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Глава 6. Модальные глаголы.

6.1. Вступление.

Чтобы успешно применять модальные глаголы, помимо хорошо известных правил их употребления необходимо знать некоторые детали, которые, может быть, не столь часто упоминаются в учебниках и пособиях, однако очень важны для понимания сути и функций модальных глаголов в английском языке.

  1. Одно и то же отношение к действию можно передать с помощью разных модальных глаголов. Поэтому, прежде чем использовать модальный глагол, следует оценить, например, “степень” долженствования (требование жесткое, средней степени или более мягкое) или “вид” долженствования (в силу общих норм, обстоятельств, договоренности или моральных норм), степень вероятности протекания события и пр.

  2. Практически каждый модальный глагол многозначен. Его значение определяется контекстом высказывания или формой следующего за ним инфинитива.

  3. Отрицательная форма, которая для большинства модальных глаголов образуется путем добавления частицы not, часто имеет самостоятельное модальное значение. Например, для выражения высокой степени вероятности протекания события используется глагол must. Если же мы в такой же степени уверены, что событие не может произойти, то употребляется глагол can’t.

  4. Следует также иметь в виду словосочетания, выражающие отношение к действию, например: would rather (do), had better (do), it’s high time to do.

6.2. Таблица случаев употребления модальных глаголов, их эквивалентов и вспомогательных глаголов в модальном значении.

Значение глагола

Форма глагола в настоящем (будущем) времени

Форма глагола в прошедшем времени

1.Должествование, обязанность, необходимость

а. Сильная степень

b.Более слабая степень, совет

c. По расписанию или по договоренности

2. Запрет

3. Отсутствие необходимости.

4. Способность

5. Разрешение, позволение

6. Вероятность событий

a. Абсолютная уверенность

b. Наиболее логичная интерпретация ситуации на основе имеющихся фактов, несколько менее определенная, чем в предыдущем случае.

c. Обоснованное ожидание того, что что-то случиться при условии, что все произойдет по плану.

d. Невысокая вероятность события.

e. Еще меньшая уверенность в предположении.

7. Просьба.

8. Предложение.

9. Намерение, неизбежность

10. Упрек.

Must (в случае личной необходимости что-либо сделать): I must work harder.

Have to (в силу общих норм и правил): To become Doctor of Science every post graduate has to defend his thesis.

Should, shouldn’t, ought to, (had better): You should avoid doing some things contradicting common sense.

Is (am, are) to:

The train is to arrive at 7 a.m.

If we are to profit we have to develop our own ways to succeed.

Mustn’t, can’t:

You mustn’t tell somebody the news. It’s a secret.

You can’t smoke here. It’s not allowed.

Don’t have to, needn’t:

Students don’t have to learn any tables by heart. They have to be able to find necessary information there.

I needn’t go out tonight.

Can, can’t:

She can read English quickly but she can’t speak English fluently.

Can, may, could:

When you’ve finished you can go home.

May I ask you a question?

Could I use your dictionary for a moment?

Will, won’t:

Is that the phone? It’ll be John. He said he’d ring around now.

Don’t take the cake out of the oven. It won’t be ready yet.

Must, can’t, couldn’t:

You must be joking. I don’t believe you.

She can’t be well today. She had a sore throat and high temperature yesterday.

Should, shouldn’t:

We should be moving into our new house soon (as long as all the arrangements go smoothly).

This homework shouldn’t take you too long (if you ‘ve understood what you have to do)

May, may not:

We may go to Greece for our holidays, but we may not have enough money to go abroad this summer.

Might, might not, could:

You could (might) be right but I doubt it.

The American film could be worth seeing but it might not be admirable.

Could, can, would, will:

Can you lend me 5 pounds until tomorrow?

Will you give me a lift?

Could (would) you explain this rule for me?

Will, shall:

- What shall I do for you?

- I want someone to do a lot of typing for me.

- Will I do?

Will, won’t:

I’ll pay back tomorrow.

The car won’t start.

Might, could:

He could be more industrious.

You might at least offer her help.

Had to:

I had to work hard to pass the 1st Certificate English exam.

Why did you have to re-sit your exam in economics?

Should, ought to + have done:

You should have listened to my advice.

Was (were) to:

He was to come but he failed.


Didn’t have to, needn’t + have done:

There is no queue in the bank this morning so I didn’t have to wait.

Needn’t + have done (действие было совершено, хотя в этом не было необходимости): You needn’t have bought the book. We have got enough copies in the library.

Didn’t need to (do) (действие не было необходимым, но мы не знаем, было оно фактически совершено или нет):

I didn’t need to do any shopping because I was invited to a dinner that night.


She could play the piano when she was three.

Was (were) able to, managed to (для выражения того, что однажды удалось в прошлом): A.S.Griboedov was able to enter Moscow University when he was 13.

Was (were) allowed to:

I was allowed to do whatever I wanted when I was young.

Will (would), won’t (wouldn’t) + have done:

You say you stayed in a hotel near the lake? That would have been my parent’s hotel! What a coincidence!

It won’t have been Peter you met at the party last night. He was ill in bed.

Must, can’t + have done:

He must have got lost. He can’t have known the way.

Should + have done:

Where’s Henry? He should have been here ages ago!

May, may not + have done:

Where is Ann? She may have overslept.

Might, might not, could + have done:

She might have decided not to come.

She might not have forgotten.




He was angry because she wouldn’t lend him any money.

Could (might) + have done:

You could (might) have done it yesterday.

He could not (might not) have sent this cable.

6.3. Глаголы, выражающие долженствование.

Обратите внимание на категоричность запрета, выражаемую mustn’t и отсутствие необходимости совершать какое-либо действие, выражаемое needn’t и don’t have to.

Упр.6.3.1. Употребите mustn’t или needn’t.

  1. You ___________ give Freddy any more sweets or he won’t eat any tea.

  2. The doctor said I _______________ go back to the hospital; my leg is all right.

  3. You ___________ make any sandwiches for me. I’m not hungry.

  4. She ___________ fill in a new application form, we have the other one.

  5. You ___________ mention this to Kate, or she’ll get upset.

  6. She ____________ bring a doctor’s certificate, she was only away for one day.

  7. You ____________ take any more aspirins, you’ve had four already.

  8. Tell her she ______________ open any letters marked “personal”.

Упр.6.3.2. Употребите нужный модальный глагол из предложенных только один раз в наиболее подходящей ситуации.

Must / mustn’t / needn’t / ought to / had better

  1. There’s a fantastic film on at the Odeon. Advise your friend to see it before it’s too late.

  2. Tell your friend not to drive her car till it’s insured.

  3. You are going to play tennis with a friend at the tennis club. Tell him it isn’t necessary for him to bring any tennis balls as the club supplies them.

  4. Your friend has just received his bank statement. He’s sure it’s incorrect. Advise him to telephone the bank.

  5. Tell your Venezuelan friend that she needs a visa to get into France.

Упр.6.3.3. Заполните пропуски формами have to, don’t have to или should учитывая, что все предложения связаны с темой “Посещение Америки”.

When you go to America

  1. you ________ get a visa.

  2. you ________ apply for a visa at least one month before you go.

  3. you ________ book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot of vacancies.

  4. you ________ get a work permit if you want to work there.

  5. you _______ visit San Francisco, because many people think it is the most beautiful city in America.

  6. you _______ change your money before you go, because there are a lot of 24-hour banks.

  7. you _______ hire a car, because it’s the easiest way to travel, and petrol is cheap.

  8. you _______ have special injections before you go.

Упр.6.3.4. Заполните пропуски положительной или отрицательной формами must, have to, had to, have had to, should.

  1. I really do think you ___________ get your hair cut.

  2. Careful, darling. You ___________ play with matches. They’re too dangerous.

  3. My wife suddenly became ill in the middle of the night and I ____ call the doctor.

  4. I’m overweight. The doctor said I _________ eat too many sweets or potatoes.

  5. I like Saturday because I ___________ get up early.

  6. A. Why have you got so much money on you? You _______ keep it in the bank.

  1. I know. But today’s the day I _________ pay my employees.

  1. It’s my mother’s birthday next week. I _______ remember to buy her a present

and a card.

  1. No one likes __________ work at weekends.

  2. You _______________ come with me if you don’t want to. I don’t mind going on my own. You stay here if you like.

  3. I have a really bad memory for phone numbers. I ___________ look them up in the book every time.

  4. When I was at school we __________ wear a uniform. Everybody hated it.

  5. You ______________ touch electrical appliances if you’ve got wet hands. You could kill yourself.

  6. She has a private income. She ______ never ______ do one day’s work in the whole of her life.

Упр.6.3.5. В этом и следующем упражнениях проанализируйте ситуации, когда уместно использовать форму to be to для выражения долженствования по договоренности, правилам внутреннего распорядка или по расписанию.

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. He was to give a talk on the properties of the Moon minerals.

  2. Petrov was to meet an American businessman at 2 p.m.

  3. The engineers of the team were to design and construct a new machine for agriculture.

  4. I was to fly to Sverdlovsk the other day.

  5. The undergraduates were to have a class in the gym.

  6. We were to write a test and hand it to the teacher.

Упр.6.3.6. Задайте расчлененные вопросы с was, were + инфинитив с to.

Пример: The meeting ____ to begin at 6.

The meeting was to begin at 6, wasn’t it?

  1. They ___ to have their exams on Wednesday.

  2. Lucy ___ to speak at the meeting

  3. He ____ to show the guests round.

  4. Bob ___ to come back by Friday.

  5. They ___ to produce the new machine two months ago.

  6. The competition ___ to go on for at least 4 days.

Упр.6.3.7. Словосочетание had better + инфинитив без to выражает совет, пожелание. Дайте подходящий совет, употребляя had better (not) .

Пример: It’s too late. You had better go home now.

  1. John has a bad toothache. He __________ .

  2. The undergraduates are having a test today. They ___________ .

  3. It’s raining cats and dogs ( идет проливной дождь ). You ___________ .

  4. Bob wants to study German but he doesn’t know what to begin with. Bob, _________ .

e. Olga’s English pronunciation isn’t too good, she has a thick accent. What to do about it? ______ .

*Упр.6.3.8. Заполните пропуски положительной, отрицательной или вопросительной формами must, need или have to.

  1. A. What time _________ we ____________ leave for the airport?

  1. It’s only a thirty-minutes drive, so we _______ go until about 3.30. I __________ do my packing I haven’t start yet!

  1. I have an interview for a job next week, but before the interview I _______ have a

medical examination.

  1. How did you damage your bike? You ______ learn to look after your toys. When I was your age, I ____________ clean my bike every night.

  2. There’s a new Indian restaurant just opened that you should go to. It’s wonderful! You ____________ book, though, because it’s so popular already.

  3. I’m sure she didn’t mean to upset you. You _______ take things so personally.

  4. I hate __________ get up on cold, winter mornings.

  5. I hate _________ tell you this, but you’ve just got a parking ticket.

  6. I have perfect teeth. I ____________ never __________ have a single filling.

  7. I think I’ve put on weight. I ___________ watch what I eat in future.

  8. I don’t think a career in the army would suit me. I ______ wear a uniform, for a start.

  9. You _____________ worry about me. I can look after myself.

  10. The doctor said I’ve got conjunctivitis. I ______ put drops in my eye three times a day.

  11. What a wonderful meal that was! You _____________ gone to so much trouble!

  12. I got something for my cough from the chemists’s, so I ______ go to the doctor’s.

  13. I was very concerned about how my daughter would find going to her new school, but I ____________ worried, because she loved every minute.

  14. You _________ take out travel insurance, but it’s a good idea, just to be on the safe side.

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