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English book.doc
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Vocabulary Notes

engineering — інженерна справа, техніка

occupation ["Okju'peISqn] — заняття

skills — знання, навички

to evolve [I'vOlv] — розвиватися

motive power – рушійна сила

to concern oneself (with) — займатися, цікавитися

to be guided ['gaIdId] — керуватися

to do without — обходитися без...

other than — крім

robotics [rqV'bPtIks] — робототехніка

good judgement ['dZAdZmqnt] — розсудливість

environmental [In"vaIqrqn'mentl] engineering — техніка моделювання експлуатаційних умов

computer-aided design — система автоматизованого проектування management science — наука про управління

scientific attitude ['xtItjHd] — науковий підхід

thorough knowledge ['TArq 'nOlIG] — глибокі знання

complicated devices ['kOmplIkeItId] — складні прилади

home devices — вітчизняні прилади

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies — факультет комп’ютерних наук та інформаційних технологій

substantial [sqb'stxnSql] training — ґрунтовна підготовка

Automated Control of Technological Processes and Productions — автоматизація технологічних процесів і виробництв

trend — профіль

design and research [rI'sWC] activities — проектно-конструкторська робота

mechanical engineering complex — машинобудівний комплекс

monitoring ['mPnIt(q)rIN] — моніторінг

resources saving technology — ресурсозберігаюча технологія

fitted out — обладнаний

availability [q"veIlq'bIlItI] — наявність

to get experience — набувати досвід

to succeed [sqk'sJd] in — мати успіх в ...

vice versa ['vaIsI'vWsq] — навпаки

to do one's best — робити все можливе


1. Complete the following statements:

1 Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering…

2 An engineer is the main motive power of…

3. He must get a substantial training in…

4 He must know them very well to be able to install…

5 I study at …

6 My speciality is…

7 The students of this trend are trained for…

8. In modern industry the specialists can solve the problems of…

9 At present the students of the faculty have sufficient quantity of…

10 There are also laboratories of…

11 Students should not forget that only when their theoretical knowledge is profound enough…

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main motive power of the technological progress?

2. What is a modern engineer guided by in his work?

3. In what subjects must an engineer get a substantial training?

4. What features must an engineer possess?

5. Why is it necessary for an engineer to know a foreign language?

6. What faculty do you study at?

7. What is your speciality?

8. What are the students of this speciality trained for?

9. What have the students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies at their disposal?

10. What do the students of the faculty use the Internet for?

11. What must students remember concerning their theoretical knowledge?

3. Do the following tasks:

1) State the most important facts from the text and write them down;

2) Write out the key words from the text

3) Put questions to the text in order to retell it;

4) Retell the text.

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