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3. Make up pairs or groups of words close in meaning.

Verbs: to turn on, to provide, to type, to accept, to help, to learn, to observe, to tell, to keep, to feed, to solve, to relate, to switch off, to communicate, to receive, to supply, to switch on, to assist, to print, to study, to input, to turn off, to decide, to store, to say, to name, to watch.

Nouns: work, machine, fundamentals, display, application, capabilities, job, storage, screen, state, basics, use, concept, specialist, journal, character, memory, idea, expert, magazine, position, symbol, command, data, solution, device, instruction, powers, information, decision.

Adjectives: basic, tiny, common, small, main, significant, routine, general, remarkable, uninterested, intricate, important, wonderful, complex, little.

Adverbs: rapidly, probably, instantaneously, in a moment, quickly, perhaps.

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

Significant/ computing/ to encounter/ system analyst/ to spawn/

software designer

1) … is a necessity for educated citizens. 2) Developing the new hardware they … with difficulties. 3) This error … system crash. 4) The latest application software was … . 5) … studies his employer’s requirements to prepare a report for using new computer technologies. 6) … has developed new business application for their corporation.

5. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Громадяни нашого інформаційно-залежного суспільства намагаються стати комп’ютерно-грамотними. 2) Ми повинні усвідомлювати важливість вивчення роботи з комп’ютером. 3) Студенти нашого вузу вивчають основи комп’ютерних наук, які також охоплюють автоматизоване проектування та програмування. 4) Розробник програмного забезпечення зіткнувся з проблемою при проектуванні нової прикладної системи для торгівельного підприємства. 5) Спеціаліст з розробки апаратного забезпечення розробив новий бортовий комп’ютер для автомобіля. 6) Системний програміст надав інструкцію з експлуатації нового обладнання.

Grammar in Use The Past Simple Tense

1. Put down the following sentences into the Past Simple Tense.

1) Many people have an opportunity to use computers. 2) There is no doubt that computers solve problems very quickly. 3) Instructions direct the operation of a computer. 4) Computers bring with them both economic and social changes. 5) Computing embraces not only arithmetics, but also computer literacy. 6) It is well known that computers prepare laboratory tests. 7) Those persons are computer literate and think of buying a new computer. 8) They receive a subscription magazine once a month. 9) Experts know much about how to prepare programs. 10) Graphical plotting tables find application in drawing and inputting manuscript texts. 11) You can draw, add notes and signs to electronic documents by means of a special pen.

2. Open the brackets using the Past Simple Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1) Computers (to appear) comparatively recently. 2) In 1940s computers (to evolve) tremendously. 3) By the end of the 1960s, transistors themselves were replaced by tiny integrated circuit boards and a new generation of computers (to be) on the market. 4) During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries scientists (to develop) many easy ways of calculating. 5) They (to invent) logarithm tables, calculus, and the basis for the modern slide during this period. 6) The first calculating machine (to appear) in the early 1800s and soon after that Charles Babbage (to design) a machine which (to become) the basis for building today’s computers. 7) A hundred years later, scientists (to build) the first analog computer but the first digital computer was not completed until 1944.

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