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PART I(1).doc
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  1. Answer these questions:

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Smart?

  2. In which countries do you think small cars are most successful?

  3. Do you think small cars will become more popular in the future? Why?

  1. Complete the table:

The exterior

The interior

Bonnet, front bumper, …

Air vent, car seat (headrest), …

Airbag, speedometer, headlight, petrol cap or flap, sunroof, sill, ashtray, wheel arch, cigarette lighter, dashboard, wheel trim, logo, windscreen wiper, wing, aerial, boot, gearstick, number plate, glove compartment, glove compartment, rear window, handbrake, horn, ignition, wing mirror, rear-view mirror, seat belt, rear light, steering wheel, sun visor, engine oil temperature gauge, fuel gauge.

  1. Read “The Mini Story”. Which three paragraphs are from the same article and which one is from a fashion magazine? Put the paragraphs from the article in the correct order.


There are 2,500 employees at the plant and the working environment is good. The car assembly line is designed ergonomically to be easy in use and comfortable for the operators. The car is raised, lowered and turned through 90 degrees so the workers can do their jobs easily. Old-fashioned, noisy, compressed-air tools have been replaced with more accurate electric tools.


The first Mini was made in 1959 and since then over five million people have owned one. BMW, a German car manufacturer, now owns the Mini and the newest model is being manufactured in England.


During the 1990s approximately £500 million was spent to change an old Oxford car factory into a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant. It now produces around 1000,000 Minis a year.


In Britain in the 1960s the only really cool car was the Mini. Everybody wanted one. It starred in advertisement and films and was as famous as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Anyone who was young and rich, famous and fashionable had to be photographed sitting on, in or just near one. And those who were poor and unknown wanted one too. They were small and cheap and suited free generation.

  1. Answer these questions:

  1. When was the first Mini made?

  2. Why is the Mini factory in Oxford so special?

  3. How many new Minis are made each year?

  4. How many people work at the Mini factory?

  5. Why is the new factory better for the workers?

  1. Read and discuss the following passage. What do you know about traffic rules of our country? Do you obey them?

If you have heard that driving in central London is difficult, just wait till try to find somewhere to park. Of course, it would be a little bit easier for you to park if you have Smart or Mini. But there is one more problem, except spare room for parking. If you park illegally or run over time on your parking-meter, you will get a parking ticket on your windscreen, demanding a fine. Even worse, your car may be immobilized by a wheel-clamp; follow the instructions to the Payment Center, where you must pay 38 pounds to get the clamp removed, plus a parking fine. You may have to wait several hours to recover your vehicle. For serious parking offences, vehicles may be towed away and impounded. To retrieve your vehicle you have to go to a Payment Centre and pay a 105 tow-away fee and 12 storage for each day your car has been kept in the pound.

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