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Методичка Ермаковой И. В. к Keep Up_2015.docx
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Lesson 7

  1. Study the phrases with “time”. Use them in sentences of your own.

  1. He took his time over the answer. He was afraid to say the wrong thing. 2. I didn’t get to the station in time to catch the six o’clock train.

3. You’ll forget about it in time. 4. The trouble with names has put me in difficulties from time to time. 5. He was all the time waiting for something to happen. 6. The doctor encouraged his patient, though all the time he knew there was hardly any hope for her. 7. Now that you mention her name, I know who she is, though I didn’t recognize her at the time. 8. The boy was very slow in answering my questions. He must have been playing for time. 9. At times she would be inattentive and forgetful. 10. I should advise you to leave things as they are for the time being. 11. The plane arrived on time.

12. We were to enter the room one at a time.

  1. Translate the following into English using “time” or phrases with “time.

  1. Не торопись с ответом, обдумай все как следует. 2. Сейчас не время говорить об этом. 3. У него нет ни минуты свободного времени. 4. Он все схватывает очень быстро. Ему достаточно сказать что-нибудь один раз. 5. Когда вы, наконец, научитесь приходить вовремя? 6. Он один шел не в ногу. 7. Дети хлопали в такт музыке. 8. Время от времени я беру книги из его библиотеки. 9. Сейчас как раз самое время пересадить цветы в почву. 10. Хватит топтаться на месте! 11. Всех этих вещей хватит не только на мой век, но и на век моих детей.

12. Прошлый раз я тебе забыла передать приглашение от Ивановых провести воскресенье у них на даче. 13. Когда вы в последний раз обсуждали эту проблему? Я надеюсь, что она была полностью решена и нам уже не придется к ней возвращаться. 14. Время не ждет. Нельзя ли побыстрей?

3. Study the italicized words, discriminate between the shades of difference in their usage or in their meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian.

A. 1. She made no special effort to entertain her guests but they seemed to be happy enough. 2. The story amused us greatly. 3. He was charmed by the house, the beautiful garden and, above all, by the landlady, a comely old woman with a delightful sense of humour. 4. There was no pleasing the woman.

B. 1. He said he would have a snack in town. 2. We invited our neighbour to take potluck with us. 3. If you want to stay healthy, you must take your meals regularly. 4. She’d only had a bite earlier in the day and now she felt terribly hungry. 5. The repast over, the ladies rose to go to the drawing-room. 6. There would be no dinner, only refreshment at the party.

C. 1. The party trudged along in the heavy snow. 2. He walked up the street with a brisk jaunty step. 3. I could hear him pacing up and down the room. 4. The boy sauntered up, his hands in his pockets, his head cocked on one side. 5. He stalked out in a passion. 6. They strolled with the other holiday-makers along the embankment. 7. He strutted about proud as a peacock.

D. 1. As the English put it, enough is as good as a feast. 2. A person whose needs are satisfied has enough, but when his needs are supplied he has sufficient. 3. Three meals a day are sufficient, but not enough for some people.