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I'm always out of breath.

My husband is out of work.

Ex.33 Work with your partner. Discuss how you would use out of with the words in the box






the question

Ex.34 Look at how these expressions are used in the sentences below. Try to work out what they mean.

  1. After the car accident we all thought she was going to die, but she is recovering and is now out of danger.

  2. I haven't taken any exercise for a long time, so I'm probably out of condition.

  3. I haven't read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I'm out of touch with recent developments.

  4. You must always put pills and medicines somewhere out of reach, such as on a high shelf, so that children can't get hold of them. They might think they are sweets and eat them.

  5. I'd like to go to the party, but I'm feeling out of sorts. I think it's better if I go to bed with a hot water bottle.

  6. At the moment an operation on his leg is out of the question. It is far too dangerous and probably wouldn't be a success anyway.

Ex. 35 Now think of your own sentences, using the expressions above.

Ex.36 How multi-word verbs work


I think you should try to cut down (on) the amount you smoke.

The particle down can be used with some verbs to give the idea of reducing something (decreasing in strength, size or intensity):

The radio is very loud. Can you turn it down, please?

Ex.37 Work with your partner. Say what you think the following multi-word verbs mean and give examples of when you would use them.

slow down

cool down

bring something down quieten down

calm down

die down

Ex.38 In the following sentences, the multi-word verbs are all mixed up. Correct them.

1. This soup is too hot to eat. I'll wait for it to slow down.

2. The government is trying to calm down the rate of inflation.

3. You are driving too fast. Please quieten down.

4. Don't get so angry! Just bring down.

5. Can you ask the children to die down? They are making so much noise I can't hear myself think!

6. The wind blew strongly for several hours but then it started to cool down.

Ex. 39 What is the difference between :

to pick up a disease and to go down with a disease?

to wake up and to come round?

to be worn out and to be run down?

Ex.40 Work with your partner. Practice telling the story of Mr. Brown. Use multi-word verbs and expressions from this unit.

Ex.41 Write the story of Mr. Brown. Use the following multi-word verbs and expressions.

out of condition

to put on (an amount of something)

to get through (an amount of something)

to cut something out

to cut down (on) (something)

to take something up

to be/go on a diet

to give something up

out of breath

to knock someone down

to come round

out of danger

Ex.42 Translate into English, using phrasal verbs and idioms

1. Врачи говорят, что мне необходимо перестать есть мясо. Но для меня это практически невозможно. (легче сказать, чем сделать)

2. Он долго не мог прийти в себя после потери сознания.

3. Доктор сказал, что я должен бросить курить, так как я себя очень плохо чувствую в последнее время.

4. Мой брат начал изучать историю ещё в школе.

5. Вы поздно ложитесь и рано встаёте. Боюсь, что к концу семестра вы будете совершенно вымотаны.

6. Он ничего не помнил, так как потерял сознание.

7. В последнее время она сильно пополнела. Ей следует меньше есть сладкого.

8. После поездки он заболел гриппом, но сейчас он совершенно здоров.

9. Путешествуя в Южной Америке, он заболел какой-то неизвестной болезнью. Но сейчас он вне опасности.

10. В данный момент он слишком истощён и не должен работать. Это даже не обсуждается.

11. У него ушло много времени, чтобы преодолеть шок.

12. Сейчас вы в плохом состоянии, но скоро поправитесь. Не принимайте всё так близко к сердцу.