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Test 7 (unit 7- Metamorphic Rocks)

Choose the correct item.

1.Metamorphic rocks show that _______________

A. original rock has changed from its primary form

B. original rock has been subjected to pressure

C. original rock developed from a sedimentary rock

2.Metamorphic rocks split into thin sheets because of _____________

A. flattened particles

B. platy minerals

C. flaky materials

3.The main factors in metamorphism ____________

A. pressure and climate

B. temperature and pressure

C .heat and agents

4.There are ______ forms of metamorphism in nature.




5.The following term is used to define “surrounding older rock”:

A. country rock

B. altered rock

C. contact rock

6. Regional metamorphism occurs in________________

A. subducting continental plates

B. colliding continental plates

C. eroding mountain ranges

7.A large amount of heat makes the rock ______________

A. stable

B. ductile

C. rigid

8.The two main types of metamorphism are_____________

A. contact and regional

B. contact and foliation

C. burial and lineation

9.Slate has__________________

A. slaty cleavage

B. gneissosity

C. schistosity

10.The land surface is mainly produced by _____________________

A. heating and cooling

B. expansion and contraction

C. erosion

11.Which of the following metamorphic rocks doesn’t have foliation_____

A. schist

B. hornfels

C. gneiss

12. Hornfels usually form from_______________

A. contact metamorphism

B. regional metamorphism

C. Burial metamorphism

13.Metamorphic rocks are classified according to ________________

A. both

B. structure

C. texture

14.Foliation is caused by______________

A. temperature and stress

B. heat and pressure

C. pressure and stress

Test 8-1 (unit 8- Restless Crust)

Choose the correct item.

  1. Oceans and seas hold _________________ of all surface water.

    1. 97%

    2. 90%

    3. 87%

  1. The deepest ocean is _________________

    1. Atlantic Ocean

    2. Pacific Ocean

    3. Indian Ocean

  2. The smallest ocean is _______________

    1. Pacific Ocean

    2. Atlantic Ocean

    3. Artic Ocean

  3. Sea floor spreading describes a process that___________________

    1. reconstructs the sea floor

    2. destroys the sea floor

    3. sinks the sea floor

  4. We can state that there are ____________ stages in sea floor spreading.

    1. 3

    2. 4

    3. 5

  5. The main content of the oceanic crust is_________________

    1. silica and magnesium

    2. silicon and magnesium

    3. silicate and magnesium

  1. The oceanic crust has ____________ layers.

    1. 5

    2. 3

    3. 4

  2. The subject of plate tectonics is _____________

    1. how lithospheric plates behave

    2. how lithospheric plates are formed

    3. how lithospheric plates move

  3. Plate activities produce the following kinds of plate margins:

    1. destructive, lithospheric, constructive

    2. constructive, destructive, conservative

    3. conservative, destructive, convective

  4. Full-blown continents were formed by___________

    1. accretion

    2. subduction

    3. separation

  5. Pangea was formed as a result of ____________

    1. subduction

    2. converging

    3. coalescing

  6. Orogenesis is______________

    1. mountain building

    2. mountain collision

    3. mountain systems

  7. There are ______________major mountain building processes.

    1. 2

    2. 4

    3. 3

  8. Mountain are created by _________________

    1. crustal deformation and uplift

    2. crustal deformation and folding

    3. uplifting and faulting

  9. Pangea was created about___________

    1. 200 million years old

    2. 250 million years old

    3. 300 million years old

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