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Introductory verbs

Ex.78 Complete the sentences.

  1. ‘You should spend more time studying.’

The teacher advised ...me to spend more time studying…

  1. ‘Don’t forget to lock the door before you leave.’

Sam reminded ....................................................

  1. ‘I’m sorry I forgot to call you.’

Jim apologised ...................................................

  1. ‘You never listen to me, Stuart.’

Mary complained ................................................

  1. ‘Shall we go bowling this evening?’

Mark suggested..................................................

  1. ‘You mustn’t play near the road.’

Father forbade ....................................................

  1. ‘This man stole my wallet!’

Mr Brown accused .............................................

  1. ‘I’m the best basketball player in the school.’

Steve boasted.....................................................

  1. ‘Yes, I took the letter.’

Claire admitted ...................................................

  1. ‘You must stay for lunch, Sarah.’

Mrs Stamp insisted .............................................

  1. ‘Please, please, let me borrow your bicycle.’

Martin begged ....................................................

  1. ‘Don’t touch the oven. It’s hot.’

Mother warned ...................................................

Ex.79 Fill in the gaps with one off the introductory verbs from the list below in the past simple.













  1. ‘I’m the fastest runner on the team,’ he said.

He ...boasted... about being the fastest runner on the team.

  1. ‘I didn’t take your jacket,’ he said to her.

He ....................................................taking her jacket.

  1. ‘You should go to the doctor’s,’ Mum said to me.

Mum ....................................me to go to the doctor’s.

  1. ‘I’ll call you next week,’ she said to him.

She ...........................................to call him next week.

  1. ‘Yes, I’ll set the table for dinner,’ he said to her.

He ......................................to set the table for dinner.

  1. ‘He always forgets my birthday,’ she said.

She.......................that he always forgot her birthday.

  1. ‘Let’s go for a walk,’ she said.

She ...................................................going for a walk.

  1. ‘Leave, or I’ll shoot,’ the man said to them.

The man .....................................to shoot them if they didn’t leave.

  1. ‘Don’t forget to feed the cat,’ she said to him.

She ............................................... him to feed the cat.

  1. ‘You broke my CD player,’ she said to him.

She ............................ him of breaking her CD player.

  1. ‘Don’t go near the edge of the cliff,’ Dad said to them.

Dad .............................. them not to go near the edge of the cliff.

  1. ‘You must do your homework before you go out,’ she said to us.

She....................... on us doing our homework before we went out.

Ex.80 Turn the sentences into reported speech using an appropriate introductory verb.

  1. ‘No, I won’t do your homework for you,’ she said to me.

……She refused to do my homework for me……

  1. ‘You lied to me,’ Dennis told Ann.


  1. ‘I promise I won’t tell anyone your secret,’ Tara said to Diana.


  1. ‘Don’t forget to post the letters,’ Mum said to me.


  1. ‘I’m sorry I ruined your shirt,’ Sarah told Frances.


  1. ‘No, I didn’t use Tim’s computer,’ George said.


  1. ‘Don’t get too close to the fire,’ Mike said to the children.


  1. ‘Let’s have a party,’ Simon said.


  1. ‘I’ll punish you if you behave badly,’ Mum told the twins.


  1. ‘It was me who broke the vase,’ she said.


  1. ‘Could I use your phone, please?’ David asked me.


  1. ‘Yes, I’ll help you with the washing-up,’ Sandra told me.


  1. ‘Everyone stop talking!’ Mr Jones told the class.


  1. ‘Please, please, don’t tell anyone about this,’ he said to us.


  1. ‘You should go to the dentist’s,’ she told her brother.


  1. ‘Children, sit down!’ the school bus driver said.


  1. ‘Throw down your weapons!’ the policeman said to the robbers.


  1. ‘No, you may not stay out late tonight,’ Dad said to Louise.


  1. ‘You must wash your hands before eating dinner,’ she told the children.


  1. ‘That’s the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen!’ Amanda said.


Ex.81 Read the advice from a sports expert. Then complete each sentence using one word from the box and any other necessary information.

'Hello, my name's Vernon Marchewski and I'm going to tell you about the best ways to improve your fitness.

If you're interested in being an athlete, or just doing sport for fun, this advice is for you. I think the most important thing is to choose a workout that you enjoy. Don't cycle if you don't like cycling. You need to do something that will motivate you, so avoid activities that are too hard for you, or boring.

To make your workout more fun and challenging, do it a bit differently each time. Try a new activity, or vary how long you spend doing something, and how difficult you make it.

Another great way to motivate yourself is to make sure you have goals. For example, if you run 5 km a day, try to increase it to 6. But be careful, don't overtrain. This can lead to injury, and your body needs to rest as well as work hard.

Look after yourself, remember to eat good food and drink lots of water. A healthy diet is the best way to a healthy body.

Finally, only use proper equipment. If you cycle, have your bicycle cheeked and repaired regularly. Only wear good running shoes, and invest in comfortable clothing.'

explained warned reminded told said advised shouldn't suggested

a. Vernon …………….said his advice was……………… for people interested in being athletes.

b. He ……………………….... the audience ………………………………………. they enjoyed.

c. He ……………………………………………………………………..……. too hard, or baring.

d. To make your workout fun, Vernon …………………………………………………………..

e. He …………………………………………………… goals is a good way to motivate yourself.

f. He ………………………………………………………………………………… lead to injury.

g. He …………………………………………………………………………………… good food.

h. He ………………………………………………………………………………. bad equipment.

Exclamations, yes/no questions, question tags

Ex.82 Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

  1. ‘Will you call me?’ he asked. ‘Yes, of course,’ she said.

……He asked her to call him and she said she would……

  1. ‘Wow!’ they said as the fireworks exploded in the sky.


  1. ‘You’ll try to visit John, won’t you?’ he said to us.


  1. ‘How delicious!’ she said as she tasted the dessert.


  1. ‘What a surprise!’ he said when he saw the present.


  1. ‘Amazing!’ she said when she saw the magician’s act.


  1. ‘Well, good luck, then,’ she said to him.


  1. ‘Can you do this puzzle?’ she asked. ‘No,’ he said.


Ex.83 Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

  1. ‘I’m hungry,’ she said. ‘I haven’t eaten all day.’

……She said that she was hungry, explaining that she hadn’t eaten all day……

  1. ‘Let’s go to the cinema,’ he said. ‘We haven’t seen a film for months.’


  1. Tim: ‘Dave is ill. He can’t come to the party.’

Mike: ‘What’s wrong with him?’

Tim: ‘He’s got flu. He has to stay in bed.’


  1. ‘You’re early,’ he said to her. ‘I’m not ready yet.’


  1. ‘Hurry up!’ she told him. ‘We’re going to miss the bus.’


  1. ‘Have you got your key?’ she said. ‘I’ve forgotten mine.’


  1. ‘I’m going out,’ Colin said. ‘I might be back late.’


  1. Sally: ‘I’ve bought a car. It’s being delivered tomorrow.’

John: ‘What kind of car is it?’

Sally: ‘It’s a sports car. It was very expensive.’




  1. ‘I’m sorry I’m late. I overslept,’ he said to them.


  1. Martin: ‘Can you help me? I need some advice.’

James: ‘What’s the problem?’

Martin: ‘I don’t know what to buy my mother for her birthday. I want to get something special.’




Ex.84 Turn the following sentences into direct speech, as in the example.

  1. He threatened to tell the headmaster if we didn’t behave properly.

......’I’ll tell the headmaster if you don’t behave properly,’ he said......

  1. She invited me to go to the cinema with her. He offered to help me clean the house.


  1. We explained that we were late because we had missed the bus.


  1. She advised me to see a professional.


  1. She admitted to reading my diary.


  1. She agreed to help me interview the candidates.


  1. He accused me of breaking his glasses.


  1. We apologised for missing their dinner party.


  1. Edward complained that the children were always disturbing him.


Ex.85 Turn the following sentences from direct into reported speech or vice versa.

  1. ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ he asked her.

......He asked her what her plans for the weekend were......

  1. Malcolm suggested that they go fishing that afternoon.


  1. Simon denied having damaged the car.


  1. ‘Could you open the door for me, please?’ Kate asked Harry.


  1. Julia claimed to have met Kevin Costner.


  1. ‘You never listen when I’m talking to you,’ she said.


  1. The instructor said, ‘This is how you open the parachute.’


  1. ‘I promise I won’t lose your necklace,’ she told her friend.


  1. Stuart begged his parents to let him go to the disco.


  1. His father said to him, ‘No, you can’t go to the concert.’


  1. ‘Yes, you may stay out late on Saturday,’ said Mum.


  1. The man demanded to speak to his lawyer.


  1. ‘I’m afraid there are no tickets left,’ he said to us.


  1. ‘The path is very slippery,’ the guide said to the climbers.


  1. He asked her to write to him while she was away.


Ex.86 Turn the following into reported speech. Use appropriate introductory verbs.

  1. Sam: ‘We’re having trouble finding a good sales assistant.’

......Sam complained that they were having trouble finding a good sales assistant......

  1. Dave: ‘We’ve been interviewing people for two weeks.’


  1. Lucy: ‘Why don’t you contact the Job Centre?’


  1. Ann: ‘I think that Julie Smith is looking for a job.’


  1. Tom: ‘Yes, right. We forgot that she has been looking for a job.’


  1. Dave: ‘Actually, Julie might be perfect for the job. Ann, do you have her phone number?’


  1. Ann: ‘Yes, I do. I’ll give her a call if you like.’


  1. Sam: ‘Don’t forget to ask her if she can work flexible hours.’


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