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Assignment 12 (to p. 213-231)

1. Get ready to answer the questions in class, make a list of topic vocabulary for each question and use it in your speech:

  1. How valuable is the information that Falcon got from Eddie Martinez?

  2. How do you understand the sentence: “Mr. Prausch changed his name to Boreman and drove a car off a cliff."

  3. How bad is the situation with the banking system in the country according to the President of the USA?

  4. Why was the press-conference a failure for the President? Comment on the situation showing how important every word pronounced by the head of the state is.

  5. How did Wendell Smith reinforce his position with the FOMC?

  6. What happened on the New Jersey Transit train? Who, do you think, the woman on the train was?

  7. Why is the information on the Sevens phone bills so important?

  8. How can the information on Jeremy Case’s insurance policy help Falcon connect the Sevens to his murder?

  9. What makes Cassandra believe that the President is guilty of insider trading?

  10. Why did Barksdale commit suicide?

  11. What makes Richard Walsh think that ‘the president’s train is out of control’?

2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the word combinations given below and recollect the context in which they were used

  1. (p.220) обозреватель

  2. (p.221) понизить (в должности, звании)

  3. (p.221) благоразумный, предусмотрительный

  4. (p.227) предъявить обвинение

  5. (p.228) опровергать

  6. (p.228) (о компании) потерпеть крах

  7. (p.230) держаться стойко, не падать духом

  8. (p.230) бедствие, несчастье

3. Match the words and expressions to their definitions

  1. columnist n

  2. relegate v

  3. prudent adj

  4. indict v

  5. hold up v

  6. adversity n

  7. refute v

  8. tank v

a) avoiding unnecessary risks

b) to officially charge sb with a crime

c) a journalist who writes regular articles for a newspaper or magazine

d) to prove that sth is wrong

e) to fail completely

f) to remain strong and working effectively

g) a difficult or unpleasant situation

h) to give sb a lower position

4. Fill the gaps with topic vocabulary

1) Now the authorities have the Lane memo, but there’s no Peter Lane to _________ it. 2) President Warren was not holding up well in the face of ___________ . 3) She was then ___________ed to the role of assistant. 4) The company’s shares _________ed on Wall Street. 5) She deemed it _________ not to say anything. 6) He was ________ed on charges of corruption. 7) She’s ________ing ________ well under the pressure.

5. Find in the text English equivalents for

  1. (p.217) гладко, без сучка и задоринки

  2. (p.220) увернуться от ответа

  3. (p.221) время от времени, периодически

  4. (p.222) в зависимости от

  5. (p.223) сойти с поезда

  6. (p.224) исчезнуть вдали

  7. (p.224) пригвоздить взглядом

  8. (p.224) работать на холостом ходу

  9. (p.227) объяснить на пальцах, разжевать

  10. (p.228) резко упасть (в цене, во мнении)

  11. (p.228) с огромным перевесом голосов

6. Match the words from the text with their synonyms: