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I. Answer the questions.

1. What set of activities can be called management?

2. What is a manager’s primary responsibility?

3. What activities are not performed on a systematic and predictable schedule?

4. What are the main levels of managerial hierarchy?

5. What are the functions of top managers?

6. What are typical titles of top managers?

7. What do top managers make decisions about?

8. What do the middle managers do?

9. What are the first-line managers responsible for?

10. Why can the first-line supervisors find themselves in the middle of conflicting demands?

11. What is the difference between first-line and top-line managers?

12. How are managers differentiated by area?

13. How many basic roles do managers have to play?

14. What kind of skills do effective managers tend to have?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

Primary responsibility, coordinating activities and resources, monitoring and evaluating activities, on a predictable schedule, to attain skills and positions, effective managers, government officials, to enter and abandon various markets, administrative assistants, to thin the ranks, day-to-day operations, in pursuit of, to erode.

III. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Першочерговою відповідальністю менеджера є здійснення процесу управління в рамках організації.

2. Менеджери виконують міжособистісні, інформаційні ролі, та відповідають за прийняття рішень.

3. Більшість менеджерів набувають вмінь та досягають посад через поєднання освіти та досвіду.

4. Менеджер повинен бути здатним проконтролювати, як його підлеглі виконали свою роботу.

IV. Find proper definitions to the following manager’s roles:



1. figurehead

2. leader

3. liaison

4. monitor

5. disseminator

6. spokesperson


8.disturbance handler

9.resource allocator

10. negotiator

a) a supervisor’s role involving passing along special or privileged information that subordinates would not otherwise be able to obtain.

b) the role of a manager in discussing and bargaining with other units to obtain advantages for his or her unit.

c) one who assumes the financial risk of the initiation, operation, and management of a given business or undertaking.

d) this role includes interacting in a network of contacts with peers and others in order to get information; often involves serving as a coordinator or link between people, between groups, or between organizations.

e) the manager responds to this role by handling such problems as strikes, copyright infringements, and energy shortages; he/she resolves conflict between two subordinates.

f) managerial duties that are symbolic in nature. The manager represents the organization or a subunit in formal matters such as taking visitors to dinner, attending ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and the like.

g) the function of a manager in deciding who will get what resources in the unit.

h) a person who, at a given time and place, by his or her actions modifies, directs, or controls the attitudes or behavior of others, often referred to as followers.

i) an informational role in which a manager continually scans the environment to collect information pertinent to the organization or unit he or she manages.

j) a manager’s role in speaking for the unit and representing it to others.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. By level, we can identify…

2. Kinds of managers by area include…

3. Managers have ten basic roles to play…

4. Effective managers also tend to have…

VI. Check your understanding:

1. What does the concept of a managerial role imply?

2. Speak on the sample activities and tasks peculiar to each role.

  1. Render everything you’ve got to know about management, managing and managers.

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