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Decheva S. V., Maguidova I. M. Learning to Comm....doc
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4.3.10. How can the following words be divided into groups according to the stressed vowel?

English evolution

agree history

also sports

feeling these

do holiday

confidence seaside

marked last

country formation

easily army

wander least

bring repercussion

art means

music system

often course

Britain water_______


4.3.11. Explain the difference in length between the stressed vowels of the following words in the text (boxes 1 and 2).

1 2

agree — egoism — belief led — less

sea — means — equally tended — separate

sea —these —least have —fact

so — only — social landscape — pattern

no — home — growth have — aspects

no — known — moat urge — earth

also — home — both world — earth

Calais —made —make ________

cliche — trade — great

Why is it that box 2 includes only two members in each case of the confrontation, whereas box 1 includes three?


4.4. Words and Word-Combinations

4.4.1. Explain the meanings of the words below in which they occur in the text (use the Explanatory Dictionary for this purpose).

tend preoccupation

national evolution

self-confidence informal

intolerance relaxed

(outsiders domestic

ostentatious feeling

property inventor

appearance explorer

illustrate determine

urge decisive

wander insularity

4.4.2. Explain the meaning of the following elements of the text (use Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary for this purpose):

intolerance of outsiders;

ostentatious wealth;

social mobility;

a microcosm of the world;

the rise of spectator sports;

competition was less important than enjoyment;

the cultural moat.

4.4.3. Comment on the following elements of the text (use Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture, the Encyclopedia Britannica, "Великобритания: страноведческий словарь" for this purpose):

the Reformation;

the Empire;

the growth of a navy at the expense of an army;

the 'insularity' of English art and English music.


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