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Assignment 11 (to p. 195-213)

1. Get ready to answer the questions in class, make a list of topic vocabulary for each question and use it in your speech:

  1. Why was Falcon in doubt whether to trust Cassandra or not? What precautions did he take while arranging his meeting with her? How did Cassandra feel about it?

  2. What news about the latest developments in the NASO-Penn-Mar scandal did Falcon learn from Cassandra?

  3. How much information about the Sevens did Falcon disclose to Cassandra? What did he conceal?

  4. How important was the fact of Henderson’s involvement with the Sevens for Falcon? for Cassandra?

  5. What made Falcon trust Cassandra? What did he ask Cassandra to do for him?

  6. How did Phoenix Grey trace Falcon? Why was he so careful? Why did Puerto Ricans feel reluctant to betray Falcon?

  7. Why did Falcon disclose his new address to Alexis and Jenny?

  8. What was Falcon’s first impression of Phoenix Grey? Had he seen him before?

  9. How did Falcon come across Phoenix Grey? What helped Falcon to escape from Phoenix Grey?

  10. What orders regarding Falcon did Phoenix Grey receive from Rutherford?

  11. How did Falcon solve the puzzle of the Lodestar file? How did it change his comprehension of the Sevens conspiracy?

  12. What were the accusations against the President of the USA? Why was the Lane Memo particularly damaging for him?

  13. What did the Financial Chronicle accuse Carter Filipelli of? How did Falcon interpret the role of the Financial Chronicle in the political life of the country?

  14. What did Falcon feel to be responsible for? Was he keen on rescuing president Warren?

2. Match the words and expressions from the text with their synonyms.

  1. (p.196) nook n

  2. (p.196) inane a

  3. (p.196) indication n

  4. (p.207) grimy a

  5. (p.211) safeguard v

  6. (p.211) imminent a

  7. (p.213) bogus a

  8. (p.213) drastic a

  9. (p.213) heinous a

  10. (p.213) con v

  11. (p.213) down-home a

  12. (p.213) slick a

a) protect v

b) silly, meaningless a

c) simple a

d) sign n

e) glib and skillful a

f) dirty a

g) impending a

h) imaginary a

i) extreme a

j) abhorrent a

k) corner n

l) cheat v

3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the word combinations given below and recollect the context in which they were used:

  1. (p.197) быть подосланным

  2. (p.199) поспеть за

  3. (p.199) скрытый смысл

  4. (p.199) выбросить из головы

  5. (p.201) хвататься за соломинку

  6. (p.203) вставать на чью-то сторону

  7. (p.203) рисковать жизнью и здоровьем

  8. (p.206) крайняя мера

  9. (p.207) вопрос жизни и смерти

  10. (p.211) бомба замедленного действия

  11. (p.211) на грани краха

4. Find in the text Business English equivalents for:

  1. (p.210) секретная докладная записка для внутреннего пользования

  2. (p.210) «слепой» трастовый фонд

  3. (p.211) «полевой» ревизор

  4. (p.211) имели место злоупотребления

5. Phrasal verb come through. Match each sentence (1-5) with an explanation (a-c).

  1. The bank finally came through with the money.

  2. A message is just coming through.

  3. We were worried she wouldn’t be able to handle it, but she came through in the end.

  4. With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through the operation.

  5. She had taken the money, but Falcon was afraid she wouldn't come through. to

a) (of news or a message) to arrive by telephone, radio, etc. or through an official organization

b) to get better after a serious illness or to avoid serious injury 

c) to successfully do or complete sth that you have promised to do

6. Match each sentence (1-6) with an explanation (a-d)

  1. He never really made it as an actor.

  1. The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we’ll never make it.

  1. I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it to a party on Saturday.

  2. The doctors think he’s going to make it.

  3. I don’t know how I made it through the week.

  4. He must have made it to the other side.

  5. Falcon rolled to his stomach and then made it to his knees.

a) to succeed in reaching a place in time, especially when this is difficult

b) to be successful in your career

c) to survive after a serious illness or accident

d) to be able to be present at a place

e) to deal successfully with a difficult experience

7. Translate into English in writing:

1. В этой ситуации он не мог пренебречь никакими мерами предосторожности. 2. Все, о чем она ему говорила, подтвердилось.3. Сегодня утром в федеральном суде Балтимора взорвалась информационная бомба. 4. Он был абсолютно убежден в своей способности читать лица. 5. На этот счет есть свидетельства высокопоставленных республиканцев из банковских комитетов Сената и Палаты представителей. 6. Это была бомба замедленного действия, однако, находясь в меньшинстве, они были бессильны. 7. «Семерка» использовала «Файненшел Кроникл» как орудие манипуляции общественным мнением. Неудивительно, что издание продавалось по такой дешевой цене.

8. Translate into Russian:

The Financial Chronicle had broken the story on the Lodestar raid because the Sevens controlled the paper. They were using the Chronicle not only to manipulate its readership of financial types, which as a percentage of the total population was small, but also to control every other newspaper in the country. Senior people at the other publications would see the Chronicle break­ing story after story and scream for their people to dig deeper and faster. They would devote entire staffs to these stories and encourage their people to rely on fewer independent confirmations just so they could break a piece of this situation, which was becoming the story of the decade. It would be a feeding frenzy, and Buford Warren was the prey.

9. Write an essay in 180-200 words on one of the following topics:

  1. How widely spread is Spanish in the USA and the rest of the world today? Does it endanger the position of English as lingua franca?

  2. “It was one of the primary rules of war for any ag­gressor: Control the press. Manage the flow of infor­mation to the people. Tell them what you want them to hear.”


You will hear a lawyer speaking to a group of business owners. Each of these business owners is considering acquiring another business. Listen to the first part of the presentation and choose the correct answer to each of these questions.

1. Which of these is the most likely entry for the talk in the programme?

  1. Mr A. Crawford of Corporate Restructuring (evening session)

  2. Mr A. Cranford of Mergers and acquisitions (evening session)

  3. Mr A. Crawford of Mergers and acquisitions (evening session)

  4. Mr A. Crawford of Mergers and acquisitions (morning session)

2. What is the speaker’s aim?

  1. to provide the business owners with an overview of the law of mergers and acquisitions

  2. to persuade the business owners that they should use this opportunity for their businesses to grow

  3. to inform the business owners what they can expect if they decide to carry out an acquisition

  4. to tell the business owners about the process of making their businesses more attractive as potential targets

3. Which of the following topics will NOT be included in the presentation?

  1. factors involved in deciding on a company to acquire

  2. staffing issues after an acquisition

  3. evaluating the prospective acquired company

  4. details of one specific deal the speaker has carried out