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Внутренние болезни / Для лечебников / Методические пособия / ЛЕТНЯЯ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННАЯ ПРАКТИКА - англ..doc
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Federal Agency of Public Health Service and Social Development State Higher Professional Education Establishment Tver State Medical Academy

Faculty Therapy Department

Summer practical training for foreign students of the medical faculty as doctors’ assistants at an in-patient therapeutic department

Methodical instructions

Tver 2006

These methodical instructions have been made by: candidate of Medical Sciences, senior lecturer of faculty therapy department S.A. Sergeyev and Candidate of medical Sciences, senior lecturer V.A. Tkachev

Edited by Professor V.V. Chernin

The first edition.

The trans labion from Russian into English has been done by assistant of the Foreign and Labin languages departament Stroyanovskaya E.A.

This manual contains the tasks of practical training, information about the programme, organizational questions, students dubies while working at an in – patient department and ata polyclinic.

The manual includes vecommendations on students educational research work (ERW), keeping practice report documentation.

An approximate scheme of keeping a supervised patients diary is given.

The data given in the manual will help senior students to successfully cope with the tasks of practice.

Objectives of summer practical training

After finishing a 4-year course at the medical faculty, foreign students take summer training practice in therapy as doctors’ assistants at Tver hospitals or, in some cases, in their native countries.

Primary goals of the training are:

  1. Strengthening of knowledge acquired by the students during their educational training in clinics.

  2. Further perfection of practical skills during their work at a therapeutic department.

  3. Getting acquaintance with organization of therapeutic service and report documentation of the therapeutic department.

  4. Getting acquaintance with sanitary and epidemiologic working conditions of the department.

  5. Carrying out sanitary and educational work.

  6. Mastering the bases of deontology.

Organizational principles of the practical training

The student receives a direction to a clinical base in the department of practice. After his arrival at a base hospital the student should address to the head doctor who issues an edict of the temporary taking the student on the staff of the hospital.

The duration of practice in therapy is 12 working days.

The following distribution of time is provided.

  1. Work at a therapeutic in-patient department – 8 days.

  2. Work at a polyclinic – 4 days. If there is no polyclinic in a medical establishment the student works at the in-patient department for all 12 days.

  3. The student’s working day lasts 6 hours and is spent according to the daily regime of the medical establishment. Saturday is included.