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regadless of


не зважаючи на




to be run


бути керованим



заробітня плата

to be employed


бути найманим, працевлаштованим







rather than


більш ніж






весь, цілий









пріоритет, перевага



відповідальність, зобов’язання

The National Health Service (NHS) was established in 1948 to provide high-quality medical treatment in hospital and outside. Its fundamental principle was availability for all, regardless of wealth.

The NHS is run by the government. The NHS consists of 3 parts: family doctors or “GPs” (general practitioners including dentists); the hospital and specialists service and the local community services.

Many dentists are *registered in Great Britain. Most of dentists work in the general service, others work in the salaried community service and the rest are employed in hospitals. Dental Service is oriented to curative and rehabilitating treatment rather than prevention. In contrast to the genaral medical service there are no restrictions on where dentists may practice and *their lists are not closed. The patient is free to choose his doctor and to change to another if he wishes to.

The entire system is free, with the exception of prescribed drugs, dental treatment, sight tests and spectacles, for which there are standard charges but for old age pensioners, children under 16 and some other categories these services are free. Adult patients have to pay a contribution towards the cost of routine dental treatment with higher charges for denture and some restorative treatment. But examination and arrest of bleeding are free. Dentists working in the community service get salary. This kind of dental service is carried out in dental clinics and health centers.

It was developed for priority group patients who can obtain dental treatment free of charge. These groups include children of all ages, expectant and nursing mothers and disabled adults. Community dentists provide curative treatment with necessary prevention.

The hospital dental service provides advice of specialist and treatment in oral and Maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and restorative dentistry. In addition, it has responsibility for routine dental care for long stay hospital patients and the emergency treatment for short stay patients.


* to be registered in Great Britain – занесені до списку стоматологів Великобританії

(стоматолог не може почати працювати доти, поки його ім’я не внесено до загального списку, цим списком завідує Генеральна рада стоматологів; до заг. списку заноситься ім’я лікаря, його адреса, кваліфікація)

* their lists are not closed – їх списки не закриті (у зв’язку з тим, що в Англії не вистачає стоматологів, їх не обмежують у виборі місця роботи).

* to be free – бути безкоштовним

* disabled adults - інваліди

* expectant and nursing mothers – вагітні жінки і ті, що доглядають немовлят

Questions about the text:

  1. What parts does the NHS in Great Britain consist of?

  2. What is Dental Service oriented to?

  3. How are community service dentists paid?

  4. For whom is the dental treatment given free?

  5. Who has to pay for dental care?


Dental Service in Great Britain is given in special clinics and private dental surgeries. The cost of dental treatment is different. In clinics some kinds of dental service are free. But it is necessary to pay for dentures and restorative material. Dental prosthetic treatment is carried out in clinics by the dentists. A dentist in Great has the right to practice dentistry if his name is listed in the Dentist’s Register. He may work at a clinic or hospital, the armed forces or do the research work. Usually every dentist has assistants. They mix filling material and do many other kinds of work. The system of family doctors helps to reveal abnormalities of teeth in children.