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Chapter two


  1. postmortem– (лат.) посмертное вскрытие тела для определения точной причины смерти

  2. SeniorSteward– главный распорядитель (на скачках)

  3. stirrups – стремена

  4. coil of wire – моток проволоки

  5. groove –канавка, бороздка

  6. outer wing – внешняя створка препятствия

  7. wire clippers – кусачки

  8. Amateur riders –наездники любители

  1. Explain the following phrases:

  1. He looked more of a fighter than a thinker, but I found later that his brain matched his physique.

  2. ‘It’s a very chancy way to murder a man.’

  3. I tried to console myself … that even if I had returned at once with a witness, it would already have been too late.

  4. Clutching at straws, I said, ‘Did he go back with the other attendants to collect his pay?’

  5. The accusation was as plain as could be, but I was not going to rush unasked into protestations of my innocence.

  6. I wondered who had ‘directed’ him to find out if I might have arranged the crime I had myself reported.

  1. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. налила себе кофе – p.6

  2. мне стало легче – p.6

  3. заехал в больницу, чтобы забрать одежду Билла - p.6

  4. сделать приготовления - p.6

  5. незамедлительно – p.6

  6. обязательно – p.6

  7. стол был завален газетами и книгами – p.7

  8. жестом предложил мне сесть – p.7

  9. вынул лист бумаги из ящика – p.7

  10. педантичный, методичный человек – p.7

  11. Чем вы занимаетесь? – p.7

  12. Мы занимаемся перевозками – p.7

  13. нарочно – p.8

  14. утешить, успокоить себя – p.8

  15. заявление, показания – p.10

  16. тянуть жребий – p.10

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How did Alan spend the next morning?

  2. What were Alan’s relations with Bill’s family? How long had he been living with the Davidsons? Why was he staying with them?

  3. Why did Alan go to the police?

  4. What was Alan’s first impression of Inspector Lodge? How did his opinion chance after the second meeting?

  5. What did Alan tell the inspector about himself and their family business?

  6. Why was Alan sure that the fall had been engineered?

  7. What did Alan think was the main aim of those who engineered the fall? Why?

  8. Why did it result in Bill’s death?

  9. What did Alan and Inspector Lodge find at the racecourse?

  10. What information had Inspector Lodge had collected in connection with the accident by the next day?

  1. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them into Russian and use them while answering the questions:

to munch chocolate

to pour coffee

to launch into a heated discussion

a routine post mortem examination

to go to the top steeplechase authority

in a matter-of-fact tone

the fall was engineered

What do you trade in?

We’re transporters

Attendants are casual staff

to reach anyone in authority

fasten the wire

to make temporary repairs to the fences

to draw lots

to roll up the wire

to collect his pay

the coroner’s inquest

We’ll be getting in touch with her

Chapter three


  1. brown gelding only five years old – гнедой мерин-пятилетка

  2. novicehurdleraces– заезды для лошадей ни разу не бравших приз

  3. Forlorn Hope – Тщетная Надежда

  4. theTurf– беговая дорожка на скачках

  5. racehorse trainer – тренер скаковых лошадей

  6. stable – конюшня

  7. paddock – круг для лошадей

  8. stands – трибуны

  9. tomakeafrightfulboob– совершить нелепый промах, опозориться

  1. Explain the following phrases:

  1. The grapevine was silent

  2. There never was a horse more aptly named (Forlorn Hope)

  3. Moved by an instinct I didn’t understand, I retreated into vagueness.

  4. a conventional string of pearls.

  5. Parents divorced in the murky past. Scattered to the four winds.

  6. My education has been along the well tramped lines of boarding school, finishing school, and an over-chaperoned tour of Europe.

  1. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. погрузиться в – p.12

  2. мое недавнее приобретение – p.12

  3. не дал прямого ответа – p.13

  4. непростительная грубость – p.13

  5. краем глаза – p.13

  6. оставить ребенка на пороге – p.14

  7. образно выражаясь – p.14

  8. прекратить обсуждение, сменить тему разговора – p.14

  9. посмотреть оценивающе – p.14

  10. живой, полный жизни человек – p.15

  11. новые знакомые – p.15

  12. буфет – p.15

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What races did Alan ride in at Plumpton? What horses did he ride?

  2. Why did Scilla beg Alan not to ride at Plumpton?

  3. What was Pete Gregory? Describe him. Why wouldn’t Alan answer Pete’s questions about Bill’s accident truthfully?

  4. Whose horse did Pete ask Alan to ride? Why was Alan reluctant to do it?

  5. What impression did Kate Ellery-Penn make on Alan? Describe Kate. Why did Alan change his mind about riding her horse?

  6. What did Kate tell Alan about her family and herself? What did she say about her Uncle George?

  7. How did she happen to become the owner of the horse?

  8. Why did Alan regret for the first time in his life that he was going to ride in a race?

  1. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:

to be discreet

no speculation

a cheerful, reliable person

considerable fortune

without unforgivable rudeness

I was lost before she spoke a word

Never set foot on the Turf

boarding school, finishing school

over-chaperoned tour of Europe

to fulfill Uncle George’s design

the most un-addicted person

I was relieved

Class three (Chapters 4 – 5)