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14 Complete the sentences with the underlined words from the text. Suggest synonyms for them or explain them.

  1. In British fashion, few _________________ as Harold Tillman.

  2. The achievements of the Knight School all ____________ the people around them: without a wider community base of support, it cannot work.

  3. The writer to be funny for funny’s sake, but lets the laughs ___________ the clash of personalities and perspectives.

  4. The France forward is aware that his future at Manchester United will ____________ talks next week.

  5. The Maxwell scandal, when thousands lost their pensions, still _____________ in people’s minds.

  6. In his new book “The Fruits of War”, Michael White shows that the best of humanity often ________________ the worst.

  7. In my childhood nothing _____________ than my brother’s presence — or in a strange way, the lack of it.

  8. ...future of Mr Obama’s presidency __________ the by-election because if the Democrats.

  9. His social problems ______________ with heavy drinking.

  10. The extraordinary fount (=a spring) of economic activity doesn’t spring from thin air. It _______________ the genius of individuals who received high-quality education.

  11. Most of us expect our earnings to increase in the future. Promotions, headhunters and pay rises ______________ in our financial plans.

15 Match adjectives with appropriate nouns.







actor, plan, background, services, district, origins, proposition, town, man, lawyer, apology, island, solution, residential quarters, flat, way of doing, politician, affair

16 What are the implications of the following sentences. Translate underlined phrases.

  1. The urban core itself is downsizing.

  2. This trend is the result of seismic shifts

  3. He puts the tipping point at about 6 million people

  4. …whether a community has the wherewithal to exploit the forces pushing people and busi­nesses out of the megacities.

  5. … making once rural areas … viable dormitories for workers employed in New York.

  6. Another growth driver for Second Cities is the decentralization of work …

  7. The democratization of the good life means that …

  8. … they're morphing from cheap labor to a new middle class…

17 summarizing.

Sum up the Causes of the emergence of the Second Cities:



