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5.12. Правильное употребление глаголов.

Употребление таких часто используемых глаголов, как take, make, do, have, вызывает иногда определенные трудности. Выбор глагола часто определятся следующим за ним существительным (прямым дополнением), а не только словарным значением глагола.

Упр.5.12.1. Образуйте правильные выражения, используя глаголы make и do. Затем закончите предложения, используя нужное выражение в соответствующей форме.

1 ___ a mistake 6 ______ a will 11 __ a complaint 16 __ progress

2 ___ nothing 7 ___ friends with 12 __ up my mind to 17___ a speech

3 ___ a noise 8 ____ sense 13 __ business with 18 ____ a mess

4 ___ one’s best 9 ____ my homework 14__ a phone call 19 ___ sure that

5 ___ money 10 ___ the housework 15__ an exam 20 ___ someone a favour

  1. Could you ______ ? Could you give me a lift to the station?

  2. At first I found English difficult, but now I’m beginning ________ .

  3. Customer to waiter: “I think you _____ . My bill should be $5, not $15.”

  4. I _______ a lot of ______ with the Chinese. They are good customers of mine.

  5. Can you understand these instructions? They _______ to me.

  6. It took me a long time to decide, but I have finally _______ to accept the job.

  7. Sh! Don’t _______ . The baby’s asleep.

  8. Hello. I’d like ______ . There’s no hot water in my room.

  9. Before going on holiday you should _______ all windows and doors are shut and locked.

  10. A You must try harder.

B I’m _______ .

A Well, it’s not good enough.

  1. Yesterday the Prime Minister _______ in the House of Commons.

  2. It took me hours to clean your room. If you ______ again, you can clean it up yourself.

*Упр.5.12.2. Заполните пропуск нужной формой глаголов make или do.

  1. You can’t rely on him. He is always ______ excuses for never getting things done.

  2. Just a minute, I have to ____ a call.

  3. The recent cable break has ____ a lot of damage.

  4. You either know the answer or you don’t. It’s no good ____ guesses.

  5. Which modern languages are you ____ ?

  6. We _____ an agreement and you’ve broken it.

  7. I’ve got a lot of jobs to ____ this morning.

  8. I shouldn’t employ him. He’s always ____ trouble.

  9. We‘ve been studying this radiation for a year, but we haven’t ____ much progress.

  10. A car that size only ____ about 10 miles to the gallon.

Упр.5.12.3. Заполните пропуск нужной формой глагола have + существительное из приведенных ниже. Обратите внимание на то, что в сочетаниях типа have breakfast / lunch артикль не используется (но have a meal).

drink row look swim bath breakfast word day game time supper

Пример: “Would you like to have a drink ?”

“Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.”

  1. “Did you watch TV last night?”

“No, I _________ and went straight to bed.”

  1. “Did you _______ a good _______ of tennis?”

“Yes, I won 6-0, 6-2.”

  1. “Bye, Mum. I’m going out now!”

“Goodbye, darling. _______ a nice ______ !”

  1. “Did you ______ ______ this morning?”

“No, I got up too late. I just had a cup of coffee.”

  1. I’m going to ______ a ________ and wash my hair. I feel dirty.

  2. I have a swimming pool at home, so if you want to _______ a ________ , just come round.

  3. “Did you ______ a good ______ at the office, dear?”

“No, I didn’t. The boss was very angry with me.”

  1. Peter and I always argue. We don’t agree about anything. Yesterday we ______ a ______ about politics.

  2. I’ve got my holiday photographs. Do you want to ______ a _______ ?

  3. John! Could I ______ a _______ with you for a minute? There’s something I want to ask you about.

Упр.5.12.4. Для глаголов, совпадающих с существительным по форме, конструкция have + a + noun обозначает однократное действие. Герундий используется, когда говорят о чем-либо в общем. Сравните, например:

Talking to someone about a problem usually helps to solve it.

I had a talk with Susan last night.

Составьте по два предложения для каждого из следующих слов, одно с герундием, а другое с have + a + noun.

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