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I am seventeen. - I was born in 1995 in Bugulma.

We are students of the Volga Region Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. – We were happy and friendly.

Exercise 1. Tell your fellow students about yourself using the following questions.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you? (What is your age?)

3. Where were you born?

4. What are you? (What do you do?)

5. Where do you study?

6. What course do you study on?

7. What subjects do you study?

8. Is your family large?

9. What are your parents? (What do your parents do?)

10. What is your mother (father, sister, brother)?

11. How old are your parents?

12. Do your parents have much in common?

13. Do you have any sisters or brothers?

14. How old is your sister (brother)?


1900 (nineteen hundred) - 1900 год

1987 (nineteen eighty seven) – 1987 год

in the year of 2000 (in the year of two thousand ) - в 2000 году

2003 – two thousand and three OR twenty oh three

Exercise 2. Find out mistakes in this letter.

I called Sasha Frieda. I am manager. I have 25 years and I am living in Kazan. I am born in Bogulma. My nationality is Tatar. I am the responsible. I work in the company “Vamin”. You have a large plant and much offices. My hairs are fair and I am very big. I like swim and play tennis.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following Curriculum Vitae.

Exercise 4. Find out any English words about family, personal data and occupation.


Exercise 5. Write the following composition “About myself”.

Exercise 6. Make up your own Curriculum Vitae.

Unit 3. Volga State Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Topical vocabulary

1. establish – основывать, создавать, учреждать

2. heritage – наследство, наследие

3. set – набор, комплект

4. coach – инструктор, тренер

5. rehabilitation – реабилитация, восстановление здоровья

6. event – событие, соревнование по определенному виду спорта

7. complex – комплекс, совокупность, сложный, составной

8. facilities – возможности, благоприятные условия, оборудование

facilities for studyблагоприятные условия для учебы

athletic facilitiesспортивные сооружения

mechanical facilities – технические приспособления

9. existing - существующий

10. artificial – искусственный

11. running track – беговая дорожка

12. agreement – договор, соглашение

13. several - несколько

14. graduate - выпускник

15. outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый

16. participant - участник

17. forward - нападающий

18. in addition – в дополнение, кроме того

Introductory text

Volga State Academy of the Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism was established by the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation in July 2010 as part of the concept of heritage XXVII World Summer Student Games.

The first set of students in the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism was held in Kazan in 2011. There are 1702 students at the Academy.

The Academy prepares specialists on areas of "physical culture", "adaptive physical education," "Tourism", "service", "Hotel service" and "management". Here are preparing physical education teachers, coaches of the sport schools, gymnastics instructors and staff fitness and rehabilitation centers, sports managers, the organizers of mass physical culture and sports events, experts in the field of tourism and service.

The material-technical base of the Academy is one of the best in Russia. Since the beginning of 2012-2013 academic year, Volga Region Academy will be located within the walls of teaching and laboratory building (the International Information Centre), which was built in preparation for the Universiade 2013. This is a very modern and technically complex building with an area of about 52 thousand square meters.

Educational and training process includes sports facilities of the Academy - the Kazan Academy of Tennis, swimming pool, and the sports complex "Zilant." In addition to these existing facilities, Volga Region Academy of Sport and Tourism will take the multi-functional stadium with artificial field and running track, gymnastics center and the Palace of Water Sports.

On the initiative of the Volga State Academy of Sports and Tourism last year, all 14 athletic higher schools in Russia have signed a memorandum of cooperation. The Academy had the agreement on cooperation with several foreign universities: two universities in the UK - East London and Central Lancashire, University of the Serbian city of Novi Sad, with the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, University of Tartu and the University of Georgia (USA). In addition, the Volga Region Academy became a full member of the International Association of Universities of physical culture and sports. The Academy actively practiced lectures by foreign experts.

There are many outstanding athletes among the graduates of the Volga State Academy: Olympic champion Gulnara Galkina-Samitova, three-time champion of Russia, St Petersburg forward of "Zenit" Alexander Bukharov, master of sports of international class marathon, participant of Olympic Games in Atlanta Firaya Sultanova -Zhdanova, world-class athlete in swimming - European Champion, a participant of the Olympic Games in Athens, Alexander Zatsepin, winner of the Universiade in Shenzhen Gennady Muratov and many others.

Exercise 1. Comprehension questions.

  1. Where do you study?

  2. What are you now?

  3. When was Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism established?

  4. What subjects do you study?

  5. How many students are there at the Academy?

  6. What specialists do Academy prepare?

  7. How do the students spend their free time?

  8. What do you think is necessary to become a successful tourist manager?

  9. Do you go in for sport?

  10. Where can you read books, text-books and magazines?