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4.7. Обзорные упражнения на предлоги.

Упр.4.7.1. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

  1. He invested all his money _______ stocks and shares.

  2. Could you throw that book ______ me, please? I’d like to have a quick look at it.

  3. They thanked him ____ being so kind.

  4. They invited us _____ their wedding, but we couldn’t go.

  5. I warned him _____ the dangers of driving without a seat belt.

  6. They provided me ______ food and bed, which was very kind.

  7. The smell of the food reminded me ______ when I was a child.

  8. He spent all his money _____ fast cars and gambling.

*Упр.4.7.2. Заполните пропуски в текстах соответствующим предлогом.


When my grandmother was at school, she had to learn everything (a) _______ heart, and even years later she could recite countless poems (b) _______ memory. She was discouraged (c) _____ thinking (d) ______ herself, and concentrated simply (e) ______ learning facts. The teacher were very strict (f) ______ pupils in those days. My grandfather confined (g) ______ me that he was expelled (h) ______ school (i) ______ playing truant just once.

It is always worthwhile for government to invest (j) _______ education. Nobody should be deprived (k) _______ a good education, and everybody should benefit (l) ______ it. Nothing can compensate (m) ______ a bad start in life. Pupils (n) ______ public schools still account (o) _____ many of the students at Oxford and Cambridge University. Until quite recently these universities seemed to be prejudiced (p) ______ pupils from state schools. Many people objected very strongly (q) _____ this and at last things are changing.

I had no intention (r) ___ staying (s) ___ at university after I had finished my first degree. I finally succumbed (t) ___ parental pressure, but only (u) __ protest, and carried out research (v) _____ the life of Baudelaire.

**The urge to get interconnected.

Electronic intelligence is being built (a)____ more and more (b)____ the items we use every day, (c)___ the office, (d)___ home, and (e)___ school. The utility of many of these gadgets could greatly increase if, (f)____ addition (g)___ built-(h)____ intelligence, they were able to link (i)___ other devices to either pass (j)____ information or pick (k)____ control signals or data. An obvious example is the notebook computer that’s taken (l)____ the road and then brought (m)____ (n)____ the home or office. When getting ready (o)____ a trip, they might want to load some information, such as background (p)___ sales prospects and perhaps directions (q)___ getting (r)____ their sites, (s)____ the device that they will be carrying so that they can refer (t)____ it (u)____ the way.

Moreover, appliances (v)____ your toaster (w)____ your coffee maker will be linked (x)___ your alarm clock, so that you are awakened (y)___ the smell of coffee. (z)____ your evening commute home, you can signal your home to turn (aa)____ the lights, start the evening meal (bb)____ the microwave, and so on. All of this will be managed (cc) ____ a home “control center” or an entirely new system.

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