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Unit 2 SURVEYING.doc
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Surveying and Designing


Look at the photo. Take five minutes to write your answers to the following questions.

  1. What do you know about Surveying?

Write three things you already know.

    1. _________________________________

    2. _________________________________

    3. _________________________________

2. What questions do you have?

Write three questions you have about Surveying.

  1. ___________________________________

  2. ___________________________________

  3. ___________________________________

Come back to these questions after you’ve finished the unit to see if you have been answered.


Scan the text.

1. Surveying means complex activities to determine the position of constructed objects in relation to the earth surface.

An important aspect of construction is track geometry.

Track geometry - a horizontal and vertical location of track as measured to survey marks.

Alignment - a track geometry projected onto the horizontal plane.

Longitudinal profile - a track geometry projected onto the longitudinal vertical plane.

Track is designed using standard geometric shapes. Circular curves and straight lines form the basis of the track with transitions forming a gradual joining of the two and are used in horizontal plane. Grades and vertical curves are specific features of vertical plane.

2. Surveying activities are of two major types: economic and technical.

Economic activities include the volume of traffic to be expected from the area served by the new line, position/direction of the new line, construction cost efficiency.

Technical/engineering activities involved in the survey of the new line comprise geological, soil-science, hydrological, climatic and other investigations.

A reconnaissance is generally based on topographical maps; they show the planimetry and drainage of the area. After studying the maps survey engineers get a general idea of the country, whether it is flat or broken. The next step is to ascertain with the aid of barometric levels the altitudes of the saddles and the points along valleys to record their natural gradients. Notes are also made on the various kinds of terrain, materials to be excavated and rivers behavior during freezing-over and drifting of ice, flood and high water. With all this information the preliminary survey begins. It is based on trace of levels along the selected route. No curves are used. The trace consists of a series of straights with marked pegs. Levels are noted at all pegs which are checked one against another. In this way the trace can be plotted without any error. The area of land extending to the railway boundaries is known as a right-of-way

All engineering surveys are carried out with the use of new technologies (air, ground, mobile, laser scanning, photographic aerial survey of high resolution, modern geo-radar surveying).

3. Surveying is the basis for designing. Design work provides the whole-range proper documentary support of projects. Design specialists develop engineering solutions, standards, guidelines and sample materials to arrange methodological support of design process and unit operation. It concerns:

  • track and traffic capacity;

  • safe and uninterrupted train movement;

  • substantiation of investments;

  • possibility of further reconstruction or renewal projects;

  • up-to-date methods of construction;

  • environment protection

alignment n

выравнивание, трасса

altitude n


ascertain v


barometric levels


carry out v


consist of v

состоять (из)

curve n


designing n


develop solution

разработать решение

drainage n


essential a


flat/broken country

равнинная/ пересеченная местность

get an idea

получить представление

grade n

уклон, подъём

gradient n

подъём, уклон

investigate v


longitudinal profile

продольный профиль

major a

более важный, значительный

make decision

принять решение

make notes

делать записи

peg n


planimetry n


preliminary survey

предварительное исследование

reconnaissance n


Right-of-way n

полоса отвода

river behavior

режим реки

saddle n


safe a


straight line

прямая линия

survey engineer


survey v

проводить изыскания

surveying n


trace n

запись, трассировочная метка

traffic capacity

пропускная способность

transition n

переход, перемещение

up-to-date a


valley n


volume of traffic

объем перевозок

    1. 2.1 Reading for main ideas.

Say if the sentence is True (T) or False (F).

a) Various operations and activities involved in the survey can be done by an uneducated person. (___)

b) There are five major types of surveying activities. (____)

c) Surveying involves geological investigations. ( ___)

d) The preliminary survey begins with studying the maps. (___)

e) Designing is the basis for surveying. (___)

f) Further renewal and reconstruction projects are considered while designing. (___)

    1. 2.2 Reading for details.

Answer the questions. Write the number of the paragraph where you found the answer.

a) What is the difference between economic and technical activities? (___)

b) What helps to get a general idea of the country? (___)

c) What kind of information is essential for preliminary survey? (___)

d) Are there any new technologies used in surveying? (___)

e) Surveying and designing are carried out by the same specialists, aren’t they? (___)

f) What does a typical railway design provide for? (___)

g) Track geometry is a very important aspect of construction, isn’t it?


    1. 3.1 Look at the following list of words. Some of them can be related to “Country features” and some to “Investigations”. Choose the words from the list and write them in the right place.

geological, flat, broken, soil-science, easy, climatic, difficult, hydrological

    1. Look at the diagrams in 3.1 and complete the definition.

Surveying means complex activities including _______, ________, _____, _____ and other investigations to determine the position of constructed objects in relation to the country features (______, _____, _____, _____).

    1. What is common for all these words? Translate them into Russian.

3.4 Complete the diagram with the words from the text.

3.5 Find the English equivalents in the text:

Проводить изыскания; экономические изыскания; технические изыскания; топографические карты; равнинная/пересеченная местность; режим реки; поверхность земли; геометрия пути; трасса; продольный профиль; проводить исследования; полоса отвода; разрабатывать технические решения; безопасное и бесперебойное движение поездов; реконструкция и обновление; защита окружающей среды.

3.6 Match the synonyms.

consist of








* Make sentences of your own using the words from this list.

    1. Match the opposites.



broken country





flat country

* Make sentences of your own using the words from this list.

    1. Match the words to make a phrase.


an idea

volume of






carry out






* Make sentences of your own using the words from this list.

Read the Russian text and render it in English.

«СИБГИПРОТРАНСПУТЬ» выполняет инженерно- геологические, инженерно-экологические и инженерно-геодезические изыскания в Новосибирске для проектирования любых железнодорожных объектов.

Основные работы, которые выполняет проектный институт в области инженерных изысканий, - это обследование земляного полотна и фундаментов зданий, топографическая съемка и создание цифровых моделей местности, исследование грунтов и грунтовых вод, проектирование и создание геодезических сетей, геоинформационных систем, наблюдение за деформациями сооружений, съемка надземных и подземных инженерных коммуникаций, оценка воздействия на окружающую среду.


Listen to the information twice and answer the questions (1-5):

1) What activities are involved into site clearing?

2) What does clearing include?

3) One and a half meter is enough to carry out grubbing, isn’t it?

4) What can be done with holes left after grubbing?

5) Is it necessary to take approval from the environmental division?

V I.

An annotation is a short description of an item. Annotations describe (summarize important content) and evaluate (critically analyze) the resource based on standard criteria. An annotation differs from an abstract or summary, as abstracts and summaries usually only describe or summarize the content and do not critically evaluate. Annotations may be written to describe books, Web sites, articles, government documents, videos, or other items.

Useful phrases:

1. The article (text) is head-lined …

The head-line of the article (text) is …

2. The author of the article (text) is …

The article is written by …

3. It was published (printed) in …

4. The main idea of the article (text) is …

The article is about …

The article is devoted to …

The article deals with …

The article touches upon …

5. The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on …

The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material on …

6. The article is (can be) divided into 4(5-7) parts.

The first part deals with (is about, touches upon) …

The author starts by telling the readers (about, that) …

The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out ) that …

The article describes …

According to the article (text) …

Further the author goes on to say that …

7. I’d like to call your attention to …

One should mention that …

It’s interesting to point out that

One should comment upon this question / problem …

So / besides / moreover / that is why …

On the one hand / on the other hand …

8. In conclusion the article tells …

The author comes to the conclusion that …

In conclusion, I can say that …

Considering all the facts …

9. I found the article interesting (important, dull, of no value, easy, too hard to understand).

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