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Вариант 2 Выполните следующие задания к тексту.

Задание 1. Просмотрите отрывок из текста Invention breeds invention

Marie lived to see her story repeated. Her daughter Irene grew into a woman with the same interests as her mother's. She helped to fill the gap left in her mother's life by Pierre's death. From Marie she learned all about radiology and chose science for her career. At twenty-nine she married Frederic Joliot, a brilliant scientist at the Institute of Radium, which her parents had founded. Together the Joliot-Curies carried on the research work that Irene's mother had begun. A dozen years after their marriage, the Joliot-Curries won the Nobel Prize for their discovery of artificial radioactivity. Marie, alas, died on the eve of the award.

Professor Wilhelm Roentgen was fascinated by the mysterious illumination produced by an electric dis­charge in a tube without any air. The illumination seemed to start at the negative electrode, or "cathode". The phenomenon was referred to as "cathode rays". When the rays hit the glass of the, tube, it glowed with a greenish light. On November 5, 1895, Roentgen enclosed his cathode ray tube in a box of black cardboard and darkened the room. He wanted to observe the luminescence without the interference of outside light. He turned on the electricity. Almost at once a flash of light that did not come from the tube caught his eye. He looked up. Quite a distance from the tube, he happened to have a sheet of paper coated with a chemical, barium platinocyanide. He had been using the paper in experiments because this was one of the chemicals that glowed when placed near the cathode ray tube. But why should it be glowing now? After all, the tube was in a cardboard box!

Roentgen walked into the next room with the coated paper, closed the door, and pulled down the blinds. Still the paper continued the glow so long as the tube was in operation. He had discovered something invisible that acted through cardboard and walls!

Задание 2. Определите все значения слова tо carry по словарю. Подберите перевод этого слова, исходя из контекста.

Задание 3. Поставьте один из модальных глаголов в предложение. Переведите предложение на русский язык. There were blanks in the table of elements but Mendeleev ... …. predict that new elements would soon be found to fill those blank space. (must, may, could, can, ought to).

Задание 4. 0пределите, чем являются и как переводятся все слова в тексте, которые оканчиваются на -ed. (прошедшее время глагола, причастие).

Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя зависимый и независимый причастные обороты.

Выйдя замуж за Ф. Жолио, блестящего ученого из Института Радия, они вместе продолжили исследовательскую работу, которую начала мать Ирен.

Ф. Жолио Кюри был выдающимся ученым, при этом он был также известным деятелем прогрессивного движения за мир.

Задание 6. Переведите на русский язык, учитывая особенности предлогов и союзов в научно-популярном тексте.

.. . chose science for her career

.. . carried on the hard work

.died on the eve of the award

was fascinated by

.glowed with a greenish light

Задание 7. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Задание 8. Составьте четыре вопроса на английском языке по содержанию текста.

Задание 9. 0заглавьте текст на английском языке.

Задание 10. Переведите предложение на английский язык.

В тексте говорится о работах Ф. Жолио с Ирен Кюри и профессора Рентгена, который открыл что-то невидимое, что проникало через стены.

Задание 11. Переведите на русский язык известное изречение.

Mathematics possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty. Bertrano Russel (1872)


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