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PART I(1).doc
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  1. Some designers are discussing the constraints they work under. Read their comments and match them to the constraints:

Technical requirements, ergonomics, fuel consumption, laws, customer demands, brand identity, recycling, production requirements.

  1. I can’t design any grill I want – it has to look the same on all our cars so people will recognize the brand.

  2. I have to make sure that attractive seats are also comfortable and customers have enough legroom.

  3. I have to take safety regulations into account, so I can’t put a big metal part on the bonnet which may injure pedestrians.

  4. I have to take the size of the engine and other technical parts into account.

  5. I can’t use any material I want, no matter how attractive. I have to know if we can use it again.

  6. The car has to be as streamlined as possible, so it doesn’t need so much fuel.

  7. If the customers want cup holders inside the car, I have to put them in.

  8. Sometimes I think of a really great shape for the bonnet and the production guys tell me the metal can’t be formed like that.

  1. Find one adjective in each group and make up sentences with them:

  1. Foreigner, faster, designer 4. Larger, dinner, summer

  2. Better, farmer, paper 5. Word, worse, world

  3. Water, corner, higher 6. Daughter, shorter, letter

  1. Put adjectives into the correct form (Degrees of Comparison).

  1. The …… (long) I think of this car, the …… (much) I like it.

  2. It is …… (good) to get there by the underground than by bus.

  3. Automotive design is …… (interesting) subject at our university.

  4. The …… (short) the lever, the …… (great) effort you need to lift the weight.

  5. He is …… (good) student in our group. He managed to enter this university without any difficulty and passes all his exams easily.

  6. The bus system is …… (reliable) in London than in Kyiv and the streets are …… (clean).

  7. A design goal may range from solving …… (little) significant individual problem of …… (small) element to …… (influential) goals.

  8. To achieve …… (elegant) and stylish look, a designer uses …… (expensive) materials.

  9. Is this brand as …… (famous) as that one?

  10. Do you have …… (much) or …… (little) free time now than you had last year? What is …… (interesting) thing that you like to do?

  1. Is the design of a product important to you? What are the three products you could not live without? What do you think is the best innovation of the 21st century? What products, to your mind, will designers develop in the next ten years? Are artistic people different from other people? Who do you respect more – artists or scientists?

  1. Make up a story of your own to agree or disagree with one of the English proverbs. Try to find the Ukrainian equivalents to them:

  • Better ask than go astray;

  • The less haste, the more speed;

  • Better late than never, but better never late;

  • There are more ways to the wood than one;

  • He laughs best who laughs last.

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