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4.3. You will hear a lecture on the Earth’s origin. For statements 16-20, choose the best answer a, b, c, d.

16. Which of the following elements are the lightest?

  1. hydrogen and oxygen

  2. hydrogen and helium

  3. helium and carbon

  4. hydrogen and carbon

17. What is the meaning of «blob»?

  1. dense spot

  2. locked particle

  3. abundant element

  4. considering clouds

18. After burning helium, stars swell into

  1. dwarfs

  2. galaxies

  3. giants

  4. planets

19. What does the following passage describe?

  1. how the Earth was created

  2. how the “ big bang” changed the Earth

  3. how immense explosions created new stars

  4. how new stars created different elements

20. What would the author discuss in the following passage?

  1. star factories

  2. rare and common elements

  3. the life of a star

  4. how the Sun and planets were formed

5. Discussion: (r.P – 3.1, 3.3)

1. Situational game-

Imagine that you are the crust (the mantle, the core). What’s happening in your body?

2. The earth

Use the charts below and the supplementary texts from SELF-STUDY BOOKLET- (SUPPLEMENTARY READING COMPREHENSION MATERIAL -PG.90)

(BRAINSTORMING – is an activity which aims to help students with this important pre-writing stage of getting ideas together. In this task, it is a pair-work activity.)


Group work responding to a text discussion. During this stage, each group will discuss its own topic.


STAGE 2: Sharing ideas of response to the text. Divide the students into new groups, so that each group has a member with different information.


Now the members of each new group will share their ideas.

STAGE 3: Now each student must jot down all the information he/she remembers.

I. Jig-saw plan (1-2 minute) short one-point talk

II. Multi-point conversation (5 minutes)

Lower mantle

  • 1793-652 miles

  • solid

  • composition similar to olivine

  • fairly even composition

  • density 470-358 lb/cubic ft

  • temperature 5040-32400 F

  • 68.3% Earth’s mass

Oceanic crust

  • outermost 3-6 miles below oceans

  • solid

  • average composition similar to that of basalt

  • high silica and magnesium - SIMA

  • distinctive from mantle in its composition-more silica

Continental crust

  • outermost 16-56 miles representing the continental masses

  • composition extremely complex

  • averaging granite

  • high in silica and aluminum - SIAL

  • density 195 lb/cubic ft

  • 2.5 denser water

  • temperature 1148-320 F

  • 0.7% Earth’s mass

Outer core

  • 3762-1793 miles

  • liquid

  • moving about

  • producing the Earth’s magnetic field

  • iron-sulfur mixture

  • density 950-770 lb/cubic ft

  • temperature 57600 F

  • 29.3% Earth’s mass

Upper mantle

  • 249 miles to 56 miles between continents

  • 3 miles beneath oceans

  • solid

  • composition as the mantle

  • rich in olivine

  • density 233 lb/cubic ft

  • temperature 2340-11480 F

Inner core

  • Center

  • 3958-3762 miles

  • solid

  • iron-nickel alloy

  • density 1017 lb/cubic ft

  • temperature 81000 F

  • 1.7% Earth’s mass


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