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Press in the usa

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The periodical press of the USA appeared more than 250 years ago. Its history is usually connected with the editing of the first American weekly «Boston News Letter», the 1st copy of which appeared in Boston in April 1704. But even 15 years before, in September 1690, in Boston a daily was published, but it was suppressed by the English Colonial Administration as it had some violations of the law of the colony.

The paper «Boston News Letter» was the only paper in the colony for 15 years. Its editor was a Boston postman John Campbell. The editors of the first newspapers in the towns of the colony were mostly postmen because they were the first to get information from abroad. This information dominated in the American newspapers.

So, the first edition of the «Boston News Letter» contained the information taken from the London paper. The news from abroad published in the first American papers was from two to six months old.

In some weeklies information of a local character began to appear, and soon occupied the leading place. Home information was limited to the announcements about the arrival and departure of vessels and the time-table of post coaches.

It is often said that there is no national press in the United States as in Great Britain. Most daily newspapers are distributed locally, or regionally, people buying one of the big city newspapers in addition to the smaller local one. A few of the best known newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal can be found throughout the country. There has been one attempt to publish a truly national newspaper USA Today. But it still has a circulation of only 1.2 million. This is not enough in a country where state, city, and local news and political developments most deeply affect readers and are especially interesting to them.

A lot of people outside the USA think that serious paper, the International Herald Tribune, is on the daily reading list of many world readers. The Herald Tribune, however, is not really an American paper. It is published in Paris and printed simultaneously in London, Zurich, Hongkong, Singapore, The Hague, Marseille, and Miami as an international digest of news, most taken from its much larger parents, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Daily News, etc. Many people in America have never heard of it. And few Americans would read it when they can get the full-sized daily newspaper.

There are over 11,000 periodicals in the United States. More than 4,000 of them appear monthly, and over 1,300 are published each week. They cover topics and interests from art and architecture to tennis, from aviation and gardening to computers and literary criticism. Quite a few have international editions and are translated into other languages. Among them are National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, and Psychology Today.

1. Translate the following using the Future Continuous where required:

1. Завтра в цей час ви пролітатимете над Ла-Маншем. 2. Ви побачите, яке незабутнє враження справляють гори, коли ви наближатиметесь до них. 3. Ось побачите, через хвилину він вам розповідатиме про свою зустріч зі знаменитістю. 4. Коли ми приїдемо додому, мама ще буде готу­вати обід, і нам доведеться зачекати. 5. Якщо ви хочете застати їх, вам доведеться поспішити, інакше, боюсь, ви прийдете в той момент, коли вони від’їжджатимуть. 6. Ми посидимо в залі, поки актори будуть репетирувати останню сцену. 7. Відтепер я заходитиму до вас частіше. Я матиму більше вільного часу. 8. Спускайтесь, я вас зараз наздожену. 9. Рівно о 5 годині ранку астрономи та любителі спостерігатимуть сонячне затемнення. 10. Не турбуйте мене 3-ї до 5-ї: я працюватиму в лабора­торії.

2. Translate into English using the Continuous tense forms:

1. Анна стояла на платформі. Повз неї пробігали заклопотані люди, навколо кричали різні голоси. Вона хотіла вже повер­нутися до вагону, як якийсь чоловік став їй на дорозі. Вона одразу впізнала його. «Я не знала, що ви також їдете.» — «Я їду, щоб бути там, де ви», — сказав він, дивлячись їй у вічі, —Я слідуватиму за вами всюди». 2. Місіс Чівлі не про­сила, вона ставила умови. «Завтра в цей час я або слухатиму вашу промову на користь цього проекту, або весь світ узнає, що ви собою представляєте». 3. На ганку сиділа дівчинка років дев’яти і зосереджено дивилась прямо перед собою. Вона, здавалось, не помічала, що її друзі кличуть її. По вулиці в напрямку до будинку їхав шикарний автомобіль, який і при­вернув увагу дівчинки.

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