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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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6. Rewrite the following affirmative sentences as negative ones. The new title of the text will be Ted Isn’t a Student.


Ted's teachers enjoy having him in class. He comes to class on time. He listens attentively to the instructor. He wants to learn. He passes all the tests. His work habits evidence his sincerity. He reads the assignments. He completes his homework every night. Ted listens to the laboratory tapes. He does extra work. He learns English rapidly. Other students emulate his example. Ted speaks only English on campus.

7. Write English translations of the following words and word combinations.

Педагогічна освіта, вивчення основного предмету, випускник, студент ден­ного відділення, студенти молодших (старших) курсів, лектор, практичне за­няття, факультативний, відвідувати заняття, проводити іспити, випускні іспити.

8. Insert prepositions where necessary. Practice reading the text.

Let me introduce myself you. I'm Pete. I study foreign languages the teachers' training college Kyiv. This is my first semester the college, and I'm my first year studies. We study English a very good teacher. Our classes start 8.30 the morning. We have two or three classes English, a lecture or a seminar a day. Yesterday we had a lecture Linguistics, a seminar Psychology and a class English Grammar. the end this semester we'll take our exam in English. If I pass it and get a good mark , I'll be very happy. our English classes we do a lot work: we read texts aloud to practice our pronunciation, listen the tapes and repeat the speaker, make dialogues and dramatize them, learn poems heart, write new words and expressions, translate English Ukrainian and English. our classes Grammar we listen the teacher (the instructor) who explains us new grammar rules, retell stories, both orally and writing and put questions the text. Sometimes we make dialogues this or that conversational topic. Every two weeks we write tests, and them we are to do error correction.

Now let me tell you a few words my groupmates. general, they are rather good English, because they all work hard their grammar and pronunciation. Lena is quite home grammar, she speaks English so fluently, that she is taken an English girl. The point is that she works the language day and night. She wants to have a good command

the language. As for Lucy, she often misses classes English conversation, that's why she is

very poor grammar. And pronunciation comes difficult her, as she doesn't attend the sound lab. As a result, she has far too many mistake's her dictations and tests and now she is lagging the group, I'm afraid it'll take Lucy a lot of time to catch the group. It's really no good when some students work fits and starts.

As my progress English, I can't say I'm very strong phonetics, but the whole English comes easy me. My favorite subject is Grammar, and I can pore books hours.

the way, Grammar is very popular our students, though it may seem strange you. Many

them have already made good progress spoken English, and I'm sure they won't fail the exams.

If you have any problems your studies, be it spelling or pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary, just try to read books the original, it is one the ways mastering and bettering a language. If you want to get a good knowledge English, you should move heaven and earth (try your best).

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