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Ex. 106 Fill in the gaps

Vary; devotes; various; devoted to (2); powerful; presented; power (2);

1. We are very pleased to have been ( ) with this prestigious award.

2. The details may ( ), but all these plans have the same basic goal.

3. I had always believed such an achievement was beyond my ( ).

4. He ( ) most of his time to his paintings.

5. They are seeking financial support from ( ) sources.

6. The majority of her adult life was ( ) the relief of suffering.

7. He has amazing ( ) of concentration.

8. Several pages of the paper were ( ) an account of the election.

9. Recent events are a ( ) argument for gun control.

EX.107 Replace the words in italics using Active vocabulary

1. The boy was thrown against the tree by the force of the blast.

2. There are different ways of solving this problem.

3. Few people are able to dedicate themselves fully to their careers.

4. Fees change with the size of the job.

5. You need strong muscles for this.

6. They loved each other throughout their marriage.

7. Some people believed he had the ability to perform miracles.

8. They give the prizes at the annual flower show.

Ex. 108 Study the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own

to devote to; to be celebrated for; to have smb in one`s power; to celebrate sth with a party; opinion on sth; to return to power; to be short of sth; to sponsor smb for sth; to be involved in sth; to take time off work; to be fed up doing sth; to make a mess of sth; to vary from place to place; at the weekend; to fill in the form; it`s generous/kind of smb to do sth; on one`s way out;

Ex. 109 Fill in the gaps with prepositions

1. He has devoted his life ( ) blind people.

2. Now I`ve got him ( ) my power, I can make him do anything I want.

3. Most ( ) our meetings were devoted ( ) discussing the housing problems.

4. We celebrated her birthday ( ) a party.

5. He is clever with computers. They present no problems ( ) him.

6. This country is celebrated ( ) its writers and poets.

7. The planning laws vary ( ) town ( ) town.

8. There has been snow today ( ) various parts ( ) the country.

9. The Progressive Party was returned ( ) power.

10. Opinions ( ) this matter vary.

11. The weather varied ( ) very cold ( ) mild.

12. ( ) various reasons I`d prefer not to meet him ( ) the weekend.

13. She promised to sponsor me ( ) the cycle ride. I am a bit short ( ) cash.

14. It is very generous ( ) you to fill ( ) the form here.

15. The power ( ) the governments has increased greatly ( ) the past century.

16. He is often asked ( ) present the medals ( ) important events.

17. Many people are involved ( ) work ( ) charity.

18. We are busy ( ) the moment and can`t take any time ( ) work.

19. ( ) Saturday he is doing a cycle ride ( ) London ( ) Brighton.

20. ( ) your way out ask Jane to make a cup ( ) tea.

21. I am fed ( ) doing her work all the time.

22. The have made a real mess ( ) these accounts.

EX.110 Translate into Russian

1. I don`t think we should devote any more time to this question.

2. All his life he has been devoted to football.

3. The rebels have seized power.

4. I am afraid it`s not in my power to help you.

5. Powerful nations sometimes try to control weaker ones.

6. Last year she presented the prizes at the annual flower show.

7. The security van that brings our wages always varies its route.

8. Various people said they`d seen the accident.

9. The products they sell are many and various.

10. When are the committee presenting their report?

EX.111 Translate into English

1. Если вы хотите, чтобы ребёнок был здоров, необходимо разнообразить его меню.

2. Он знаменитый писатель и его неоднократнонаграждалипремиями.

3. Они сделали всё возможное, чтобывручить медали .

4. По ряду соображениймы решилиподарить емуэту библиотеку.

5. Он не может посвятить себяодному делу. Его вкусы всё времяменяются.

6.Он в нашей власти. Я уверен, что он сделает всё, как мы ему скажем.

7. Существуют различные путирешения этой проблемы.

8. Я не думаю, что нам следует уделять вниманиеэтому вопросу.

9. Большинство наших собраний было посвящено проблемам с электричеством.

10. Всю свою жизнь он посвятилжене и детям.

11. Он последовал примерусвоего отца и полностьюпосвятил себя работе и карьере.

12. Комнаты отличаются по размеру, но во всех есть телевизор и телефон.

13. Когда он уходил на пенсию, директор преподнёсему золотые часы.

14. Какая партия сейчас у властив этой стране?

15. Он сделал всё возможное, чтобы утешить ребёнка.

16. Нам не под силуразнообразить методыработы, но мы можем больше внимания уделять нашим кадрам.

17. Цены меняются каждый месяц.

18. У него трудная, но интересная работа. Он много путешествует и встречается с разными людьми.

Informal questions/requests often use negative sentence + question tag.

After imperatives, we can use won't you? to invite people to do things, and will/would/

can/can't/could you? (informal) to tell or ask people to do things.

After a negative imperative we use will you? After Let's we use shall we?

You can't lend me £5, can you?

Give me a hand, will you?

Don't forget, will you?

Do sit down, won't you?

Shut up, can't you?

Let's have a party, shall we?

There is little chance, is there?

I am right, aren`t I?

Everybody is here, aren`t they?

Ex. 112 These are sentences from real conversations. Put in the question tags.


I'm cooking tonight, __?


We're going to Mum's, then, __?


Your brothers are not being kind to you today, __?


I'm not quite myself, __?


They weren't ready, __?


She's not a baby now. __ ?


That's the law, __?


He's a lovely little boy, __?


That fireman can see them, __ , Dave?


It'll be all right, __?


They look like big candles, __?


They won't have bulbs, __?


There's a light out there, __?


Cathy's still got curly hair, __?


She doesn't look well, __?


They've been really horrible, __?


I was first really, ?

Ex.113 Put in suitable tags.


Everybody's here, __?


She hardly spoke, __?


You're never happy, __?


Somebody's forgotten their coat, __?


There's no milk, __?


There's scarcely enough time, __?


Nothing matters, __?


You never wrote, _?


Nobody likes her, do __?

Ex.114 Complete the conversation with question tags from the box.

won't you are you aren't you can`t you сould we won't you haven't you

David: You're going to run in the marathon, (1) ………?

John: Yes. I have to get more sponsors though.

David: You can ask your company, (2)………?

John: Already have. They promised to double anything I raise.

David: That's generous. You've asked your friends, (3)………?

John: Most of them. Hey, we couldn't ask your parents, (4)………?

David: Why not? You'll ask your parents too, (5)………?

John: They haven't got much money.

David: Oh, come on! You're not asking for a fortune, (6)………?

John: No, that`s true. By the way, you`ll sponsor me,(7)………?

David: I might …if you`re nice to me.

Ex.115 Complete the conversation with question tags.

Adrian: So what's 'Sports Relief'? It's a charity, (1)………?

Brian: Yes. It raises money to run projects that use sports to help kids. You've heard about it though, (2)……….?

Adrian: Yeah, but not much. What 'll happen to the money? It goes to people in the UK, (3)………?

Brian: No, only 50% does. The other half goes overseas to projects in places like Africa or Asia.

Adrian: That's good. I imagine you've got lots of famous people involved. I guess you couldn't do this without celebrities, (4) ………?

Brian: No, no, that's not true. Of course we've got big names, but we couldn't do it without ordinary people. In 2004, 81,000 people raised $16.5 million!

Adrian: Wow! So you're going to run the marathon this year, (5) ………?

Brian: It only happens every two years. Hey, you could run it next year, (6) ………?

Adrian: Me? No way! I will watch it on TV though.

Ex.116 Complete each question with an appropriate question tag

1. You`ll be able to watch the children for half an hour while I fetch John from work, ?

2. “I hope you are not doing anything tonight. I`ve just booked tickets for the circus”. “Oh, there were tickets left,………?”

3. The Consul had been quite cooperative up to this point,………?

4. We needn`t register before the first talk,………?

5. Be a good girl and pop to the shops for me, ………? We`re completely out of cheese.

6. How can you think of marrying her? You`ve hardly known her five minutes,………?

7. Put some decent trousers on,………? They won`t let you in the restaurant in those old jeans.

8.”I`ll help you with your homework.” “Oh, you can do calculus,………, Dad?”

9. “Ryan didn`t go to work yesterday because he was ill.” “Oh, he was ill,………? I thought he was watching the football”.

EX.117 Translate into English

1. Эта партия пришла к власти в прошлом году, не так ли?

2. Он собирается посвятить всю жизнь искусству, да?

3. Мы восхищены его преданностью делу, не правда да?

4. Его настроение постоянно меняется, да?

5. Они только что подарили ей великолепную коллекцию марок, не так ли?

6 Она прославленный учёный, не правда ли?

7. Ей вручат эту медаль, правда?

8. Этого героя прославляли в песнях, не так ли?

9. Он может говорить на любую тему, не правда ли?

10.Давайте отпразднуем это событие, хорошо?

11. Я прав, не так ли?

12. Мы им не нравимся, не правда ли?

13. Она не опоздает, не так ли?

14. Давайте сходим сегодня куда-нибудь, хорошо?

15. Он сделал всё возможное, чтобы получить эту работу, не правда ли?

16. Они не смогут разнообразить программу, не так ли?

17. У вас нет машины, ведь так?

18. Давайте пойдём туда как можно скорее, хорошо?

19. Вы ведь меня не слушали, не правда ли?

тake and do are two verbs that many learners have problems with. If уоu remember that the basic meaning of тake is about producing something and the basic meaning of do is about performing an action, then the collocations оn this page mау seem more logical.




make arrangements for

The school саn make arrangements for pupils with special needs.

make а change /


The new manager is planning to make some changes.

make а choice

Jill had to make а choice between her саrееr and her family.

make а comment /


Would аnуоnе like to make аnу comments оn the talk?

make а contribution to

She made а useful contribution to the discussion.

make а decision

I'm glad it's уоu who has to make the decision, not mе.

make аn effort

Joe is really making аn effort with his maths this term.

make аn excuse

I'm too tired to go out tonight. Let's make аn excuse and stay at home.

make friends

Каrеn is vеrу good at making friends.

make аn iiiiiiiiiimprovement

Repainting the rооm has really made аn improvement.

make а mistake

They've made а mistake in оur bill.

make а phone call

I've got to make some phone calls before dinner.

make progress

Harriet is making progress with all her schoolwork.




do уоur best

All that matters in the ехаm is to do your best.

do damage

The storm did some damage to оur roof.

do аn experiment

We аrе doing аn experiment to test how the metal reacts with water.

do exercises

We'll do some exercises practising these collocations tomorrow.

do someone а good turn /

Scouts and guides аrе supposed to do someone а good turn еуегу day.

do someone а favour

do harm / good

Changing the rules mау do mоrе harm than good.

do уоur hair

No, I'm not ready. I haven't done my hair yet.

do уоur homework

Му son has to do his homework straight after school.

do the oning/shopping/

I'll do the washing if уоu do the ironing.

washing, etc.

do some work

We'll do some work оn оur project and then we'll go to the cinema.

do the accounts

Notice all the patterns that уоu саn see in these tables. For example, make a commeпt, тake aп excuse and тake a coпtributioп to a discussioп аrе all connected with saying things.

Noticing connections like this mау help уоu to rеmеmbеr the correct collocation.

Ex.118 Use а collocation with тake and а nоun instead of the underlined words in еасh of these conversations



Тhе bill says we've had three desserts. We only had two.


Тhе waiter must have bееn mistaken.



It's so difficult. Should I take the job or not?


I know it's difficult. But уоu have to decide оnе way or the other.



Саn уоu and Brian соmе to dinner оn Saturday?


Yes, we'll have to arrange to get а babysitter, but it should bе ОК.



Did уоu hear about the air traffic controllers' strike in the USA?


Yes. We had to change our travel itinerary because of it.



Сап I have chips aпd rice with mу 'lunch?


No, уоu hаvе to choose, chips or rice, but not both.



Do уоu intend to speak at the meeting?


Yes, I hоре I саn contribute to the debate.

Ex.119 Choose the correct collocation, do or тake.

1 Did the fire do / тake much damage to the factory?

2 I hate doiпg / тakiпg mу homework at the last minute.

3 Уоu must do / тake аn effort to work harder.

4 Did уоu do / тake аnу work at the weekend?

5 We are trying to do / тake improvements to the system for registering.

  1. Do уоu think it would do / тake аnу harm if I cut some leaves off this plant?

Ex 120 Complete the questions with the correct verb form of make or do.

  1. Who the most mess in your home?

  2. Have you ever a donation to charity?

  3. How often do you sport?

  4. Who usually the accounts in your home?

  5. Who was the last person who you a favour?

  6. What is the biggest mistake you have ever ?

  7. Who usually the shopping in your home?

Ex.121 Complete the conversation with the correct forms of make and do.

Simon: I'm going (1)……….a cup of coffee. Do you want to have a break?

Nicola: No thanks, darling. I have (2)………these accounts and email them by 3pm. But I`ve (3)………a mistake somewhere. It's driving me crazy!

Simon: Oh, poor you. I'm going (4)………some shopping and I'll (5)………a delicious dinner for the two of us tonight. OK?

Nicola: Oh, that would be lovely, but I can't really stop for dinner. I have some other work (6)………after this.

Simon: You should (7)………some sport and make some time for your family.

Nicola: OK, OK, you're right. If you're going out, could you (8)………me a favour and take this plant round to my mother?

Ex. 122 Complete the sentences with the correct form of тake оr do.

  1. I` d like to ……… an appointment to see the doctor.

  2. Why haven't you ……… the washing-up yet?

  3. If you aren't ……… anything this weekend, would you like to соmе round for dinner?

  1. What did he ……… at university? Was it Law?

  2. My father is too busy ……… mоnеy to enjoy himse1f.

  3. Don't ……… anу noise or you'll wake the children.

  4. She had to type the letter again because she had ……… so manу mistakes.

  5. She's happier now that she has ……… а few friends.

  6. You're very lucky that you don't have to……… military service in England.

Ex.123 Translate from Russian into English using either make or do.

1. Я сделаю все покупки после работы.

2. Если вы предоставите ему эту работу, вы сделаете ему большое одолжение.

3. Когда Билл окончил школу, ему пришлось выбирать между работой на фирме отца и учёбой.

4. Завод, на котором работает старший брат Джулии, делает телевизоры.

5. Сколько ошибок он сделал в контрольной работе?

6. Сначала она чувствовала себя одиноко, а потом подружилась с другими студентами. 7. Он принял решение согласиться на эту работу, так как там он сможет заработать много денег.

8. Она сама шьёт себе одежду.

9. Мы собираемся пойти за покупками. Хотите пойти с нами?

10. Простите меня, я не имел в виду ничего плохого.

11. Наводнение нанесло большой урон деревушке. Десятки жителей остались без крова.


with the nouns “schools”, ‘town”, “bed”, “hospital”, ‘train”, “lunch”, ‘church”

With all these words NO ARTICLE is used when the nouns lose the concrete meaning and express the purpose for which they serve.

to be at school/college / university

to go to school college/ university

to leave school college/ university

After I left school I went to university (as a student).

To go to bed

to be in bed

to stay in bed

It's time to go to bed.

Is Helen still in bed?

With prepositions to/in town

You can't go to town tomorrow. What are you going to do in town?

She spent 30 years in town, she isn't used to country life. (as opposed to the country)

to go to hospital

to be in hospital

Anna had an accident. She had to go to hospital. She is still in hospital now.

When the nouns denote concrete objects the articles are used in accordance to the general rules.

To go to the school (the building is meant)

to leave the school (to leave the building)

Mrs Smith went to the school to meet her daughter's teacher.

Excuse me, where is the college, please?

His father's photo was on the wall behind the bed.

There's a table, 6 chairs, a bed, and a wardrobe in the room.

I want to go to the town I was born in.

The whole town was talking about it.

When George was ill we went to the hospital to visit him. (as visitors, we mean a particular hospital)

Ex.124 Fill in the gaps with the correct article

  1. After ... breakfast he rose from ... table and lighted ... cigarette.

  2. When I got back ... breakfast was already on ... table and Ted had just started.

  3. They got ... table by ... window and Edward ordered ... excellent lunch.

  4. He called in for ... few minutes after ... breakfast on his way to pay visits round ... town.

  5. You agree to our taking her up to ... town and putting her under ... best care?

  6. And though he undressed and got into ... bed he could not sleep.

  7. « ... children are in ... bed», she said.

  8. But was it worth while going to ... bed when he had to be up again at five?

  9. Yes, he'd sit on ... bed beside him and watch him for ... hours.

  10. ... doctor wanted her to go to ... hospital, but she had refused in case Hilary should come.

  11. I looked at ... wall of ... hospital.

  12. I was fifteen and had just come back from ... school for ... summer holidays.

  13. .... public school will not be good for him. It is too rough.

  14. He had been in ... hospital five days.

  15. .And ... following day she phoned that she was coming to ... hospital to see him.

  16. I must get back to ... town after ... dinner.

  17. Will you go to Paris by ... plane or by ... train?

  18. There is no ... train service between here and Wales.

  19. At ... beginning of your journey you get onto ... train and at ... end of your journey you get off, get out of it, or alight from it.

  20. Will you give me ... lift to ... station I can miss ... 5 o 'clock train?

Ex. 125 Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Когда отходит поезд?

  2. Как я могу добраться до Венеции, поездом или на корабле?

  3. Я не поеду за город в эти выходные, много работы, останусь в городе.

  4. Почему я не могу дозвониться Ольге? Она в больнице. Ее можно навестить? Конечно, десятый автобус довезет тебя до больницы, выходи на пятой остановке.

  5. Ваши внуки учатся? Нет, они еще слишком малы.

  6. Почему ты еще в постели, уже 11 часов. Я больна. Доктор сказал, что нужно лежать в постели еще неделю.

  7. Я хочу пододвинуть свой стол к окну, там больше света.

  8. В нашей школе прекрасная библиотека, но теперь туда редко кто заходит, все пользуются компьютерами.