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1. Read and translate the text. Shopping

SUPERMARKETS. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which carry all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and canned meat, fish, vegetables and fruit as well as dairy foods and bread. They also carry a small selection of pots and pans for cooking, baby clothes and supplies, dish cloths and towels, paper products such as facial tissue, paper napkins and toilet paper, soaps and cleaners of all kinds, simple medicines such as aspirin, toiletries, etc. Almost everything needed to set up housekeeping can be found in a supermarket except sheets, pillowcases, blankets and draperies. In supermarkets, the customer serves himself and pays the cashier on leaving the store.

DEPARTMENT STORES. Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, household linens, materials for making clothes, pots and pans, hardware, china and glassware, silverware, household electrical appliances and some furniture. Department stores do not sell fresh food.

DRUGSTORES. Drugstores, or pharmacies, sell many things besides medicinal drugs. All of them carry common medicines such as aspirin and cold remedies. A registered pharmacist is on duty to fill prescriptions given you by a doctor. Camera equipment, cosmetics, magazines, candy and greeting cards are also available. Most drugstores carry alcoholic beverages. Some drugstores are open on Sunday.

DISCOUNT STORES. Discount stores claim to sell their merchandise at a discount, or cheaper, price than other stores. This claim based on the fact that they use fewer sales personnel to wait on customers: less money for displays and buy in very large quantities thus cutting overhead and passing this saving on to the customer.

SMALL INDEPENDENT STORES. The majority of the grocery, dress, shoe, jewellery, drug and book stores in town are small independent stores owned and operated by local businessmen. They will give you more personal attention and will deliver your purchase to your home.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What shops do you know?

2. What can you buy in supermarkets?

3. What things can you find in department stores?

4. What is the difference between supermarkets and department stores?

5. Where do you buy medicines?

6. What is a discount house?

7. What do small independent stores sell?

3. Translate into English:

продуктовый магазин, универмаг, аптека, ювелирный магазин, алкогольные напитки, продавать товары, доставлять покупки, замороженное мясо, консервированные овощи, бытовые электроприборы, покупатели, лекарства от простуды, бумажные салфетки, в больших количествах.

4. Read and translate the dialogues.


CUSTOMER: Have you a hat that will suit me, sir?

SALESMAN: Velour or felt, black or grey, sir?

C. A grey felt, if not too dear. What is the price of a good felt hat?

S. Here is one of superior quality for 20 dollars.

С. Let me try it on. It is too small.

S. Let's try another. This will do very well, I am sure.

C. I do not like the shape. Hats with so wide a brim are not to my taste; besides the crown is too high.

S. Excuse me, sir. Hats with narrow brims and low crowns are quite unfashionable now.

C. Well, then I must take it, but the band is too nar­row; can't you change it?

S. Yes, we can, but you will be charged two dollars extra for this kind of alteration, sir.

C. Never mind. How long do I have to wait?

S. Oh, it'll be done in 10—15 minutes.

C. Very good. I'll go over to the shoe department in the meantime. Which way am I to go?

S. It's on the second floor to your right, sir.

(After some time the customer comes back.)

S. Here is your hat, sir. Would you like to see how it looks now?

C. Yes, please. Ah! That's a great improvement. What is the price all in all?

S. 22 dollars, sir.


SALESMAN. What can I do for you, young lady?

CUSTOMER. Will you, please, show me some gloves. I should like grey ones.

S. What kind of gloves would you like? Kid gloves or suede?

C. Kid gloves, please.

S. What size do you wear?

C. Really, I don't know. I'd like to try them on.

S. Sorry, but it is not allowed to try gloves on. Permit me to take your measure, if you please.

C. With pleasure.

S. Your size is number 7. Here are gloves of that size. They are of the best quality.

C. They are nice, indeed. What's the price?

S. 1800 roubles.

C. That's too dear. Have you no other, cheaper ones?

S. Oh, yes. Now do you like these?

C. They are not bad. How much are they?

S. 1200 roubles. We have still cheaper ones, but they are not so good.

C. I'll take them. No, you need not wrap them up. I'll put them on.

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