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PART I(1).doc
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  1. Are the following statements true (t) or false (f):

  1. The Shamrock designers drew their inspiration from the US cars.

  2. The Shamrock production started with a few design drawbacks.

  3. V-shaped tailfin was responsible for Simca’s navigation.

  4. The Haflinger was not concentrated on off-road ability at all.

  5. It didn’t have any options in design till the end of manufacture.

  1. Make sure that you know how to pronounce and translate these word combinations:

Fiberglass-bodied car, ladder-frame chassis, front and rear overhangs, removable hardtop, concept car, V-shaped tailfin, untried technology, to be created with regard for passenger, military field cars.

  1. Match English words and combinations with their equivalents in Ukrainian:

  1. headlight

  1. трансмісія

  1. transmission system

  2. contemporary

  3. wheelbase

  1. основний агрегат (вузол)

  2. колісна база

  3. сучасний

  1. steering mechanism

  1. передня фара

  1. major unit

  2. road surface

  3. off-road abilities

  1. рульовий механізм

  2. покриття дороги

  3. поза шляхові можливості

  1. windscreen

  1. вітрове скло

  1. handbrake

  1. ручне гальмо

  1. Translate these sentences. Find the Infinitive in them.

  1. We had to stop to fill up the car.

  2. He demanded to be told everything about the accident.

  3. Drivers do their best to reduce the car body wear.

  4. To protect the surface from heat and cold it was covered with special substance.

  5. The new motor car was to be tested last spring.

  6. There is no car in the showroom to speak of.

  7. The branches of industry to be developed are interior and exterior design.

  8. The problem to be discussed is connected with the oiling system.

  9. This method is not good enough to be used at design engineering.

  10. Where is the car to be repaired?

  11. To transmit the power of the engine to the road wheels is the purpose of the transmission system.

  12. The vehicle fails to accelerate properly when the accelerator pedal is depressed.

  13. The internal combustion engine to be installed in this car is of a new design and very powerful.

  14. To simplify the operating sequence, we will assume that our engine has only one cylinder.

  15. The suspension system has to include shock absorbers.

  1. A local newspaper has asked its readers to write articles entitled “How can we make our planet a safer place?” or “How can we reduce air pollution levels in our cities?” to be published in the newspaper. Pay attention to the following:

  • There are a lot of sources of pollution (dumps, waste, manufacturing).

  • Much pollution is caused by things that benefit people and a result of rapid advances in technology (cars, refrigerators; greenhouse effect, holes in ozone layer, ice melting, flooding, dangerous diseases).

  • Automobile engine harms our environment (exhaust gases).

  • There are different approaches that can be used to control pollution (to reduce, to lessen, to enforce, recycling, …).

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