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Assignment 9 (to p. 156-175)

1. Get ready to answer the questions in class, make a list of topic vocabulary for each question and use it in your speech:

  1. Describe the Penn-Mar’s headquarters.

  2. What bothered Falcon that day?

  3. How did Falcon find Chamber’s office?

  4. How did Falcon prepare his break-in?

  5. What documents did Falcon find in Chamber’s office?

  6. Comment on Falcon’s behaviour when he was caught red-handed.

  7. How did it happen that Falcon shot a guard?

  8. How did Falcon manage to escape from the crime scene?

  9. How did Falcon feel on arriving to his New York apartment building?

  10. Describe Falcon’s assumptions on what was happening back in Toledo.

  11. What questions did Falcon ask Johnny? How much did he trust this doorman?

  12. What information did Falcon get from Chamber’s files and how accurately did he interpret it?

  13. What were Falcon’s conclusions about Jenny?

  14. Did Falcon trust Alexis at the moment?

  15. What information did Falcon lack to solve the puzzle of the Pleiade Project?

  16. How much evidence against the Sevens did Falcon possess? Was it enough to go to the authorities?

  17. How did Falcon feel about the guard he had killed?

  18. What was Boreman’s plan of escape?

  19. How important was Barksdale and Falcon’s trip to Toledo for the Pleiade Project completion?

  20. How close was the Pleiade project to its completion before Chamber’s telephone call to Winthrop?

2. Prove that Falcon knew the value of covering all the details”(p.160) by making a list of details that Falcon took care of in his ‘cloak-and-daggerish’ adventure.

3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the word combinations given below and comment on the context and style of their usage:

  1. (p.157) вопреки своим правилам

  2. (p. 157) не поднимая тревоги

  3. (p. 157) во мраке ночи

  4. (p. 158) выдать к-л с потрохами

  5. (p.158) иметь наглость сделать что-то

  6. (p.158) на самом деле, по существу

  7. (p.160) достать, приобрести

  8. (p.162) поплатиться чем-либо

  9. (p.162) тайный

  10. (p.164) поблизости

  11. (p.164) поверить к-л на этот раз

  12. (p.167) привести себя в порядок

  13. (p.168) ограниченные пути к отступлению

  14. (p.168) выветриться, больше не действовать

  15. (p.168) протянуть руку внутрь машины

  16. (p.169) под влиянием минуты, экспромтом

  17. (p.169) не в духе

  18. (p.170) проверять кого-либо

  19. (p.170) сказать ч-л очень тихо

  20. (p.171) корыстный, продажный

4. Work on the word commit (p.168) and its derivatives. Explain the meaning of the following word-combinations:

commit to paper, commit to memory, commit to the flames, commit oneself to doing sth, he wouldn’t commit himself, commitment

5. Fill the gaps with topic vocabulary

1. The New York Fed was the law and the sheriff was on the _________. 2. Borrowers should think carefully before ________ing themselves to taking out a loan. 3. Both sides ___________ed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. 4. She __________ed the instructions to memory.

6. Fill in prepositions for, out, up, with

1) He had called her references yesterday, people she had worked with, and as he had anticipated, she checked________. 2) Falcon had checked ________the receptionist on the way in. 3) He had followed Chambers at a safe distance after the boardroom meeting had broken ___. 4) It was like a flashing beacon in the dead of night, and he headed _______it.

7. Translate into English:

1. Лицо Джонни расплылось в широкой ухмылке. 2. Ухмылка сошла с его лица. 3. Фолкон выдавил улыбку. 4. Файл, озаглавленный «ПМ - экологическая информация», был самым толстым. В нем содержалась подробная информация об обязательствах фирмы Пенн-Мар по охране окружающей среды, а также секретный проект высшего руководства компании по нелегальному захоронению отходов производства. 5. Файл, озаглавленный «Недвижимость», представлял собой просто список земельных владений на территории США и, вероятно, их суммарную стоимость – равную почти 6 миллиардам долларов. 6. Фолкон набрал на терминале Блумберга тиккер Пенн-Мара. Открыв страничку новостей, он обнаружил статью о судебном иске. Быстро пробежав ее глазами, он обнаружил знакомое название юридической фирмы и имя адвоката истцов – Тернер Прескотт. И только тут до него дошла вся чудовищность преступного замысла.

8. Translate into Russian:

1. Like so many midwestern manufacturing headquarters, it had been constructed in the 1950s, when largesse was in vogue and efficiency and downsizing were not part of a CEO's vocabulary. Now Penn-Mar needed only half the space. A result of several rounds of "syn­ergy layoffs" over the past few years. The entire wing he was now exploring was all but empty. 2. Cassandra had been appreciative, as she should have been, and against her better judgment had promised to show him a draft of the article just prior to publication. He had called her references yesterday, people she had worked with, and as he had anticipated, she checked out. People had nothing but good things to say about her: honest, trustworthy, fair, thorough. 3. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But you have to ap­preciate my position. 4. By the time he had reached the airport, the police had been probably al­ready crawling all over the building and the grounds looking for clues.5. The New York Fed was the law and the sheriff was on the take.

9. Write an essay with the key-phrase: Diligence could be the difference between winning a deal and losing it”(p.160). You may either agree or disagree with this statement. Use the events from A.Falcon’s life as an illustration to your arguments.


Section 1. You will hear five people talking about different topics. For each piece, decide which topic (A-H) the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece. Do not use any letter more than once.

1 _________

2 _________

3 _________

4 _________

5 _________

A Retailing

B Import/Export

C Advertising

D Recruitment

E The Environment

F Banking

G Company Performance

H Alliances and Mergers

Section 2. You will hear another five short pieces. For each piece, decide what the speaker is trying to do. Write one letter (A-H)next to the number of the piece. Do not use any letter more than once.

1 _________

2 _________

3 _________

4 _________

5 _________

A Starting a Presentation

B Interrupting a speaker

C Summarising that someone has said

D Making a conclusion

E Showing disagreement

F Countering a proposal

G Refocusing discussion

H Referring to visual aids