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Методичка Ермаковой И. В. к Keep Up_2015.docx
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Lesson 5

  1. Fill in the missing words:

to propose / to offer / to suggest

  1. A year has passed since Nick … to Kelly and she still hasn’t given him any answer. 2. I … we put off considering this question until the Senator arrives. 3. I … you put an end to this affair. He is no match for you. 4. He … to give her a lift. 5. The Father … that they should celebrate Mother’s Day out of town. 6. Two projects were … for consideration.

to trouble / to worry / to be anxious / to be concerned

  1. Most parents are … about their children’s future. 2. May I .. you for a moment? 3. She was too … to get the first prize. 4. Don’t … about it, you’ll be all right. 5. Queen Elizabeth is … about some of the Prime Minister’s actions. 6. What .. her is that her son has taken to drugs. 7. There’s nothing to … about.

sense / feeling / sensation

  1. He could sense the general … of discontent among his listeners. He wondered about the reason. 2. A … of injury persisted, though if asked to explain he would have hardly been able to put it into words. 3. She tried to rise, but she couldn’t. There was a funny … in her legs as if they weren’t quite her own. 4. He had a … about the place, it was as if he belonged there. 5. As she watched her son take his seat among the other boys in the bus she was overwhelmed by a … of loss, it was as if she would never be seeing him again. 6. To sit in the warmth of the camp fire was a very pleasant … .

  1. Translate into English using “mean.

  1. Что означает это слово? 2. У меня и в мыслях не было обидеть его. 3. Я нисколько не сомневаюсь в том, что она это сделала из самых добрых побуждений. 4. Когда он говорил о цветах, он имел в виду розы. 5. Что это значит? Как вы могли позвонить им так поздно? 6. Для него эта дружба значила очень много. 7. Я и не собирался приходить на вечер, всё это получилось случайно. 8. Какой чудесный альбом! Неужели он для меня? 9. Он не шутил. Он подразумевал именно то, что сказал. 10. Её мнение для меня очень существенно. 11. Как ни странно, но его слово здесь действительно ничего не значит.

3. Study the italicized words, discriminate between the shades of difference in their usage or in their meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. 1. You mustn’t disturb a person when he’s sleeping. 2. The loud cries from the street disturbed his train of thoughts. 3. She’s always worrying. She never has a moment of peace. 4. Don’t worry! Everything will be all right in the end. 5. He kept worrying about the outcome of the game. 6. I was sorry to trouble him about such a minor affair but there didn’t seem to be any other way out. 7. You needn’t bother your head about such things. 8. They were bothered by mosquitoes. 9. For once he didn’t bother to think of an excuse.

  2. 1. The island was yet to be explored. 2. It was his task to explore the possibilities of the invention. 3. The case was investigated by the police. 4. The doctor examined the patient carefully. 5. The matter was examined from every possible angle.