранный.

Для совершенствования диалогической речи в пособие включены такие активные формы речевой деятельности, как ролевая игра, диспут, дискуссия. Задания, стимулирующие самостоятельные высказывания студентов по вопросам этики, морали, способствуют формированию личности студента.

Для совершенствования навыков аудирования предлагаются аутентичные аудиоматериалы, отражающие различные функциональные стили речи и сферы общения.

Кроме того, в пособие включены задания для контролируемой самостоятельной работы студентов.



What do you think teaching practice is aimed at?


Read the text and say whether the author’s impressions of teaching are positive.

Our Teaching Practice

As we are training to be teachers we have our teaching practice in the final years at the Institute. We spend one or two weeks observing lessons in different forms and watching demonstration lessons given by the best teachers of the school, then give lessons ourselves.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have my practice at a specialist school. The teachers of the school are highly trained, competent professionals, mainly young and energetic, enthusiastic and ready to experiment. They are quite at home in the subjects they teach. The school is well equipped with necessary facilities.

I gave five periods of English a week and observed 10 more periods, not only English, but also other subjects in order to become better acquainted with the children I was going to teach. All in all I gave 45 lessons.

The children whom I taught were active and full of their own ideas. Most of them were friendly and responsive. Discipline was quite satisfactory in my lessons, even when there was no other teacher in the classroom with me. There were only 4 troublemakers who tried to take advantage of my inexperience. Two of them were really “problem” children. Both were from the families in which the parents didn’t want to and couldn’t bring up their children.

I spent a lot of time in preparing for my lessons. I wanted them to be exciting and I was eager to make my pupils attentive, responsive and creative. I understood that the pupils were inattentive and badly behaved only when the lesson was boring or when they felt that the teacher was too lenient and permissive to them.

There were many teaching aids at our disposal to achieve effective classroom learning. When video was used the pupils were invited to look, listen and discuss.

Three pupils in my class lagged behind their classmates having missed many lessons through illness. I tried to coach each of them through individual classes at the end of the school day.

Marking written work in English took me ages, especially compositions. I tried to mark my pupils’ homework in my free periods at school so that I didn’t have to carry a bag full of workbooks home every night.

A teacher has a thousand and one duties. Apart from giving lessons all the student teachers were to organize this or that kind of extra-curricular work for pupils. I gave a talk on popular English fairy tales and helped the children to hold a meeting on the topic “The Right to Happiness”.

One of the most popular types of mass extra-curricular work is club work. Our students of the Art faculty helped the members of the school artistic group to organize their exhibition. They put up drawings on stands in the hall of the school and invited the children’s parents and friends. The drawings were imaginative, dynamic and colourful.

When giving my first lessons, I was all nerves. But the teachers of the school were so sympathetic and helpful, so willing to give me advice, that I overcame my doubts and regained my self-confidence.

Do the following exercises

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