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5. Puss in Boots

1. This is the true story of Jim and Rita Bell, and their cat, Whiskers. Look at the

pictures and the verb phrases in the boxes below. Which words go with which

pictures? Write the picture number next to the verbs.

Past Simple

  • crash into

  • caught fire

  • arrived

  • pulled them out

  • ran away

  • knitted

  • heard

  • woke

  • crept

  • wore

  • leapt up

Past Continuous

  • were driving

  • was miaowing

  • was carrying

  • the noise was coming from

  • was lying awake

  • were bleeding

Past Perfect

  • had just waved

  • had raced back

  • hadn’t found

  • had found his way

Past Continuous

  • had been staying

  • had been dreaming

  • had been walknig

2. Complete the story about Jim and Rita Bell using the correct verb phrases from

the boxes above.

Puss in boots

Jim, Rita, and their cat, Whiskers (a) ___________home to London. They (b)____________ with their best friends Bob and Sue, in Edinburgh, and (c) ____________ them goodbye. 700 kilometres of motorway lay ahead. Whiskers was not happy. He (d) ____________ in

his basket on the back seat. 'Poor Whiskers!' said Rita. 'Sh! Whiskers!' said Jim, 'I can't concentrate.' Suddenly there was a big bang, and Jim and Rita's car (e) ____________ the car in front and (f) ____________. Fortunately, the police (g) ____________ on the scene very soon and (h) ____________ of the car. However, poor Whiskers was left behind. Rita was distraught, and before the policeman could stop her, she (i) ____________ to the burning car to save him. She (j) ____________Whiskers to safety in her arms, when suddenly there was a huge explosion. The cat (k) ____________into the air and (1) ____________. After an hour of fruitless search they still (m) ____________ him, so with heavy hearts they set off again for home.

About two months passed. It was two o'clock in the morning and Rita (n) ____________ in her bed in London. She (o) ____________ about Whiskers. Suddenly she (p) ____________ a strange scratching sound. Thinking it might be

burglars, she (q) ____________Jim up and quietly they (r) ____________ downstairs. They couldn't tell where (s) ____________. Then Jim opened the front door and, to their amazement, there was Whiskers! He (t) ____________ for over 60 days, and incredibly he (u) ____________ home. He was exhausted and his paws (v) ____________, so Rita (w) ____________him some woollen, baby bootees, which he (x) ____________ until his feet were better. So from then on he was called 'Puss in Boots'.

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