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I. Answer the questions.

1. What sort of things motivate people to do their job well?

2. Think of your own job or studies. What tasks are you motivated to do well? Can you account for this?

3. What are two requirements that must be satisfied for an employee to be motivated?

4. How can one define fair performance standards?

5. Why is it dangerous to decrease the size of an incentive once it is operational?

6. Why do employees prefer not to produce above standards?

7. What is the difference between incentives and benefits?

8. What do typical fringe benefits include?

9. Why is it difficult to insure that the perk offered is for the benefit of the company?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

to pay a wage sufficient to feed, shelter and protect employees; an attractive reward, a meticulous work methods investigation, to work out the rewards, to see effort-reward link, to produce above standard, to remain suspicious, to earn a minimum guaranteed rate.

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Мотивація походить від здатності досягти мети та бажання отримати винагороду.

2. Людина повинна почуватися вільною від страхів та загроз. У цьому суть потреб безпеки.

3. Оплата праці є найважливішим мотиваційним стимулом до праці.

4. Щоб спонукати персонал до більш ефективної діяльності, створіть та підтримуйте атмосферу взаємоповаги, відкрийте канали спілкування, спонукайте працівників до поглиблення їх професійних знань і майстерності.

5. Перевіряйте, чи ви дійсно заохочували працівників за роботу, яку ви від них вимагаєте.

IV. Match the terms and definitions:



1. incentive (n)

2. esteem (n)

3. self-esteem (n)

4. motivate (v)

5. motivation (n)

6. hierarchy of needs

7. perks (n)

8. sickness benefit (n)

9. fringe benefits (n)

a) opinion that one has about one’s own value;

b) a stimulus that differentially energizes certain responses within a person.

c) the theoretical model detailing the sequence of accomplishment necessary for personal fulfillment.

d) indirect payments provided by a company;

e) give someone a reason or incentive for doing something;

f) payments made while a person is on sick leave;

g) respect;

h) benefit given to a worker in addition to salary, e.g. company car, private health insurance;

i) something that encourages the workers to work harder.

V. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the word.

1. motivate (v), motivation (n), motivating (p, adj)

People are_____ by many things. The things that_____ people in one culture may be different from ____factors in another culture. Students of _____ suggest that there are both internal and external _____ factors. Do you know what kinds of things ______ you?

2. meaning (n), meaningful (adj), meaningfulness (n)

Some psychologists suggest that the most important need of human beings is the need for _____: the idea that what we do with our lives should have _______. Some work is more ______ than putting paper clips in a box.

VI. Form an opposite of the given words by adding a prefix:

agree, significant, important, probable, appropriate, moral, expensive, logical, effective, legal, regular, productive, advantage, possible, responsible.

VII. Complete the following sentences in any way you wish, using the words in brackets:

1.Maslow carried out ... (research)

2. I asked my boss ... (advice)

3. Is it true that …? (travel)

4. Have you made …? (progress)

5. I went to a business library ... (information)

6. I looked out of my office window and said: “What ...!” (weather)

VIII. Develop a questionnaire which can help to understand the motivation of the employees (their main stimuli, their real needs and reasons or incentives for doing their work).

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