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9 Complete the sentences, summing and paraphrasing the information in the text.

  1. Prehistoric exploration often resulted from ……………………………………. .

  2. Exploration in the Middle East appears to have been caused by ………………. .

  3. Polynesian exploration was encouraged by …………………………………….. .

  4. Sea exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries was helped by ………………….. .

  5. Viking travellers illustrate a change from ………………………………………. .

  6. The Vikings of North America showed a misunderstanding of .………………… .

  7. Marco Polo's travels encouraged ……………………………………………… .

  8. For perhaps the first time, many explorers of the 15th and 16th centuries were interested jn ……………………………….. .

  9. The 18th century saw an interest in ……………………………… .

  10. Many 18th century voyages were intended …………………………….. .

  11. A newly significant factor in 20th century exploration was ……………………. .

10 Define six factors in European exploration of 15th and 16th centuries. Start with

  • desire to find ………………………………….

  • need for states to ……………………………………..

  • necessity to provide food for ………………………………….

  • increasing specialisation of ………………………………

  • necessity for raw materials ……………………………

  • need for various spices ………………………………….

11 What three reasons for exploring space are mentioned by the writer?

  • It is natural for us to do so.

  • We may find new sources of food.

  • It will help us to prevent earthquakes.

  • It has side-effects that improve the quality of our lives.

  • It may enable us to find alternative homes.

  • We will discover whether other planets are inhabited.

12 Write the summary “Reasons for exploring space” following the suggested structure (about 100 words)

One reason for exploring space is…………………………….. . Exploration will allow us to ……………………………. . It is possible that ……………………………... Further, exploration might …………………………………... It will make it possible for us to ………………………………….. .


  • Write the Project on ONE of the following topics and present it in class.


  1. A scientific breakthrough, an invention or a discovery that has revolutionised the way we live (both positive and negative consequences of it).

  2. Current scientific research that is likely to affect our life in the near future.

  3. Scientific research and governmental control over it: is science subject to tighter public control?

  4. The first cloned sheep - Dolly (1997) cloning a human: Should we do this, and Can we? Ethical and moral sides of this issue.

  5. Nanotechnology: a fake or panacea?

  6. The way science fiction films portray human cloning: issues raised and discussed.

  7. Curious inventions in Guiness Book of World Records. Their practical value.

  • (!) Make sure of the reasonable combination of theory and examples& illustrations.

  • Arrange the information in the written form.

  • Read again some useful general information given in UNIT 1 Part 2 which enables you to make a good presentation.