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Homework for tomorrow!!!!

1. Ви тут працюєте? 2. Вона тут не працює. 3. Він не знає дороги. 4. Коли зачиняється бібліотека? 5. Ви вивчаєте ділову англійську мову в університеті? – Так. 6. Коли починаються твої пари? – Перша пара починається о 12.40. Ми вчимося на другу зміну. 7. Мама завжди купує продукти у цьому супермаркеті. 8. Куди ти поклала мій словник? 9. Я бачила Меган на вечірці вчора. На ній була просто неймовірна сукня. 10. Я не писала цього. 11. Здається, вона не розуміє це правило. 12. Вона завжди бігає в цьому парку. 13. Я бачила такі класні окуляри вчора, але у мене не було грошей, щоб купити їх. 14. Кімната виглядає дуже брудною. Я думаю ніхто тут не прибирає. 15. Мені не сподобалась пара. Вона була справді нудною. 16. Ти дасиш мені поносити свої штани? – Ти жартуєш? 17. Вона не спала всю ніч, тому виглядає такою втомленою. 18. Я забула відправити цього листа. Бос вб’є мене. 19. Ми провели весь вечір на вулиці. Я думаю ми будемо спати добре. 20. Моя сестра вчиться в ЖДТУ, її спеціальність ОА. Вона хоче стати бухгалтером або аудитором.

Print out the following for tomorrow!!!!

English as a foreign lAnguage words and phrases you should know before starting

to master the language

оволодівати мовою

to improve


to speak fluently and correctly

розмовляти вільно і грамотно

to have a good command of English

добре володіти англійською мовою

to make progress

робити успіхи

to make efforts

докладати зусиль

to encourage



словниковий запас

to brush something up

повторювати, освіжати в пам’яті

to do one’s best

докладати максимум зусиль, робити все можливе

to come in handy

знадобитися, стати у нагоді



Exercise 1. Brainstorm the following questions.

  1. Why do millions of people all over the world want to know and speak English?

  2. How long have you been studying English?

  3. Have you ever taken private lessons of English or any other subject?

  4. What are your favourite activities to master the language?

  5. What is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language for you?

  6. Say in what situations you may use English in future.

Exercise 2. Read the following text and give from 0 to 10 points to each pattern. Try to make your assessment as fair as possible. Compare the results. Comment on them.

So why english? your personal motivation for learning

Undoubtedly, knowing English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. English is vitally important for you.

Whatever your reasons are, having a clear idea of why you’re learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies.

The more languages you know, the more you understand other peoples, and that is beneficial no matter what the situation is.


When you move to the USA, Great Britain or any other English-speaking country, learning English will help you to communicate and integrate with foreign community, demonstrate your interest in the culture, traditions and people of the country you’re visiting

Family and friends

If your partner, relatives or friends speak English, learning this language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking. Moreover, if you are looking for future husband/wife, learning the English language and culture increases your chances


If your work involves regular contact with English speakers knowledge of their mother tongue will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you to conclude contracts. Knowledge of English may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer to the English-speaking country, or of going on business trip abroad


Communicate with people wherever you go — English is spoken in more than 100 countries. Ask directions, order food and drinks, buy tickets, or... ask for help. If you have a more advanced knowledge of the language, you can have real conversations with the people you meet, which can be very interesting and exciting Who knows, maybe English will save your life someday!


If you want to go to a summer school or to attend some lectures given by native speakers you will probably have to possess some language skills to be able to understand the topics under discussion.

Learning the language provides a person with the access to the materials and enable him/her to communicate with other students


Most information sources in the modern world are in English. That’s why to use internet resources freely you need English


Maybe you’re interested in literature, poetry, films, TV programs, music or some other aspect of the culture of people who speak English. Different languages protect and nourish the growth of different cultures, and make life richer for those who know more than one language

Sounds look good to me

Perhaps you just like the sound of English when it’s spoken or sung. Or you find the written form of English attractive. If you like singing and learning songs in English then this language will be interesting and enjoyable

Job opportunities and making business in English

If you want a good job in business, technology, or science, get out of that armchair and start learning English now!

Be a world-class businessman (or -woman). It's simple. International business is done in English. And all business today is international. So if you want to play, you have to know English — to contact other businesspeople, go to conferences, read international business newspapers and magazines, etc.


Enjoy English-language music more. Music is much better if you can understand the words

Exercise 3. Can you make up your own list of reasons why you study English?

Put your reasons in order of importance.

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