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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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8.Answer the questions

  1. What is the polyclinic? What is its function?

  2. What can any patient do when he falls ill??

  3. How does the doctor carry on the examination?

  4. What do the doctors do in addition to the consulting hours?

  5. What do the sick persons receive?

  6. Who fills in a patient’s card?

  7. What does a physician write down in it?

  8. What will a nurse do if it is necessary?

9.Complete the sentences

  1. Many specialists …

  2. When the doctors go to the calls they …

  3. Sick patients …

  4. Any local physician knows …

  5. At the local polyclinic every patient …

  1. James is a young doctor. He’s got a job in a new far away town. James is writing a letter to hisclose friend Mary. Help him to complete the letter. Use the given words.

patients / medical institution / consulting hours / nurse / treat / examine / gives injections / complain / fill in / carries out / receive sick-leaves / follow a bed regimen / administer / condition / go out

« Hello, Mary!

It’s me, James. I am fine. I have a new flat and a new job in this far away town. I work as a doctor in the polyclinic. I have … … there. I have a definite number of … whom I … . Our polyclinic is a big … … in this region. Many doctors work together with me. My working day begins at 8.30. I have many patients a day. They come and … of their condition. I … the patients, … their patient’s cards, … the treatment. Ill patients … … . I tell my patients to … … … .

I work together with Kate. She is a … . She helps me very much. She … … to the patients and … … my administrations. Sometimes if it is necessary I … … to the calls to the patients whose …. is very bad. That’s the way my life goes on.

Yours, James.»

11.Speak about the polyclinic.


1. Student: Where do you buy medicines when you become ill? Read the verse and tell.

One busy student Halliwell

One day became very unwell.

He took a look for medicine

The latter one was absent.

He had no wish to be in ill

He made his mind to buy a pill.

In spite of wind and heavy mist

He made his way into the … !

Student: Do you often go to the chemist’s?

What do you usually buy there?

2. Study the new words. Translate the words into Russian

1.tablet for; 2.pill; 3.suppository; 4.globule; 5.ampule; 6.mixture; 7.infusion; 8.tincture

3. Study the new words. Find English equivalents for the given words

1. порошок drug 2.мазь cream

powder paste

sand ointment

flour agreement

3.раствор intuition 4.отвар hot milk

solution carnation

drink decoction

portion lotion

5.капли в нос eye drops 6. пипетка medicine box

chocolate drops medicine dropper

nasal drops medicine glass

drops of the dew medicine man

7. рыбий жир vegetable oil

animal oil

whale oil

cod-liver oil