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Chapter nine


  1. a retired sergeant-major – старшина в отставке

  2. a bull-terrier – бультерьер

  3. an Alsatian dog – Восточноевропейская овчарка

  4. the underlying edginess of the innkeeper – скрытая настороженность хозяина гостиницы

  5. Suddenly out of nowhere there floated into my mind a peach of an idea. – Неожиданно в голове мелькнула великолепная мысль

  6. I struck oil with a vengeance. – Я попал точно в цель

  7. regimental – полковой

  8. There’dbeacatch. – Что-то здесь не так.

  9. wetbehindtheears. – совершенно неопытный в таких делах

  10. IOU(Ioweyou) – (сокр.) долговая расписка

  11. We all club together. – Все скидываемся.

  12. It isn’t all plain sailing yet. – Еще не все благополучною

  1. Explain the following phrases:

  1. Protection against protection.

  2. So I said with a regrettable lack of caution, ‘Marconi-car.’

  3. They were a front for the protection racket.

  4. They might reckon that one death would bring everyone else to heel, though.

  5. ‘And you’re left holding the baby,’ said Kate, keeping her feet on the ground.

  1. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. ошибочно – p.48

  2. поставь под холодную воду из крана – p.58

  3. чистейший, без пятнышка – p.48

  4. сторожевая собака – p.49

  5. дикая догадка – p.49

  6. обрисовать в общих чертах – p.50

  7. подстроить несчастный случай – p.50

  8. разбить на мелкие куски – p.50

  9. сдаваться – p.50

  10. накладные расходы и налоги – p.50

  11. забрать деньги – p.51

  12. отбить у них охоту – p.51

  13. натренировать собаку – p.51

  14. изрезать ножом – p.52

  15. очень привязаны к друг другу – p.52

  16. он был лишен конца истории – p.53

  17. вылетело у меня из головы, совсем забыл – p.53

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of a pub was the Blue Duck? Describe the owner of the pub.

  2. Why did Kate have to enter the kitchen of the pub?

  3. What scared Alan when he tried to follow Kate?

  4. What ideas crossed his mind and what question did he ask with a regrettable lack of caution?

  5. What was the reaction of the innkeeper to this casual remark of Alan?

  6. Who saved the situation and how did she manage to do it?

  7. What did sergeant-major Tomkins tell Alan and Kate about the situation in the area and the role the Marconi-cars played?

  8. How did the owners of small businesses protect themselves against the Marconi-car racket?

  9. Why couldn’t the police help them? How were they made to pay ‘protection’ money?

  10. What did Kate tell her aunt and uncle about their adventures?

  11. How were the relations between Alan and Kate developing?

  1. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:


protection racket

collectors of protection money

to beat him up

to buy the pub dead cheap

to buy trouble

to be dead scared

to give evidence in court

We excused ourselves

We parted on the best of terms

on the doorstep

Class eight (chapters 10 – 11)

Chapter ten


  1. pigeon-holes – ящички бюро

  2. bettingtickets– талон о ставке на скачках

  3. schooling hurdles – учебные барьеры

  4. aRegencyterracehouse– дом в стилеXVIII-XIXвека, периода правления короля ГеоргаIV

  1. Explain the following phrases:

  1. English home cooking at its very plainest.

  2. Sleep produces the answers to puzzles in the most amazing way.

  1. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. разбирать, сортировать – p.54

  2. скрепленные в хронологическом порядке – p.54

  3. налог на наследство – p.55

  4. штаб-квартира, головной офис – p.55

  5. телефонный справочник – p.55

  6. суть тайны – p.55

  7. переделанный, перестроенный дом – p.55

  8. стоимость – p.55

  9. от имени сестры – p.55

  10. обращение, петиция – p.57

  11. записки с угрозами – p.57

  12. придти к заключению – p.57

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What sort of Bill’s personal belongings did Scilla keep? Why?

  2. What did Alan find among Bill’s papers? What did he keep?

  3. What gift did Scilla give Alan? Why?

  4. Why did Alan go to Brighton the next morning?

  5. What information did Alan manage to gain at the Marconi-car headquarter?

  6. Why did Alan in at the café opposite across the street? Did he like the food there?

  7. Who happened to sit next to him at the table?

  8. What did he learn from that middle-aged woman?

  9. What conclusions did he come to pondering on the information he had gathered in connection with Bill’s death?

  10. What idea occurred to him at night?

  1. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:

personal belongings


the notebook contained day-to-day expenses

I gave in on those terms

The door, marked Private


to have a clear view of the Marconi-car office

the neon sign flashed on and off

no one in authority

in the best of spirits

casual snatches of conversation