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Decheva S. V., Maguidova I. M. Learning to Comm....doc
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5.1.1. See Video-Target 3.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about? Formulate the main idea of the text in a few words.

2. What is meant by 'industrial expansion' and how, according to the speaker, does it relate to the concept of progress in the modern world?

3. Why does the speaker say that Hong Kong owes its present environmental problems to its success?

4. Do you agree with those who think that 'big' is 'beautiful', that 'progress' is the same thing as 'growth'?

5.1.2. See Video-Target 3 once more with the help of the text below:

Last year I went to Hong Kong. There are few places where you can see more clearly how man is stepping up the pressure on the natural world. The city has a difficult political future, but its present environmental problems arise from its success. Hong Kong is what most other cities of the developing Far East would like to be. A potent vision of what Western style of industrialization can offer has been terribly seductive all over the world. For people in the Far East Hong Kong has been a magnet, since it was founded as a colony by.the British in the early 19-th century. Nearly six million people live here: about twenty one thousand people to every square kilometer — the highest density in the world, the most crowded place in history.

The people who live here would count themselves among the most fortunate in Asia. About half the world lives in poverty; half the people of the Earth — and there are over five billion of us — can't even obtain clean water.

I suppose this must be one of the most famous views in the world — Hong Kong from the waterway, which separates it from Kowloon and the Chinese mainland. The great towers are a pretty good symbol of the impact made on this corner of the Far East by capitalism — an economic system evolved in the West. Looking at the City, who could deny the triumphs of capitalism? In a few years Hong Kong is to become part of a country, whose ancient culture is now dominated by communism — another system with its origins in the West. Both ideologies, though usually considered irreconcilable, have some things very much in common. Both believe in unlimited industrial expansion — that the proper goals of mankind are material ones, and that these can be achieved through science and technology; and (though some in the West are finding it prudent to qualify this nowadays) that the Earth resources are there to be exploited and put to use, that big is beautiful, that progress is the same thing as growth.

5.1.3. Translate the text into Russian with the help of the dictionary.

5.1.4. Listen to the pragmaphonetic variant of Video-Target 3, where some of the most important aspects are specially brought out and pragmalingulstically modelled:

1) the energetic articulation of stressed syllables (especially the closed ones)

2) the intensification of consonants as part of English syllabification;

3) the exaggerated stress-timed rhythmical pattern;

4) the greater clarity of pitch-movement within the Descending Scale contour and before pauses (against the general background of slowed down tempo);

5) the greater resonance of enunciation.

— 5.2. Syllables. Stress. Rhythm. Prosody —

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