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V4. Translate into Russian:


1. A total number of people who are unemployed decreased slightly. 2. Land prices have increased dramatically during the last ten years. 3. Fuel prices rose by over 10 percent. 4. World demand for oil is rising steadily at around 2 percent a year. 5. We hope to double the number of experiments with this substance. 6. Many people are concerned about the enormous growth in the world population. 7. Something was clearly going wrong as the instruments showed a dramatic rise in the level of radioactivity. 8. The report estimates that up to 40,000 plants could die out if the population expands from 6 billion to 8 billion by 2020, as currently predicted. 9. They had to halve the number of experiments performed each week. 10. Small quantities of tin have increased the ultimate strength of the cast iron by as much as 10%.

V5. Read the example of a scatter graph description. Pick up words and expressions which might be of use for you.


Figure 6.9 The chronology of the sea-level over the past 18,000 years deduced from 14C dating of peat and the shells of shallow-water marine organisms. All locations are in shallow areas of the Earth's crust, where major earth movements have been negligible. Although there is a wide scatter in the data, the points define a trend for global sea-level change.


This scatter graph plots sea-level depth over time using data from 6 regions.

The horizontal axis is at the top and is labeled "years before present". It is marked in years from 0 to 20,000 at intervals of 1000 years.

The vertical axis is labeled "depth below present sea-level (m)" and is marked in meters from 0 to 100, at intervals of 10 meters.

The 6 locations are represented by different small symbols given in a key.

solid triangle = Texas

cross = Holland

solid dot = East Argentina

square = South-west Louisiana

open dot = Florida

open triangle= Sri Lanka

The general trend is an increase in depth as the past time increases. The increase is small in the recent past, up to 7,000 years ago at a depth of just over 10 meters then it increases more sharply to the lowest point marked at just under 18,000 years and 90 meters. The earliest data, from about 12,000 years and earlier is from Texas.

The trend is quite clear, although the band is wide, there are no data points in other areas of the graph.

An example of the wide scatter is shown in the Texas data, there are three points at about 45 meters over a spread of about 3,500 years. There are also three points at 13,000 years, two are at 60 meters, the other is at 70 meters.

V6. Write 5-7 sentences describing some trends in the field of your research. Unit 6

Improve your pronunciation:

P1. Find the words which contain sounds [t∫], [∫], [ ] or [d ] and read them properly:

Procedure, percentage, purchase, ensure, relationship, integer, digital, selection, objective, equation, oxygen, temperature, distribution, measurement, knowledge, suggest, project, approach, academician, conclusion, assumption, partial, century, advantage, subject, investigation, appreciate, manufacture, gadget, pressure, feature, usually, injection, major, usage, damage, special, substantial, negligible, biological, genetic, venture, erosion, efficiently.

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